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Sunday, March 27, 2011

God's Self- Perception

Welcome back to F.A.F.B.S. “SELF-PERCEPTION”

Let’s Pray: v1 “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.” v2  “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters.” v3 “He restoreth my soul” (Psalm 23).  Lord thank you for restoring my soul back unto You in Jesus Name Amen!

The Holy Spirit said this psychological and sociological warfare is a spiritual warfare that goes on inside the soul (mind) and it’s called a SPIRITUAL TSUNAMI!!  A spiritual break down that accurse because it’s where everything about you lay. The soul is the heart of the spirit man’s (Mind) and in the spirit of the heart it HOLDS YOUR IDENTITY. An identity; that the enemy does not want you to come into the knowledge of knowing who you are in Christ Jesus and who Christ Jesus is in you.

We are a people called to a Holy Living that will give birth to the true identity in you as a child of God with having the mind of Christ Jesus living inside you (Word of God). Having the mind of Christ consciously brings you into the power of His laws and love that destroys the yokes of the enemy.

These yokes are sins committed out of ignorance; these yokes become soul ties that will not become un-tied; due to not understanding of how to throw combinational blows through the living Word of God to untie your carnal mind in soul of thoughts from these burden yokes. You have to know how to seek the Kingdom of God in Spirit and in Truth.

In seeing ourselves as God sees us we need a knowledge of His purposeful plan for our lives, God created us all with abilities to serve as divine Kingdom builders a world over.
He strategically created every thing about us for you to be a blessing unto Him, and Him alone. It’s not about you per say, it’s all about Him (Christ Jesus).

He desires for you to seek Him. In the Word of God it says “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). This is Christ Jesus speaking these Words of truth and life out of a Holy Love He has for you.  He also speaks in Luke17:21 “The Kingdom of God is within you.” Amen!

Once your self-perception has become finely tuned through the preaching and teachings of the Living Word of Jesus Christ you will feel a need to be reconciled back to Christ Jesus, then you will began to experience a desire to be replenish, restored, rebuild, re-established as a citizen of heaven in the earth doing the will of our Lord God Almighty.

Let’s look at David’s confession in 2 Samuel 12:9-13, “I have sinned against the LORD,” this was the right response of his wrongdoings. He made a verbal knowledge of his wrongs to God. This said to God; “David wanted to be accountable before God for all he had done wrong in God’s sight.” God sent the prophet Nathan to initiate the salvation recovery process; which brought King David to repentance.

David was humble and willing to accept God’s Word of correction. He was willing to learn from his mistakes and for the rest of his God given life continue to look to God for strength and help. In God’s Word of correction sent by God through Nathan to David, which involved confrontation, conviction, confession, and cleansing (Psalm 51).

In David’s humble confession to God, David still had to face terrible consequences (2 Sam. 12: 10-12). Confession is the start of a new life; we still must face the consequences of our past actions. It is God’s Way of placing us in the refiners’ fire (His Fire).

Scriptures to pray! “Deliver me with Your fire” (Ps.18:13). “Purify my life with Your fire” (Mal. 3:2). “Let the spirits of lust and perversion be destroyed with Your fire” (Gen.19:24). “Release the spirit of burning to burn up the works of darkness” (Ps. 140:10). “Let Your flame burn up wicked spirits” (Ps.106:18). These are prayers releasing the Fire of God in your life of confessed sins. Amen! These prayers are to help you with whatever may arise from the past as you press toward your productive future in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, until we meet again study the Scriptures and I pray you will become delivered from self deception, and walk in God’s Self- Perception of who you are in Him. Amen!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Prophetic Words Spoken An On Going Lesson

Greetings! Welcome to F.A.F.B.S. “Prophetic Words Spoken” On Self- Perception

Let’s Pray:   Dear Father God in Jesus Christ Almighty Name, I pray over every soul that is reading these words of ministry and that they’re soul will become delivered from the lies of deception and failure in their God given spiritual walk. Amen!  

If we as a people never learn the desires of our Lord and God, we will never learn the compassion that He has or the passion that was carried out on the day of His crucifixion. The Holy Spirit of Life is a profound LOVE that covers a multitude of sins.

In the book of Song of Songs 8: 6 “Love is strong as death.” Also in Galatians 5: 13 it reads “By love serve one another.” Jesus is Love, He was birthed out a Holy Love that could not and will not be dethroned from His position as Majesty of Glory and Honor with all Power in His hands. Amen

He created your soul (mind) which is the seat of all your emotions, feelings, will and desires; the soul is vulnerable becoming the subject or center piece within you that is of value to the enemy. The enemy toils with the soul of a person by ways of spiritual and natural poverty, spirit of infirmities, spirit of jealousy, spirit of lying, spirit of malice, discord, strife, spirit of perverseness, whoredom, and so many, many more including the spirits of suicide and Antichrist.  These spirits are some every strong demonic spirits that is running ramped in and through the lives’ of adults, and the youth a world over.

