A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


GREETINGS! Welcome back to F.A.F.B.S.  Closing the lesson written on; “Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love.” I hope and pray that everyone had a wonderful day as in everyday of our lives are days of Thanksgiving in Jesus Christ Almighty. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear God Almighty Thank You, for Your Word that is the miracle to heal and deliver; it is Your Word God that moves mountains, and the Word of God works with my faith and love; for God’s knowledge of Jesus’ Blood that touches in agreement with all that I am in God Almighty. I am grateful that nothing can separate us from God’s Love.  A`-men and A`-men!


We have entered into a season of healing! So much so that people of True Faith are going to witness to a multitude of many that has not yet come into the spiritual faith of believing in the “Power and Authority” of God’s Word and Life of His Spirit.

There are many, many people that are in fear of spiritual death, and they’re not sure about their tomorrow, or their today. So many son’s and daughter’s are dying senseless deaths; spiritual and natural, do to dark ugly spirits of hellish ways that gives way to hellish attitudes and behavior; that causes their spirit man to feel broken and separated from God’s Love.

Paul says in the NLT Bible in v.39 of Romans 8 that “Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” You can find security spoken in this verse as in all the other verses of Romans 8 as well.

God does not want us to worry about our tomorrows, for our tomorrows will take of themselves. All your called to do is show up with your heart and soul filled with a FAITH that is for and in GOD ONLY!! Just believe in HIS WORD! PRAY THE WORD OF GOD and do not wavier HE WILL show HIMSELF Mighty and Strong.


I now claim that power of the blood in every way that the victory of the cross brings over all satanic forces in my life, and the lives of all my love ones.   I cover myself and my family with the blood of Jesus Christ and claim the protection of the blood for my life and the life of my family, our finances, our home, our spirit-man, our soul, and body. A`-men and A`-men!  People of God it’s time you surrender yourself completely in every area of your life to God. Take a stand now against all the workings of the devil that would try and hinder you and your family from best serving our God Almighty in Jesus’ Name.

I bring the blood of Jesus Christ between the devil and your family, your home, your finances, your spirit-man your soul, your body, and I declare, therefore, that Satan and his wicked spirits are subject to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I pray that in the name of God (Jesus) you and your family are freed up long enough to make a sensible and moral decision to choose to love and forgive one another, and to accept Jesus Christ as Lord (God) over your lives today; all because “Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love.”

So many times in our children’s lives and in our adult lives we tend to develop a poor self-perception of ourselves and of our children, our marriages and even in our relationship with God. I’ve said this once before if not several times in these bible studies that it is in the poor perception of self alone portraits a person in denial of their sins. This denial takes the mind of people into an identification crisis that causes a people to lose focus on who they are in Christ Jesus (God) and their power and authority as a mighty person of God that represents heaven.

The enemy is so busy in seeking whom he may devour in soul and spirit, and if any one allows him (devil) to succeed in what he’s trying to do which is to bring your soul and mind as well as your hearts to become separated from God’s Love all due to denial, and poor self-perception of your children, and of yourself which will strike out at your over all point of view about your life.

You are a very powerful person of God created in His image. Just because your tail experience pushes your soul of thoughts and your beneath experiences makes you feel a little inadequate, it is for you to come in agreement in knowing that “Greater Is He that Is in me than he that is in the world” 1John 4:4.

If the people of God do not identify their past with Jesus’ death they will never break free from the bondages of sin and death.  This is why the young and older generation is struggling in life all because of a spiritual thief of identity; which is a spiritual affliction of the conscious that can for a moment in time over power the soul and heart causing a feeling of being separate from God’s Love. Remember nothing can separate you from the Love of God. “NOTHING CAN!” A`-men! Repent and confess you must!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, until next time, please study Romans 8 meditate on the Scripture verses and become richly wealthy in Spirit and in Truth. Peace and Blessings unto you and your family, friends and even your foes and enemies. A`-men and a`-men!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


GREETINGS! Welcome back to F.A.F.B.S.! We have entered into the close of “NOTHING CAN SEPARATE US FROM GOD’S LOVE.”

“Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels can’t, and the demons can’t. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can’t keep God’s love away” v. 38 of Romans 8.

Let’s Pray:

Gracious God and Father, Lord and Savior thank You for Your authority and power that has gone before us to subdue the land (souls), our family, friends and foes alike.
Thank You Lord God for the Word of Life on today that will destroy every yoke of the enemy off the necks of your people in Jesus Name a`-men!


The Blood of Jesus Christ ties us to Himself; covering us, making it impossible for anything to separate us from God’s Love which is expressed through the blood of His Only Begotten Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (God Almighty).

God had to create Himself in Holy flesh form (Jesus Christ). God proved his love for us by willingly sending his Son to suffer and die. What more could God say or do to us to make us more secure in His love for us?   

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ needs us as a chosen people to have a relationship with Him, abiding in Him and He in us to bring Him honor glory and power through our obedient acts of accepting Him as Lord over our God given lives, and in this relationship all other relationships fall under the one true relationship that develops under Him that accepts His grace and forgiveness that aid us in persevering through life’s difficulties.

We must come into the power knowledge of knowing that it’s because of Gods Love for us as a chosen generation He uses everything that the devil tends for evil, God takes that evil thing and birth Life out of it and that Life comes under the Law of the Life in the Spirit of Christ Jesus, the Spiritual  Power of the law of life is in the Power of the Blood that sits of the throne in heavens eternity (Jesus Christ).

It’s because of the Blood of Jesus Christ nothing can separate us from God’s Love; in scripture Romans 8:35 as it is written; “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Our security in life is based on God’s unshakable love for us in and through Christ Jesus. A`-men!

In verse 36 of Rom. 8 “As it is written, “For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” What is this verse saying? It is saying to me in my spiritual imagination; Out of all the sins a person act out in as a known spiritual act of accounted sin against the body of Jesus Christ, which out right deserves the penalties of death due to sins; but because of Paul’s compassion and Love for Christ Jesus he is saying they are killed all the day long; Who? (Believers of the body of Christ Jesus are accounted as sheep for the slaughter; standing in the gap as sheep for the slaughter for the sins of those that are still disobedient unto their sinful nature).  In other word’s Paul is saying they had become the ram in the bush. Jesus Christ was and is mankind’s ram in the bush for a sinner to have a chance at having the gift of Salvation. What a glorious act of LOVE and COMPASSION for the unsaved!

In Romans 8:32 As it is written: “ He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things”? Now let’s look at John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only “Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Also read Romans 5:1-21 It speaks of “Peace and Joy” also “Death Through Adam, Life Through Christ.”  This is saying there are two of you sharing one temple, and one wants to live for God and the other never learned how to. One will choose sin and One wants life but finds Himself warring with death and beating death down!

Paul and the other’s could have easily found themselves fighting spiritually within their own will, emotions and feelings by allowing their LOVE AND COMPASSION to TURN INTO COMPLAING! This can easily happen if your not careful; your love and compassion for the heart’s and soul’s of people in desiring for them to be saved can cause you to begin to complain about a love one not turning around to Jesus for Salvation fast enough, or someone you’ve been ministering to for 3 to 6mo. or maybe even a year and their just not really trying hard enough in your natural eyes or could it be that everything you’ve been doing to please God in all of your ways of being a blessing to Him and His people, but people just don’t seem to honor all you’ve done or could it be your really not looking for anything from anyone, but you just want people to do what they know to do is right by you; you just want their words to line up with actions that speaks a spoken truth.

I say to you now if your one of these people expressed here, take your power back! You DO NOT HAVE TO FIGHT!! Your relationship with God is so powerful that all you have to do is get in the presence of God Almighty and rest in Him, not in anything or anybody else. A`-men. Stop beating yourself up; you’ve become an enemy to self. The spirit of self-rejection cause’s you to rebel and begin to turn your love and compassion into complaining; setting judgments on a unsaved soul or on a soul that is saved but their choosing to be disobedient toward God and man (you).

