WELCOME! Family and Friends! We’re back teaching on God’s Self Perception!
Let’s Pray:
Dear Holy God, King and Ruler of all nations! I need you my Lord God to open my eyes to see clearly your plan for my purpose called life; in Jesus Name I ask that you purge my heart and life from all spiritual clutter that is blocking my perception of who I am in YOU. Amen!
What is this Scripture saying “The Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.”
It is saying not in any words of your own (lower case w), but in the power of God’s Word through the Holy Spirit that has empowered us making us a living powerful imagery of God Almighty.
This is why studying the Word of God is so important its because you must come to know the POWER you have been created out of. This POWER is our Life in the Holy Spirit the creator. “Hail King Lion of Judah !” We must learn to set our mind to His Mind (Word of God) and make ready our hearts to receive Him as the created kings and queens we are in HIM, for we are nothing outside of Him.
“God’s Word will not return to Him void.” In Hebrews 4:12 “The Word of God is quick, and Powerful, and sharper than any tow-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Amen and amen, God’s Word is a living, division, able to judge all you think on and act on.
This power is a Holy Spiritual Power that comes from our Lord God Almighty, and when you have repented from sinful desires due to your sinful nature that is soulish (mindless thinking) thoughts that contradict or keep you from having the mind of Christ. Having the mind of Christ Jesus is having a desire to humbly submit your will to His Will allowing Him to lead you in all truth, a real truth that will set you free; “for whom the Son sets free is free indeed.” The more of the living Word of God you get in your spirit-man’s soul (mind) in your spiritual heart the more of the mind of Christ Jesus you will have, and having the mind of Christ Jesus is very pleasing to God Almighty, because it says and speaks Faith, Belief, Holiness, Real Truth, UN-conditional Love that is of God through Jesus Christ’ obedience to the cross. Amen! (In Romans 12: 1, 2) The apostle Paul wrote: “I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind he will accept. When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask? Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is.” Amen!
In this spiritual order of being spirit, soul, body we do not belong to this world or to ourselves. We belong to the Eternal Holy Spirit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ being God Almighty. Amen!
In this transforming condition, the power of the Holy Spirit of God almighty desires to lift us up higher into His holiness, empowering us, clothing us with His power to do greater work than He, but we can not move to such an omnipotent divine degree of being empowered unless we become delivered from ourselves by the renewing of the mind. This is the carnal mind that is held captive by the controlling rebellious spirits that strikes against Almighty God our Lord and Savior.
In order for your carnal mind to become renewed you have to start thinking out side the box of human nature. In order to do this you have to think on things above in heaven not on the things of earthly circumstances! It is in the earthly thoughts of things you dwell on that keeps you confined in your soulish view of your complicated life that cause’s you to be held captive in the earth.
I can only imagine the sadness our Lord and Savior embrace’s on our behalf of ignorance due to the lack of NOT-understanding His Divine Will for a people a world over, sinner or saint to fully come into the knowledge of His Divine Pleasure and Purpose for us to be over comers from all sickness and disease; to be spiritually purged from the defeat this sinful world has charged His people with; a death sentence.
I’m Minister Lorraine Munerlyn, please keep on praying and asking for more of God’s Spirit and please know this! God is searching your motives; so He can fairly rule out any hidden personal agendas for wanting more of His Holy Power. Peace and Blessings! Study the Scriptures so you can become increased by God Almighty! Amen.
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