Our youth! They feel like they are not understood, not appreciated, not looked upon as of being important, they are abused, and left out of a lot of things they feel they should be a part of. This happens in homes and schools a world over. It happens with friends, so called friends that twist the truth causing a deeper disconnection within the child’s fundamental growth.

They work so hard at trying to be accepted even by parents. I’ve learned that if the parents of our generation of youth gave the time needed to counsel and nurture the gift of having a child, all the groupie relationships would not matter as much.

Our youth are lost because the parents are spiritually lost, blind leading the blind straight into a pit of sulfur! Parents are supposed to be leaders in a home; they are to develop the child’s spiritual back bone that will strengthen a child’s walk in life that will honor and please God. “Train up a child in the way they are to go so when they are old they will never de part from it.” Proverbs 22:6 Amen!

It is our duty as citizens of heaven to lead our youth and adults out of a bondage of being spiritually captivated by the pleasures of sins that leads to spiritual and physical death.   I want our young people to live and not die, as well as the parents. This is the spiritual attitude people need in order to live an overcoming life that gives their lives this power to live out the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

In God’s Holy eyes and Mind, He created in you an ability to have and understand that you have a spirit-man that lives in your heart being the Living Word of God which is the mind of Christ Jesus. This is why in Scripture He says “Keep your mind stayed on Him” Prov.3:5,6.  In doing this your mental view point of self will not become contaminate by fleshly worldly desires, but your mind will embrace the concept of the Holy Truth written in the Holy Word of God Almighty.

There are people a world over going through a psychological and sociological warfare! Their souls are being toiled with by lies that captivates their self-perception, blinding their understanding of the spiritual warfare they wake up to everyday of their God awaking lives.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn; thank you for joining in on Family and Friends bible study! Until next week keep studying the Scriptures given. Peace and Blessings unto you all. Amen and Amen!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Prophetic Words Spoken An On Going Lesson

PROPHETIC WORDS SPOKEN is an on going lesson until the Holy Spirit turns me off!

Let’s Pray:
Dear Lord God prepare my soul to cling to thy Word of life, and bless me to hear clearly what You and only You are saying to my heart and soul in Spirit and in Truth. I desire to be a yielded vessel unto You my Lord God and King. Bless the one that is reading this prayer and words of ministry; bless them too hear Your voice speak in these living Words of Prophecy. Amen and amen!

We just came out of a five part study on Spiritual Crimes, and the crime (sin) is “Self-Deception.” Now, we will look at how this gnawing crime of self-deception; blinds our over all spiritual view of God’s Spiritual “Self-Perception” that the people of God need to have of themselves. A lot of us can’t seem to see our selves as God sees us all because of the spiritual crimes committed to deceive your spiritual self-perception. Who Are You In Christ? Are you still committing slavery spiritual crimes? Or do you believe you’re delivered from spiritual crimes, and where the Spirit is, there is liberty to be free in Christ Jesus Amen!

In the book of Romans 8:2 “For the Law of Life in the Spirit of Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death.” This verse is a Word of Prayer in confession that speaks to the Holy Spirit and to the enemy saying there is no mistake in your mind that you do indeed know who you are in the Law of Life in the Spirit of Christ Jesus, and what it has done for you in Jesus Name. Amen! (It has Set you free from the law of sin and death). Amen!

With an understanding of the law of Life in the Spirit of Christ Jesus is knowledge of a holy truth that is locked up in His Love for us all. One must have also an understanding of the self-perception that births forth the knowledge of who you are; and the law of life in the Spirit of Christ Jesus gave witness to your life of being created and set free from the law of sin and death while God was yet making all the delicate, inner parts of your body in your mother’s womb; read Psalm 139:13-18.

If a person can bring themselves to see themselves as a law biding citizen from heaven, and within the earth; one goes with the other, it gives an equal Librium to life as a whole. Laws are in place in heaven and in the earth for people a world over, and these laws apply to every one. If we did not have laws spiritual or laws of the land, we would simply die spiritually and physically with no return.

Let us look into the Scripture keys: “If ye live after the flesh, ye shall die.” (Romans 8:13). Also in the book of 1Corinthians the Word of God reads “The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.”  In these Scriptures you hear the law of sin that only offers death, in this law of acted out sin that equals death is death of NO return to Christ Jesus if you die a sinful death of UN-repented sins.