It is because of Jesus’ profound Love for the world of people; that God continues to consider us as His elect children no matter how filthy we are sinfully; God almighty has expressed His unshakable love for us all through JESUS CHRIST OBEDIENCE TO THE CROSS; so in that “NOTHING CAN SEPARATE US FROM GOD’S LOVE” A`-men and a`-men!!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, and I thank you for your spent time with me in Family and Friends Bible Study. Please study the Scriptures and understand the love of God almighty will never change. I pray that you will fall in Love with our Lord and Savior because He loves you and died for your life of salvation given through His blood shed on the altar (cross). Peace and Blessings to you and yours. A`-men!

Friday, November 4, 2011


GREETINGS! Welcome to another empowering Family and Friends Bible study!

 Thank you for joining in on today’s study; which is the third part of the lesson on “Life In The Spirit.” Let’s revisit Rom. look at chapter 8 and verses 31-39 which speaks of “Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love.” A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God Almighty, thank you for another day to learn of your AGAPE LOVE; and to come into a better understanding that nothing can separate YOUR Love from me. A`-men and a`-men!


When we look at Adam and Eve, they are no different than people are today; a person can do wrong, say wrong and in that wrong it causes a ripple effect to take place not only in a life but it affects the lives of all people around; so much so, as if they did the wrong themselves. The innocent love ones share in the suffering; in the hurt; in the disobedience that another love one has project by their actions carried out due to their decision to act sinful.

This is what took place in the Garden of Eden, when the spirit of disobedient over took the mind God put in Adam, Adams soul dominion was subdued; his will, emotions and feelings through Eve’s disobedience towards God; which also resulted in her rejecting her husband Adam.

Eve distracted Adams focus off God almighty’s obedient covenant with Adam. They (Adam and Eve) did not know that they birthed a law due to their action of coming into an agreement of being disobedient, and the wages of this disobedience became a law due to their sinful action.

The law of sin carries a death sentence; this death sentence is for all of man-kind a world over. This law of sin and death sentencing was the enemy’s way to get us the chosen ones to become separated from the love of God.

I’m so grateful for John 8:44 but please read from verse 31 to v44 of John 8 a`-men!

Their choice (Adam’s and Eve) contaminated the soul dominion that was God given, breaking the supernatural hedge of protection and communication between God and their souls; God first chose us and created us in His likeness; giving us His Spirit of holiness, and power to subdue the land, not for the land to subdue man.  Adam didn’t understand how he was created to bring God glory and honor.  Adam did not know that he was royalty, he did not know he was joint heirs with God almighty, he did not know he was created in his almighty creators’ image in Spirit and in Truth; Adam did not get the chance to exercise his delegated power and authority in the private select place of Eden. A well established fruitful, prosperous place to live and have communion with God, the Garden of Eden was a gift from God to Himself in man as man lives in the earth from which God created man's outer appearance, which in turn is how Adams soul was subdued A`-men!

When I Lorraine Munerlyn, was living and doing very foolish things that was not of God; I opened up spiritual doors to my soul and the enemy came in and began to dictate to me 'the how tool’s of sinning’. In this journey of trial and err there was a separation between God and myself for a moment in time, and in this moment in time I became so broken in spirit and began to resent myself reject myself, rejecting my oldest son and husband because it was his seed I carried for 7and a half months.

It was two years later the door of substance abuse and adultery had opened and I entered in; not realizing my families’ lives entered in as well! I found myself not happy about my life any more. So I lived this lie of listening to my defeated soul that was now filled with all kinds of filthy things to do and say all of which was not of My God Almighty.

I listened to my broken down soul filled with the spoils of the enemy for eight long years 365days each year equals to be 2,920 days I spent separated from a called life by almighty God in heaven and almost lost my God given family to a lie spoken by the enemy about my son, my life and I didn’t realize how I had been walking with death through my sinful nature for all those years of equated days equaling to 2,920 days of being lost within myself; within my SOUL.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, Thank you for listening to my heart that is of God and my soul that has entered into my birth right the things of God almighty to take back everything the devil thinks he’s stolen. Please join in next week for the conclusion “NOTHING CAN SEPARATE US FORM GOD’S LOVE” Peace and Blessings unto your God given lives in Jesus Name a`-men!


A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen! :::CLICK::: TO ORDER TODAY!