Welcome back to F.A.F.B.S. “SELF-PERCEPTION”
Let’s Pray: v1 “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.” v2 “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters.” v3 “He restoreth my soul” (Psalm 23). Lord thank you for restoring my soul back unto You in Jesus Name Amen!
The Holy Spirit said this psychological and sociological warfare is a spiritual warfare that goes on inside the soul (mind) and it’s called a SPIRITUAL TSUNAMI!! A spiritual break down that accurse because it’s where everything about you lay. The soul is the heart of the spirit man’s (Mind) and in the spirit of the heart it HOLDS YOUR IDENTITY. An identity; that the enemy does not want you to come into the knowledge of knowing who you are in Christ Jesus and who Christ Jesus is in you.
We are a people called to a Holy Living that will give birth to the true identity in you as a child of God with having the mind of Christ Jesus living inside you (Word of God). Having the mind of Christ consciously brings you into the power of His laws and love that destroys the yokes of the enemy.
These yokes are sins committed out of ignorance; these yokes become soul ties that will not become un-tied; due to not understanding of how to throw combinational blows through the living Word of God to untie your carnal mind in soul of thoughts from these burden yokes. You have to know how to seek the Kingdom of God in Spirit and in Truth.
In seeing ourselves as God sees us we need a knowledge of His purposeful plan for our lives, God created us all with abilities to serve as divine Kingdom builders a world over.
He strategically created every thing about us for you to be a blessing unto Him, and Him alone. It’s not about you per say, it’s all about Him (Christ Jesus).
He desires for you to seek Him. In the Word of God it says “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). This is Christ Jesus speaking these Words of truth and life out of a Holy Love He has for you. He also speaks in Luke17:21 “The Kingdom of God is within you.” Amen!
Once your self-perception has become finely tuned through the preaching and teachings of the Living Word of Jesus Christ you will feel a need to be reconciled back to Christ Jesus, then you will began to experience a desire to be replenish, restored, rebuild, re-established as a citizen of heaven in the earth doing the will of our Lord God Almighty.
Let’s look at David’s confession in 2 Samuel 12:9-13, “I have sinned against the LORD,” this was the right response of his wrongdoings. He made a verbal knowledge of his wrongs to God. This said to God; “David wanted to be accountable before God for all he had done wrong in God’s sight.” God sent the prophet Nathan to initiate the salvation recovery process; which brought King David to repentance.
David was humble and willing to accept God’s Word of correction. He was willing to learn from his mistakes and for the rest of his God given life continue to look to God for strength and help. In God’s Word of correction sent by God through Nathan to David, which involved confrontation, conviction, confession, and cleansing (Psalm 51).
In David’s humble confession to God, David still had to face terrible consequences (2 Sam. 12: 10-12). Confession is the start of a new life; we still must face the consequences of our past actions. It is God’s Way of placing us in the refiners’ fire (His Fire).
Scriptures to pray! “Deliver me with Your fire” (Ps.18:13). “Purify my life with Your fire” (Mal. 3:2). “Let the spirits of lust and perversion be destroyed with Your fire” (Gen.19:24). “Release the spirit of burning to burn up the works of darkness” (Ps. 140:10). “Let Your flame burn up wicked spirits” (Ps.106:18). These are prayers releasing the Fire of God in your life of confessed sins. Amen! These prayers are to help you with whatever may arise from the past as you press toward your productive future in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, until we meet again study the Scriptures and I pray you will become delivered from self deception, and walk in God’s Self- Perception of who you are in Him. Amen!