A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The POWER of Self Perception

WELCOME! Family and Friends! We’re back teaching on God’s Self Perception!

Let’s Pray:
Dear Holy God, King and Ruler of all nations! I need you my Lord God to open my eyes to see clearly your plan for my purpose called life; in Jesus Name I ask that you purge my heart and life from all spiritual clutter that is blocking my perception of who I am in YOU. Amen!

What is this Scripture saying “The Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.”
It is saying not in any words of your own (lower case w), but in the power of God’s Word through the Holy Spirit that has empowered us making us a living powerful imagery of God Almighty.

This is why studying the Word of God is so important its because you must come to know the POWER you have been created out of. This POWER is our Life in the Holy Spirit the creator. “Hail King Lion of Judah!” We must learn to set our mind to His Mind (Word of God) and make ready our hearts to receive Him as the created kings and queens we are in HIM, for we are nothing outside of Him.

“God’s Word will not return to Him void.” In Hebrews 4:12 “The Word of God is quick, and Powerful, and sharper than any tow-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Amen and amen, God’s Word is a living, division, able to judge all you think on and act on.

This power is a Holy Spiritual Power that comes from our Lord God Almighty, and when you have repented from sinful desires due to your sinful nature that is soulish (mindless thinking) thoughts that contradict or keep you from having the mind of Christ. Having the mind of Christ Jesus is having a desire to humbly submit your will to His Will allowing Him to lead you in all truth, a real truth that will set you free; “for whom the Son sets free is free indeed.”  The more of the living Word of God you get in your spirit-man’s soul (mind) in your spiritual heart the more of the mind of Christ Jesus you will have, and having the mind of Christ Jesus is very pleasing to God Almighty, because it says and speaks Faith, Belief, Holiness, Real Truth, UN-conditional Love that is of God through Jesus Christ’ obedience to the cross. Amen! (In Romans 12: 1, 2) The apostle Paul wrote: “I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind he will accept. When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask? Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is.” Amen!

In this spiritual order of being spirit, soul, body we do not belong to this world or to ourselves.  We belong to the Eternal Holy Spirit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ being God Almighty. Amen!

In this transforming condition, the power of the Holy Spirit of God almighty desires to lift us up higher into His holiness, empowering us, clothing us with His power to do greater work than He, but we can not move to such an omnipotent divine degree of being empowered unless we become delivered from ourselves by the renewing of the mind. This is the carnal mind that is held captive by the controlling rebellious spirits that strikes against Almighty God our Lord and Savior.

In order for your carnal mind to become renewed you have to start thinking out side the box of human nature. In order to do this you have to think on things above in heaven not on the things of earthly circumstances! It is in the earthly thoughts of things you dwell on that keeps you confined in your soulish view of your complicated life that cause’s you to be held captive in the earth.

I can only imagine the sadness our Lord and Savior embrace’s on our behalf of ignorance due to the lack of NOT-understanding His Divine Will for a people a world over, sinner or saint to fully come into the knowledge of His Divine Pleasure and Purpose for us to be over comers from all sickness and disease; to be spiritually purged from the defeat this sinful world has charged His people with; a death sentence.

I’m Minister Lorraine Munerlyn, please keep on praying and asking for more of God’s Spirit and please know this! God is searching your motives; so He can fairly rule out any hidden personal agendas for wanting more of His Holy Power. Peace and Blessings! Study the Scriptures so you can become increased by God Almighty! Amen.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Closing of "Rejection, Obedience, and Resurrection"

GREETINGS: Welcome back family and friends to the closing of a very special Bible Study titled: “REJECTION, OBEDIENCE, and RESURRECTION.”

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God, thank you for another day to come closer into the knowledge of Your Love and Forgiveness for me; as well as the gift of long suffering. I ask You now Father that if You bless my mind to receive I will receive all You have for me in Jesus Almighty Name. Amen and amen!

What is God’s Will? Well, when you look at John 15:7-17 in John 15:10 from the NLT read “When you obey me, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father and remain in his love.” Amen! So obedience is better than a sacrifice! There is no rejection in obedient LOVE. Let us look at Pilate. We the people of the court (world) are a lot like him! Pilate sacrificed the “TRUTH” in order to please the crowd. When we the people of the court (world) do this we crucify Jesus. Pilate did what the people wanted him to do, even though his heart was far from it according to what was justifiable. He made a sacrificial decision to crucify as the people wish instead of being OBEDIENT to justice and righteousness in the perfect law of TRUTH which births life out of crucial decisions.  Pilate really didn't know how much of a very big part he played in making this unjust decision. He actually unknowingly participated is a birthing that took place in the earth of mankind for all of eternity.

