A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


GREETINGS! Welcome back to another impactful bible study; the teaching on “Holy Ghost Delivery” is coming to a close. I have been richly blessed by the Word’s of the Lord spoken through myself. I have to praise God in Jesus Almighty Name for allowing me to be instrumental in all of the 58 plus lessons placed on F.A.F.B.S.

Let’s Pray:

Dear heavenly Father in Jesus Name I thank You for Jesus life, death, resurrection and ascension so that I can have Your Spirit living inside of me; through Jesus Christ. Thank You for the Holy Ghost Delivery that it takes to be empowered by Your Spirit of Life in Jesus Christ Almighty Name. A`-men!

Lesson: “Holy Ghost Delivery” Part 4 Main Scripture Key is Mark 4:14-19

You have to know what’s on the inside of yourself, can’t no one see or tell what’s on the inside but the Spirit of God. It’s like this in the NLT 1Cor.2 which Paul preaches Wisdom. v 9 of 1Cor. 2:9,10 “No eye has seen no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” v 10 “But we know these things because God has revealed them to us by his Spirit, and his Spirit searches out everything and shows us even God’s deep secrets.

Heb.11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.” For this man’s son (Mark 4:14-19) to experience the break through within his own heart and soul by and through his natural father’s faith whom was asking for “Healing and Deliverance” in his behalf.

This natural father as well as the disciples had to experience breaking free from their own way of thinking; they had to become delivered from themselves which is being free in mind, body and soul; for this is the only way to disengage your mind so you will never be held back from the blessings of God; If you want the “Holy Ghost Deliver” to come upon you.

You must separate yourself from your very own confinement of disbelief and began seeking the supernatural divine embodiment of God through Jesus Christ.

So many people are broken by the things they suffer from their past and or present life styles or past and or present abuse, past and or present afflictions; sickness; disease and or past hurts that has become rooted in Unforgiveness.

The Holy Spirit led me to 1Peter 4:14-16 and He began to speak saying to me; “You Lorraine need to know Wisdom to know the difference between suffering because of your own sins and sufferings for doing what is right." My God!

Then God recalled to mind how Jesus suffered for doing right unto Him being God the Father; so it is through Jesus obedience unto God for the sole purpose of offering up His life for the lost souls that was given to Jesus by God.

Sometimes in order to keep what’s been given; you have to give something of yourself, or else no exchange will ever be made. God did this with His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ! When we suffer because of our own sins, we naturally feel ashamed; it is when we need divine courage to change in mind in order for an exchange to be made in the spirit. A`-men!

We will stop here and we will continue next week in Jesus Name. I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, and I thank you for allowing me into your hearts and souls on this “Holy Ghost Delivery lesson in Spirit and in Truth." Please study all Scripture Keys given and Jesus and I will see you all next week. Peace and Blessings.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Greetings my Family and Friends! Welcome back to another eye opening bible study with F.A.F.B.S. We! God and I are excited about the continued study on “Holy Ghost Delivery;” And I hope you all will extract the gold nuggets from the value of these prophetic teachings through scripture. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God Almighty; I bless you on today with a Hallelujah praise, from a heart that is being purged from the place of affliction that I was in, with the weighty offence my soul had encountered over the past few years ending in days. I Thank You Jesus for saving me from the very thing that was trying to consume my heart and soul (Doubt and disbelief). So! For that I praise you my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A`-men!

Lesson: “Holy Ghost Delivery” Part 3 Key Scripture is Mark 9:14-29!

As I’ve said before, so many of us that do not understand the power of the Holy Ghost that’s stirring on the inside. I myself didn’t for a very long time! It’s when a person doesn’t understand what they don’t posses is when a spiritual door called HINDRANCE becomes open which blocks a person’s perception of the great holy ghost power locked up inside of them.

We as parents; grand parents; son’s and daughter’s has been given a power that rules over “All the powers of the devil” according to Luck 10:19 A`-men! But in that power (Holy Ghost Power) it carries a deliverance that has to be loosed from the Father in heaven through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that will impart a part of Him too will and endow us with a portion of His revelation and knowledge in power and authority to give birth to greatness (HEALING). A`-men!

This delivery is a Jesus Faith delivery that heals; make whole again; here in Jer. 32:27 the Word of God speaks saying “Behold I AM the LORD; GOD of ALL flesh is there anything to hard for ME.” In this question the Word of God is saying; there can be no doubt in JESUS or in your faith. You must come into an agreement with Jesus’ Faith that is Faithful to do according to HIS WORD; He said it, He will do it. A`-men!

In Mark 9:14-29 we see and hear of a natural father in this empowering story of wanting his son delivered from the possession of evil spirits. This desire brought the natural father to a spiritual threshold that he needed to cross over into, as well as Jesus’ disciples.

Jesus’ disciples lacked this “Holy Ghost Delivery” as the natural father did in disbelief. There was no coming together in agreement of Spiritual Truth. You see it is a FACT that people are blind, a FACT that they are crippled, and a FACT some are mute; a FACT some having all kinds of sickness and disease, but “IT IS NOT THE TRUTH.” For the TRUTH is Proverbs 4:20-21 please read; and 1Peter2:24 “. . . by whose stripes ye were healed.” TRUTH!

In the case of the disciples, they believed as long as they was with Jesus giving witness to all He did, but when it came to their belief in having the faith in themselves; they failed to deliver the young boy from the evil spirits he possessed. (They couldn’t give what they didn’t have) in having a personal supernatural experience that would have brought the natural father and the disciples into receiving the Holy Ghost Delivery placed in them by God through Jesus Christ.

Please look at Acts 2:1-6; 43

If you don’t posses the very Power of the Holy Ghost; you can not give through that of yourself, but “ALL things are possible through Christ Jesus” So through having received the HOLY Ghost Delivery working on the inside of your heart and soul your are capable of “Speaking those things that be not as though they were when praying for someone or for your very own life.” A`-men!

Mark 9:14-29 is also saying that we by our selves are viewed as weak! No power! But when you’re operating out of the divine will of the Holy Spirit you’re more than a conqueror and you really can do all things through Christ Jesus. A`-men!

Glory, glory Hallelujah! I am Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn; please continue to be richly blessed in Spirit and in Truth of the living Word of God. Next week dear Lord’s willing we will conclude on the teaching of “HOLY GHOST DELIVERY” in Jesus Almighty Name. Peace and Blessings.


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