Let’s Pray:
Dear Heavenly Father Thank You for being my comforter, and my redeemer; Thank You Lord God and Savior for Your saving mercy and grace that led me through by Your blessed blood that kept me protected while I was still in my sins of the world. A`-men and a`-men! In Jesus Name A`-men!
Lesson: “Fallen from Heaven” Conclusion! With a Prophetic spoken Word of Wisdom in Prophecy!
It is very important to remember who you are as “sons of God” in the earth and in All holiness and righteousness you are to carry out the will of God as His adorned sons in the land of the living even though many souls are dead (spiritually), but it is for us as God’s sons to carry-out His Will in the earth as it is in Heaven in Jesus Name.
God called you and your children, your family and friends your foes and your enemies are called to obedience in God through Jesus Christ. In Revelation 2:5 God’s Word says “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent.” He knows you’re not perfect! It just didn’t turn out that way, for us to be perfect! But He does through the gift of repentance and confession expects us to put perfection into practice. A`-men!
Let’s look at Genesis 6:2; but lets start at the first verse of Gen.6 from the “New Living Bible Illustrated” to make it very understandable for all; in Gen.6:1-7 v1 “When the human population began to grow rapidly on the earth,” v2 “ the sons of God (angels) saw the beautiful women of the human race and took any they wanted as their wives.” v3 “Then the LORD said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh. In the future, they will live no more than 120 years.”v4 “In those days, and even afterward, giants* lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God had intercourse with human women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes mentioned in legends of old.”v5 “Now the LORD observed the extent of the people’s wickedness, and he saw that all their thoughts were consistently and totally evil.”v6 “So the LORD was sorry (repented) he had ever made them. It broke his heart.”v7 And the LORD said, “I will completely wipe out this human race that I have created. Yes, and I will destroy all the animals and birds, too. I am sorry (repented) I ever made them.” “WOW GOD REPENTED”! This goes to point out also "know who labour among you" “God is also saying in v3 that His Spirit will not contend with man forever, for man is mortal.”
In my understanding of God’s repenting; God was so grieved by creating the human race out of the very thing He brood over in the beginning; giving it form Gen.1:1-2. Then God had to reshape, remold the form of the sinful nature out of the very one He created it all out of and turns right around and does it all again. Even though the People, places and things he repenteth; He in turn elected Noah, and his family to give birth to the fruit of lives that was spiritually worthy of His repentance. What a Mighty God We Serve! He’s so just and merciful! Read “Isaiah 57:15-21 God Forgives the Repentant”
God Almighty became spiritually checked within His-self and made the divine corrections necessary. We are to do the same with the help of the Holy Spirit of God Almighty we can not do it ourselves. We can not save ourselves; yet we have the power of the Holy Ghost that is Holy Spirit led to lead someone to the gift of Salvation. The Spirit of the Lord looks deeply into our soul and heart; because it is God’s Holy Spirit that asunder’ our soul and spirit (Heb. 4:12). A`-men! That brings the spiritual check.
Adam! The God in man had to be willing to be obedient unto His own authority in this created dirt suit where a portion of His Spirit dwelled giving this earthen vessel a part of Him self that would also become dethroned by the one that fell from heaven due to disobedience.
Obedience, which is a never failing test of love for all of man-kind; if we really love our natural father’s and mother’s we should be glad to obey them when most of us were children, because we are a part of them.When God told Adam and Eve not to eat fruit from the tree, it was a simple test of Love between God and Him-self in the form of man (Adam) through a very special gift called OBEDIENCE. This simple test of love that commanded Adam and Eve to OBEY the Father (Holy Spirit) gift giver of Life; Adams disobedience cost Adam to painfully toil the very ground from which he was taken from he ate what ever grew from the soil he came from and would return back to on the day of his death. Read Genesis 3:17-19.
So you see; in all you do or do not do; God’s never ending LOVE for you will never change. He commands us to love, so in turn He Him-self is commanded to Love unconditionally meaning in spite of ourselves. He has to LOVE us so his mercy and grace can move mighty and strong before us, and move in the rear to still cover us in the midst of our miss conduct and behavior as (sons of God that has fallen from our first estate), and some becoming filled with such great wickedness, and disobedience toward the creator (God Almighty) and so it is still to this day wickedness among the human race. God is still yet God almighty moving in all disobedience and wickedness as a rectifying God.
I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, we serve a perfect God in all of His ways of being our Lord God and King that loves us His imperfect children that always fall short of the glory of God Almighty! Peace and Blessings until next week please read and search the Scriptures given. See you soon in Jesus Name.