Now looking again into the Word of God almighty the Scripture keys says in Luke13:3 “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” Now lets look at (John 3:15, 16) “v15 so that everyone who believes in me will have eternal life.”  “16v For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”  Amen! Also continue to read on down to 21v. of St. John 3 you will hear the love and desire of God almighty to see you set free from the bondage's of the law of sin and death, so you will experience the law of life that is in Christ Jesus.

This Law of Life is a gift to you from God almighty the Father of all of heaven and earth. This gift of life is a gift to share in Christ Jesus resurrection that is a life of eternity and unconditional love that never ends.

This self-perception is God’s created way of saying I am the lover of your soul! He created you to be tri-part being! You are created as a spirit, that has a heart and mind that commune with the Holy Spirit of our Lord and Savior that is God. In the heart of the spirit-man’s mind; God desires your heart to turn from fleshly desires to beat for Him and Him alone.

In the book of Proverbs 3:5 from the New Living Translated bible; It reads “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.”  “Self-Perception” I am a tri-part being, and I do not belong to myself, you must obey God’s Laws, and the laws that apply to you as long as you live in the land of the living.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, thank you for joining in on Family and Friends Bible Study. Please study the Scriptures in this on going teaching “Prophetic Words Spoken” Self-Perception! See you all on next week to take a deeper look at tri-part being. Amen! Peace and Blessings unto you!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Spiritual Crimes Part 5 of 5

Greetings Family and Friends:

Welcome to the close of “Spiritual Crimes” Part 5 of 5. For simplicity The NLT Bible was used for a better Scriptural understanding. Amen.

Let’s Pray: Dear Lord God and Savior, I thank You for Your un-dying Love that is filled with your Grace and Mercy. Mercy that allows my mistakes to be gently corrected through you Love and Kindness, and Your Grace that is sufficient for me to make the spiritual corrections I need to make before You; while I yet live in the land of the living. Amen and Amen!

In John 1:17 “The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” Even in our faith which is the real truth of the New Covenant Law that is Christ Jesus who rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law through Moses. In Gal. 3 v.13 it clearly states “Jesus was hung on the cross, in this He took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. He took the curse of the law upon Himself because it was He that established the law in the beginning through Moses.” Read 1 Pet.2:24.

He made it right! He made it right by lifting the sin curse off of the people and bore this curse in His own Holy body on the tree giving us forgiveness of all sins that will still be made. For sin is a voluntary violation of God’s laws 1 John 3: 4. Sin is learned, not inherited. I’ve learned if you live in the world long enough, you will be influenced by the sin around you.

When you’re old enough to realize the difference between right and wrong; you are able to control the situations and circumstances involving your life, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior hold you responsible for your decisions. Why? “It is a Willful Violation of God’s Law”.  You’re choosing to break the Law’s of our God and Lord when the debt of sin and death law has been PAID IN FULL IN JESUS NAME; and it is with His Blood He paid for your sins.

He established the foundation of the Church on His life Blood substance; His Blood became His signature, His Blood is also the Spiritual Wages that made purchase of the Church. You are the Church; all of whom that is reading this, is a living corner stone of the Church of Jesus Christ (Spiritual body of Christ). Amen! PLEASE Read 1Pet. 2: 4-12
When you look at how the enemy move to keep you held in your spiritual cells (mind) your malnourished brain cells are on the verge of a spiritual death do to your sins, so the enemy is holding you captive due to lack of knowledge, so you spiritually die under the law of sin and death. Please Read 1Peter 2:2-3

Here are some of the sin and death laws people break every awakening moment of their lives. Malice- a desire to harm others verbally and physically; Discord-disagreement, quarreling just talking about each other; Stealing dreams and things that DO NOT belong to you but are God given; Killing a person and all their hopes, when their already hopeless; Destroying a persons godly integrity making them feel inadequate all because the one doing the destroying in their mind they don’t amount to nothing.

It is time to say good bye to the charges made against you. “SELF- DECEPTION” and say hello to the powerful gifts of FORGIVENESS AND CLEANSING through the Holy Blood of Jesus Christ that has bought you back from the law of sin and death. The Charges are dropped. You are no longer held in captivity you are set free. “Christ hath made us FREE.” Galatians 5:1. Amen!  

If you are done with engaging in Spiritual Crimes; please find a Pastor that is teaching sound doctrine pertaining to the Gospel of Jesus Christ,  and become baptized in Jesus Name because we are under the New Covenant Laws of Jesus Christ and then live according to the Word of God. Amen!  This concludes Spiritual Crimes.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn; thank you for join in on Family and Friends Bible Study!  As always I pray Peace and Blessings unto you and your family and friends. May God continue to bless in Spirit and in Truth. Amen.


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