A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Monday, November 18, 2013

"MY PRAISE REPORT" God Is Calling Him Forth Isaiah 43:18, 19

Greetings my family and friends! Welcome to Family and friends Bible Study; God has given me and my family hearts of thanksgiving, so much more has been added to our spiritual enlightenment on how to view our blessings from pass; present and going into the future not doubting our future blessings that are still to come in Jesus Christ almighty name. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord our God thank You for all the blessings You have bestowed upon my family and myself, over the years of giving added life to us all through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. A`-men!

Lesson: MY PRAISE REPORT” “God Is Calling him forth” Isaiah 43:18, 19.

I was thinking on how God through Jesus Christ has blessed our son and brother Raydell Jr. The Lord has made me understand that Isaiah 43:18, 19 “Behold I make all things new.” I realized that out of all else I wanted to see my son do, I was not counting the blessings of ALL God through Jesus Christ has already done for our son.

Jesus brought him back from death to life at lease a dozen times from the time Raydell, Jr. was born; up tell his 1½ months of his God given life. The Lord caused me to see, how He’s been working supernaturally all of Raydell, Jr’s natural born life starting with the time he was conceived.

You see during my pregnancy I lost blood for the first three months of my pregnancy, usually when a woman bleeds like this through her period for any of the months she’s pregnant usually leads to having a miscarriage. This was a Supernatural miracle! I would be remiss for not informing you in my far to long blind sighted ignorance of not seeing this as a miracle. There is a reason why I didn’t!

The reason being is because “I was to caught up on what the situation looked like, this 7 1/2 month premature man child didn’t look like what I wanted him to look like; in the external view of seeing him, he was beautiful! It was the internal view of what he was incapable of  not doing is what I stared at! I failed to look at the heart.

God had given me a CHALLENGE! A challenge I did not choose for myself, but God chose for me! I dejected the challenge (my son) and became filled with SHAME, I was SAD, DISPIRITED and DISAPPOINTED with God. I was angry with God, because I did not understand why my first born son had to be afflicted mentality and blind in sight. "I can hear God, say wasn't you?"

“I have learned that it’s not about what you go through but how you go through it!” And in all that a person goes through the majority of times its not for the person going through but for the multitude of all that are watching at how they go through with the GRACE of God giving them chance after chance to get life right. In all my son has gone through and my family one by one Raydell, Jr has been very instrumental in showing us all how the fruit of long suffering is a Supernatural miracle all by itself.

Raydell, Jr. was born with glaucoma which led to having his left lens removed at three weeks old after birth, another Supernatural miracle; he can still see in Jesus name and never had any medication prescribed. A`-men! He was diagnose with a hiatal hernia at the age of 20, doctor prescribed medication for it and that was for ten years; then God removed Raydell, Jr off of medication for the hernia; it's been for 3years medcine free in Jesus Name, God gave these supernatural miracle’s.

After looking at All God has done for our family and son over the course of his life and the life of our family, I’m able to see how strengths and weakness work hand in hand with God through Christ Jesus; our weakness is His strength! The Lord said to me, “you was looking at your son with selfish eyes.” I was blinded by a mothers fleshly wants for a son, and never really looked at the miracles God through Jesus had provided to sustain Raydell, Jr’s life that belongs to Father God.

My son Raydell Munerlyn, Jr is “fearfully and wonderfully made” Ps. 139:14 God has used our son to be a supernatural miracle to his family that has birthed our spirituality to become deepen. Our lives are not the same spiritually, we have come to deeper understandings of God’s Love and how Powerful the Love of God is and the Truth and Power of God’s Miracles being His Word.

Gods Love is a healing Love to ALL people, His love commands that we Love one another with the love of God. Love that forgives, a love that understands, a love that can take the offence’s of life and still love the offender. If you have made an covenant offence with past hurts or present hurt I command it to be broken off your life and the life of your love ones in Jesus Name. Forgive one another please, so healing can begin.

My son will be back in the House of fellowship, but in the mean time I will bring home the CD’s of the taught Word of God and praise CD’s from our Church services; making sure he get’s all God gave. I will keep on praising our Lord God for being so just, merciful and kind to us all through the Blood of Jesus’ Cross. A`-men!

Remember no matter what it looks like walk by Faith and not by sight, because God is calling it forth making all things new in Jesus Name HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I am Minister Lorraine Munerlyn also read Isaiah 43:18, 19 I love you all Peace and Blessings. We will finish our lesson on “WHERE IS THE ANTICHRIST SPIRIT” in two weeks! Thank you for joining me on F.A.F.B.S.


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