In the Spirit I hear the Lord asking; When does the Scripture of 1 Samuel 15:22 come alive for the lives of the children of the righteous? If you are a ministering evangelist, prophetess, prophet, teacher, pastor, apostle. You must remember to be obedient first to the call on your heart and life and in that honor of being elected by God; you’re honoring God the Father whom is the gift giver through Jesus Christ our Savior. 


 “OBEDIENCE TO THE TRUTH OF THE LETTER OF THE PREFECT LAW OF GOD IS BETTER THAN A SACRIFICE.” I rather be obedient to God my Lord and Savior than work against the body of Christ Jesus; working against my ORDAINED life; I rather be obedient to God and the life of the ministry that was God given than to allow mankind, man made idols to have a place in my heart and soul; nor will I allow over ridden desires that has nothing to do with my called life of obedience to interfere with the Truth of the perfect Law of Life in Christ Jesus.

Titles we have in the Church (body of Christ Jesus), as well as in our homes as mother’s and father’s so on and so forth. The spiritual parenting God gives through the ministers of the Church and the natural parenting mothers and fathers given in the homes should be on one accord pertaining to the obedient life style families are called to live. This goes for pastors, ministers, choir members, praise team, Deacons, ushers, teachers in the school and in the Church.

We are to pledge allegiance to the perfect Law of the Letter of the Word of God. “God’s Word says we should rightly divide the Word of God, but we keep trying to rightly divide the people of God, and end up pointing finger and blaming someone else for our accountability, responsibility to stand on the foundation of the Truth of the Living Word of God.

We can not sacrifice the “Truth of the Perfect Law” for idols nor titles. We have to sacrifice all that is not of God to the obedience of the Truth.“Law of Life in Christ Jesus that has set us free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2). If we do not learn this level of obedience then we crucify Jesus that is in you and me. 1John 4:4 “Greater Is He that is in me than he that is in the world.” 

Let go and let God resurrect you and your family with the same Holy Spirit Power He resurrected Jesus Christ from the grave. Stop with the people pleasing mentality that will lead your life to a spiritual death. Please allow the Spiritual birthing of Life in Christ Jesus to take place in your heart so that you will have eternity forevermore in and through Christ Jesus. Amen!

The captivating wonder I love about our Lord and Savior is; He not only took the place of a criminal, but He became out of obedience to the Father a living sacrifice as well, only He could become the OBEDIENCE that is better than a sacrifice! (Only Him) HE GRACIOUSLY, FAITHFULLY BECAME ONE WITHIN THE CALL OF GLORIFICATION.  Glory Be To The Lord Our God In Jesus Name!!  I'm grateful He was also the Ram in the bush for us all. Amen!

I’m Minister Evangelist Munerlyn see you next week to continue on God’s Self Perception! Study the Scriptures Peace and Blessings!  Happy Resurrection! Amen.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Special Word of Prophecy "Rejection, Obedience, Resurrection"

                                    REJECTION  OBEDIENCE / RESURRECTION

Greetings Family and Friends!

Welcome to a Special Prophetic Word of God written to all people that has an ear to hear the Soul of the Spirit of God speaking to the spirit man in you. Amen!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God in Jesus Name, I seek You for revelation and knowledge of your
Word of Life that You have called forth for my heart and soul to embrace and internalize. I am ordained to grow in producing the fruit and life of Your Spirit in Jesus Name. Amen!

Word of God:

In 1 Samuel 15:22 it reads; “Obedience is better than a sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.” Amen! What is this saying to the kings of the land today? In the book of 1Samuel whom was born during the time of the judges, when “people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes” (Judges 17:6). There was some that moved toward God in doing what was right, and there were many that did what they wanted to do which moved them toward disaster, jealousy, bitterness, and disobedience which were the spirits that destroyed the life of King Saul. Saul was rejected by God!

But forgiveness, trust, and obedience brought David great success. This was very pleasing to God; even though David did some terrible things to others, but in spite of himself God honored David’s cry for forgiveness, and David unlike Saul began to live a life of obedience unto God the Father. Amen! OBEDIENCE SECURED DAVID’S THROWN.

Saul had weakness like we all do, but he did nothing to correct them with God. Saul was driven by FEAR that led to disobedience; He was a people pleaser; He disobeyed God in crucial situations.  Let’s look at the word FEAR in an acrostic, but first here is a Scripture to help you see fear as God sees it. In Proverbs 8:13 “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil.” Amen! Confess that the Lord is your strength. Not strength nor fear of people will save you nor resurrect in Christ as a called person of God!


