A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Spiritual Attributes' Tested" Conclusion

Greetings and Welcome back to Family and Friends Bible Study!
We are discussing the testing of our Spiritual Attributes. I pray you will be richly blessed and empowered the more after this lesson. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God and Father thank You for another day that You made and saw it fitting for me to be apart of this God given Holy Ghost filled day. Help me Lord to live out my day of holiness and I pray Lord God You’ll find me to be pleasing to You in Jesus Name.


If you break the LAW of God’s standards as citizens of heaven by sinning, when you know what not to do and do it any way then your choice to fall into spiritual sin will lead you closer to a spiritual death and possibly a physical death as well.

The enemy wants you to walk before God being dead to God in your sins. In Proverbs 15:14 “A wise person is hungry for truth, while the fool feeds on trash.” We must be careful as to what we feed our minds (souls) because the enemy wants to rip your destiny out of the arms of God’s Holy Spiritual strength making you wearier and burden; and if this happens the enemy will accuse and charge you of wrongs to God for being a citizen of heaven. (A righteous person of God, born again through Jesus’ blood of salvation is a mighty person of God Almighty). Job teaches us this truth.

Righteousness is being put back into right – standing with God (Isaiah 59:2) and continually as, 1John 1:9. A`-men! Here’s an important fact and Truth; all people belong to God! He’s the creator of ALL creation. The enemy knows he does not have a place in eternity (Heaven) anymore but the person created in God’s Almighty image (spiritual attributes, and character is God’s Word made alive) has a place in heaven.

You might ask your self; well how does this sister know? Here’s how a person or a people know they belong to God Almighty it’s when their trials and tribulation becomes too much for them to carry. You’re chosen by God to share in Son ship, chosen to have an experience with Christ Jesus because of your shared citizenship in heaven.

The testing of your spiritual attributes are allowed to test your spiritual power and authority in and through Christ Jesus; YOUR STRUGGLES CAN HEAL, they will create you into the person God has called you to become or your struggles will break you destroying your soul and heart. In 2Cor.5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new.” A`-men!

In Proverbs 17:22 “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” As citizens of heaven we must show ourselves worthy of the call; this is why the testing of your spirituality in being called the children (Son ship) of God Almighty, He’s going to quicken the Son of God in you by His Holy Spirit, (Resurrecting) and God’s Holy Spirit Is Holy and True; God’s Spirit is very discerning, He knows who His Son is. Struggles are to create a deeper level of worship, and for many of you this level of worship has come, so stop struggling or resisting the higher level because you don’t understand it.

God’s testing the strength of your spiritual attributes’ by allowing certain struggles to come forth to birth you into your season of victory in your shared Son ship with Jesus Christ; and in this victorious season even though you feel like your going to just die, not so! When you look in the eyes of 1John 3:8 the Word of God says in Scripture; “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” A`-men! Your call to not fight, just get in God’s Presence is all most of you have to do and show yourself mighty and strong in your spiritual attributes that witness to God blessing you; you also have to witness to God with also your FAITH, that touches in agreement with your ATTITUDE, CONDUCT, CHARACTER, and BEHAVIOR. You have to do the math. It all adds up to Victory in Christ Jesus!

You’re healed; you’re delivered from the hand of the enemy you just have to believe in the POWER OF THE BLOOD that was shed on the altar (cross). The Blood has destroyed the works of the devil. A`-men and A`-men!

You’re spiritual attributes are as powerful as the spirits of Faith, Peace, Joy and Love, that are of God Almighty He wants to see His Son in you through your Godly attitude, your Godly conduct, your Godly character and your Godly behavior that express to Him the love and companionship of His Son in your heart, mind and soul which makes up your tri-part being in the spirit of truth in which you were created to be of one mind one body in GOD!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, pray and study and know you are powerful beyond any measurements of man. “God Loves you so much that He gave His Only Begotten Son” John 3:16. Peace and Blessings unto you and your family, friends, foes and even your enemies. I wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! See you all next year dear Lord’s willing. A`-men! But if God has something else for me to teach or express you may hear from me soon then next year. Peace and Blessings until next time.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Spiritual Attributes' Tested"

GREETINGS! Welcome back to Family and Friends Bible Study!

Today’s lesson will speak on four different spiritual attributes’; Attitude, Conduct, Character and Behavior! We need to understand that we will always face obstacles as we seek to live out God’s plan for our lives. A`-men! But it is a must that we stay in the will of God Almighty at all times with having holiness about ourselves.

Let’s Pray:

Dear gracious Father in heaven, I pray that you will be pleased with my life, and take great pleasure in prospering my soul to become Christ like minded in all of my ways of being a child that shares in the Son ship with Christ Jesus. Help my ways in character, attitude, conduct and behavior to become perfected by and through Your Love for me. A`-men and a`-men!


Let’s start out the lesson with John16:9 “The world’s sin is unbelief in ME.” Once Jesus came and showed Himself to be mighty and strong in Holy Spirit and in Holy Truth through His Holy Works, there was no denying what they saw was miracles from God our Lord and Savior. Also read John15:22.

When you disbelieve the Works of the Holy Spirit, you will be convicted by the Holy Spirit that comes from God. All God does; is to equip you with His divine Love for you to have a changed attitude that will conduct your character and behavior toward Him and a predestined life He pre ordained before you was placed in your mother’ womb.

Jesus loves us so much that He identifies Himself with those who suffer; we should follow His example and be especially alert to the needs of others. When you look into the eyes of the Scripture of Matthew 25:42-46 we hear some of the obstacles a person can face in the things done by their own choosing.

Your attitude and behavior through your conduct and character must speak Christ; but so often things of wrong doings does not speak Christ, and they are the things that dark spirits desire to have power over your soul to birth loneliness and shame.

In Matthew 25 starting at verse 40 the Word speaks saying “And the King shall answer and say unto them. Verily I say unto you. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” then Jesus goes on to say in verse 41 “ Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:”

Ultimately we all will be brought into accountability of our conduct; our character; our attitude and our behavior toward God and man; one should never think of themselves more than they ought to because God our Lord and Savior is always watching and hearing what comes from His footstool (world of people).

The spirits of loneliness and being shameful can birth an ugliness that a killing, thieving spirit causes a person to grow hateful toward the very ones God has assigned them to. The enemy wants us all to fall harder than we’ve already fallen short of God’s glory. He (enemy) wants us abandon from heaven altogether as he has become abandon never to return. He (devil) lost his citizenship when he tried to dethrone God.

Let us look in the eyes of Ephesians 2:4-7 please read... The reason why the enemy is so busy coming at us is because your already made ALIVE IN CHRIST JESUS THROUGH HIS BLOOD THAT HAS BOUGHT YOU BACK FROM DEATH. A`-men!

The reason the enemy is trying to steal, kill and destroy your soul is because of your citizenship as mighty men and women of God; remember if the enemy can’t get you to sin he’ll get you extra busy only to keep you outside the will of God.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, until next week or in a few days we will return to this lesson pointing out your Godly conduct; character; attitude and behavior through the scriptures. In all your ways of being you should speak Christ at all times. Please read the scriptures and love on your family and friend even your enemies and foes for this is pleasing to God the creator of all creation. Peace and Blessings to all in your holidays! A`-men and a`-men!


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