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Monday, March 21, 2011

Prophetic Words Spoken An On Going Lesson

Greetings! Welcome to F.A.F.B.S. “Prophetic Words Spoken” On Self- Perception

Let’s Pray:   Dear Father God in Jesus Christ Almighty Name, I pray over every soul that is reading these words of ministry and that they’re soul will become delivered from the lies of deception and failure in their God given spiritual walk. Amen!  

If we as a people never learn the desires of our Lord and God, we will never learn the compassion that He has or the passion that was carried out on the day of His crucifixion. The Holy Spirit of Life is a profound LOVE that covers a multitude of sins.

In the book of Song of Songs 8: 6 “Love is strong as death.” Also in Galatians 5: 13 it reads “By love serve one another.” Jesus is Love, He was birthed out a Holy Love that could not and will not be dethroned from His position as Majesty of Glory and Honor with all Power in His hands. Amen

He created your soul (mind) which is the seat of all your emotions, feelings, will and desires; the soul is vulnerable becoming the subject or center piece within you that is of value to the enemy. The enemy toils with the soul of a person by ways of spiritual and natural poverty, spirit of infirmities, spirit of jealousy, spirit of lying, spirit of malice, discord, strife, spirit of perverseness, whoredom, and so many, many more including the spirits of suicide and Antichrist.  These spirits are some every strong demonic spirits that is running ramped in and through the lives’ of adults, and the youth a world over.

Our youth! They feel like they are not understood, not appreciated, not looked upon as of being important, they are abused, and left out of a lot of things they feel they should be a part of. This happens in homes and schools a world over. It happens with friends, so called friends that twist the truth causing a deeper disconnection within the child’s fundamental growth.

They work so hard at trying to be accepted even by parents. I’ve learned that if the parents of our generation of youth gave the time needed to counsel and nurture the gift of having a child, all the groupie relationships would not matter as much.

Our youth are lost because the parents are spiritually lost, blind leading the blind straight into a pit of sulfur! Parents are supposed to be leaders in a home; they are to develop the child’s spiritual back bone that will strengthen a child’s walk in life that will honor and please God. “Train up a child in the way they are to go so when they are old they will never de part from it.” Proverbs 22:6 Amen!

It is our duty as citizens of heaven to lead our youth and adults out of a bondage of being spiritually captivated by the pleasures of sins that leads to spiritual and physical death.   I want our young people to live and not die, as well as the parents. This is the spiritual attitude people need in order to live an overcoming life that gives their lives this power to live out the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

In God’s Holy eyes and Mind, He created in you an ability to have and understand that you have a spirit-man that lives in your heart being the Living Word of God which is the mind of Christ Jesus. This is why in Scripture He says “Keep your mind stayed on Him” Prov.3:5,6.  In doing this your mental view point of self will not become contaminate by fleshly worldly desires, but your mind will embrace the concept of the Holy Truth written in the Holy Word of God Almighty.

There are people a world over going through a psychological and sociological warfare! Their souls are being toiled with by lies that captivates their self-perception, blinding their understanding of the spiritual warfare they wake up to everyday of their God awaking lives.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn; thank you for joining in on Family and Friends bible study! Until next week keep studying the Scriptures given. Peace and Blessings unto you all. Amen and Amen!

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