F-faith 2Cor.5:7
E-endured 2Tim.2:3
A-approved Matthew 25:21
R-resurrection Romans 10:9

The mouth can only release what is in the heart. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov.9:10).  Fear of the Lord blesses you with wisdom, and it incorporates in your heart and soul as the acrostic spells out fear in God is a FAITH that ENDURES an APPROVED RESURRECTION in GOD ALMIGHTY through CHRIST JESUS.  Amen!

Fear of people not electing you for a position, fear of not being accepted, fear of what people think of you, fear of failure, fear of not having enough, fear of change and struggle, fear of death, fear of loosing your mind. All this fretting pushes a person spiritually out of God’s Divine Will for their God given lives. There will always be something to cause you to feel fearful, but remember you always have God to strengthen you. “We can do all things through Christ Jesus” Amen. Trust the truth of God’s Word, Will and Way to live a holy pleasing and acceptable life in and through Christ Jesus.

Never find yourself using other people as your measuring stick for success, nor for anything else; because their will always be someone better than you in a lot of things, so remember to use only our Lord and Savior for your measuring stick of being acceptable, pleasing to Him, because He accepts you with His UN-dying Love, and Forgiveness of all your sins; people can't do that only God can through Jesus Christ. Amen!

The Obedience of a person is for them to set their heart and mind to His. You may ask what is God’s Heart and Mind. It is HIS WORD for His Word is who HE IS! If you will began to think only on the things (WORD) of God, You will find your heart and soul in a state of being RESURRECTED in Christ Jesus. You must live out the Perfect Law that is in God’s Word for your life because it is personal; it’s between you and Him.

In closing let’s pray a Word from John 17:16, 17 In these verse’s is Jesus speaking to the Father, but lets make it personal as if you are speaking to the Father in Heaven amen! “v16. I am not part of this world any more than You are v17 Make me pure and holy by teaching me Your Words of truth. Amen and amen!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn; until next week read all of the Scriptures
and please read all of John 17 it is a yoke destroying prayer that Jesus Himself Prayed to the Father in your behalf. Peace and Blessings amen!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Prophetic Words Spoken "God's Self- Perception"

*Welcome to the continuation of “Prophetic Words Spoken” SELF- PERCEPTION.

Let’s Pray: Dear Lord in Jesus Christ Name, I thank you for another day that the Lord has made giving me another day to praise Your Name, another day to learn to break free from the bondage's of spiritual captivity that keeps soul ties in place. Thank you God for released the power of Jesus’ Blood, Love and Forgiveness over my life and my families. Amen!

You have to learn how to spiritually die to your fleshly self, you have to learn that you are powerful beyond measure in Christ Jesus, and that power is stored in your spirit-man soul (mind) of knowledge that is the Living Word of God. You see the enemy wants to keep you with just being satisfied with just knowing. This kind of knowledge in just knowing is having sense knowledge.  This sense knowledge is a split between a lie and the truth, for sense knowledge is what we live by; most folks live by the lies of the world, but we don’t know nor understand the Will of God Almighty which is a truth, so the sense knowledge is to contradict the real knowledge of Revelation that is of God Almighty for, He is the one who reveals all Truth. This is what the Law of Life holds in Christ Jesus. Amen! (Romans 8:2). Meditate on this Scripture.

Then there is experience knowledge, if all you have is what you’ve been through in your life of trials and tribulations the enemy will use this knowledge to keep you confined to an one-sightedness that will bring such division within yourself.

This one-sightedness will only allow you to see things from a very stagnating over all view point about your life of conflicting circumstance that is keeping you from seeing yourself as God Almighty sees you. If you stay here you’ll never reach the revelation knowledge (Holy Truth) of God almighty.

The spirit-mans soul (mind) is what rules the body! Remember your spirit-mans soul is having the Mind of Christ, being the Word of God living in your heart.  If you think power you will become empowered, but only with knowledge of the power you will become and that is the power of the Holy Ghost through Jesus Christ; that is Holy Spirit given and led of God Almighty. For we have no power of our own only that of a physical (muscle) man made power that will not destroy any yokes of demonic forces.

My pastor S.T. once gave a word in bible study on the mind of carnality, He said! The carnal mind of a human being holds the fantasy of an unbridled imagination not submitted to God.  It is imagination UN-restraint to God’s Word. This is how strong holds become empowering in the carnal mind of a person that has thoughts powered by emotions, birthing action that produces reactions, and patterns that overlaps the Word of God.  After internalizing this powerful word God said, this is keeping a person from understanding the Heart of God (Word of God) that can also be viewed as His hand being placed upon you to guide lead and direct you in all Spiritual Truths of who He is when your in His presence.

