Let’s Pray:
Dear Lord God and Savior, I pray for a Spiritual blessing of being delivered. Deliver my soul from disbelief and doubt in Jesus Christ Name, and surround me with songs of deliverance that will loose my soul to receive Your supernatural impartation of the Holy Ghost. A`-men!
The commonwealth of interests in God almighty’s divine way of allowing man to have SOUL DOMINION is through the overshadowing of the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. This is how God sees His creation as (son’s of God), but the mind of a person can not phantom the call on his or her anointed call to a life of holy living.
The spiritual road block to this empowering act of the Holy Spirit of God has become you yourself to a spiritual fact that when the serpent introduced himself to Eve in the Garden of Eden; which caused her soul to become opened and acceptable unknowingly, carrying that spiritual road block to Adam, and with them together in agreement they gave evil a place in the lives of people a world over.
“This spiritual block by the devil is to break your power of authority as it did with Adam and Eve, and it is to break the ability to carry the weight of struggles in these oppressed times!” Are you hearing the Spirit of the Lord! Hebrews 12: 3 says “For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.” A`-men; but lets go back one verse; look at the second verse of Heb.12 and it reads “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
It was the JOY that set before Him (Jesus) whom endured the cross. When a “Holy Ghost Delivery” takes place in your soul, heart and mind you’re walking in the authority of God Almighty through Jesus Christ that endowed you to carry the anointing to “Do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you”(Philippians 4:13).
When we look at a “HOLY GHOST DELIVERY” where looking at a “Spiritual Faith” that has a power to heal the cripple, the blind, the mute and the deaf. Spiritual Faith is your “HOLY GHOST DELIVERY” that the enemy keep trying to block your soul from receiving.
Prophetically speaking; when you receive the “HOLY GHOST DELIVERY” it is an anointed transfer of Jesus Christ Spirit ordained by the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD to come upon you giving you an empowering part of HIM imparting the very substance of HIS being into your soul.
This Supernatural impartation of a “HOLY GHOST DELIVERY” must be desired by you. Your faith must come into an agreement with Father God’s Faithfulness; for it is in your faith which witness to our Lord God and Savior. So when you receive by FAITH, the “Holy Ghost Delivery” you have entered into your season of being truly empowered by God’s Spirit of Life.
I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, and we are going to stop here for now! I need you all too please study Mark 9:14-29 I will be back with the help of the Holy Spirit of God to complete this lesson in “Holy Ghost Delivery”. Remember God Is Light and there is no darkness in Him! Peace and blessings to all.