I came into an agreement when pastor S.T. added that the carnal mind is a nation of images, mental pictures. Amen!   This carnality will not submit to God and the standard of His Holy Word. We all struggle with sin. Read Romans 7: 18-25 then you will hear and see with the spiritual ears and eyes I pray that will give you an understanding about your carnal mind and how it falls under the spiritual warfare’s of your sinful nature.

 In Psalm 62: 11 “Power belongeth unto God.” Also in Scripture in the book of 1Corinthians 4:20 it reads “The Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.”

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, thank you for joining in on F.A.F.B.S.
Please study the scriptures and I look to see you all next week in Christ Jesus. Amen
I pray that the layers of carnality are coming off. Let the vision of God through His Word become painted of the wall of your heart so that you will see yourself as the Father sees you through His Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Prophetic Words Spoken "God's Self- Perception"

Welcome back to F.A.F.B.S. We’re teaching on God’s “SELF- PERCEPTION”

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God Almighty, I thank You for Your resurrecting cleansing power that will purge my heart and soul from all filthy thoughts and acts that has not been pleasing to You. Help me Lord God to become all You called me to become in Jesus Almighty Name. Amen and amen!


When we’re asking God in Jesus Name to “Purify my life with Your fire” as it is written in Mal.3:2. You must know what you’re asking, because it will bring discomfort to your soul. Your soul will be moved by unwanted struggle; disappointment and frustrations that will speak volumes of; I can’t do this; it hurts too much; or this is so embarrassing, but I can’t keep doing this to my family and your right! Here is why? When you’re called by God almighty living right or not living right it hurts to become purged by the Creator of All of creation.

King David did not live a pleasing life before God, so in spite of himself David needed God to “Release the spirit of burning to burn up the works of darkness” (Ps.140:10). He prayed to God in Psalm 106:18 “Let Your flame burn up wicked spirits.” David prayed this way only after he had humbly confessed all of his sinful acts to God. Amen!  

It is better to walk out the uncomfortable cleansing, that confession brings by the confrontation of the Holy Ghost convictions.  David knew it was wrong to commit the acts of adultery; murder, which later led to incest and rebellion within his own family.

These thought out acts of sins nearly destroyed his family and the kingdom he had so skillfully built; but to God be the Glory, for God did not allow David’s mistakes to destroy the nation. David was called by God Almighty! When you know you’re called by God you will become spiritually checked by the Holy Spirits Counsel and Power to burn away any and all that is not of Himself. Amen! The thing is you must humbly confess ALL not bits and parts. ALL must be confessed unto God Almighty!  

When you do this you will have entered into a season of consequences due to all past actions. Think of it as a spiritual jail of corrections you must endure to truly qualify to serve God Almighty as a divine Kingdom builder in Jesus Christ Name.  All the spiritual jail time of correction may take 90days; 3yrs; 5yrs; or 10yrs; some it takes 20 years.

So often we sin regardless of the knowledge of the act of sinning; we allow a stiff neck
mentality to rule and govern our sinful life styles that rebel against God’s corrections.
This stiff neck mentality allows the enemy to charge you with the spiritual crime of SELF-DECEPTION.

Every part of your being is divinely connected to God in heaven, and connected to one another in the earth. “There is only one Lord, one Faith, and one Baptism.” Ephesians 4:5! Once the people of the world become delivered from themselves, delivered from all the impurities, that has contaminated their soul, and heart, their bodies; has to become cleansed from all the un-clean spirits that poisons the temple of God. Your bodies are temples for the Holy Ghost to live, and again I say the Word of God is who He is in you

There must be a purging a cleansing that will birth purity in Spirit and in Truth, from the inside out, when this happens through your developed desire for change that will dehypnotize you from the worlds hypnosis’s, you will have unity in the body of oneness in Christ Jesus; operating and functioning as a delivered sanctified, holy ghost filled, fire baptized child of God Almighty in the Name of Christ Jesus.

Mind you now; there are three parts to our being; we just ministered on spirit and soul. The third part is body. In Scripture the living Word of God almighty says in the book of James 2: 26 “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”  I’m saying with Scripture that if a person allows fleshly acts of sin to rule in their soul of thoughts, then they are surrendering their very being over to the will of man that the enemy is using to go beneath God almighty’s plan of resurrecting them from their life of law breaking sins.

May you all please stay encourage! I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, please study the Scriptures that are given, and please stay in the Will of Father God. Amen! Until next time I pray Peace and Blessings upon you. “SELF-PERCEPTION” Is to Know the God in you is Almighty.


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