Welcome to another moment in words of prayer and the Word of God in Jesus Name that is taught the way the Holy Spirit has given it to me to teach. Amen! I pray that all the different States that has gone through God’s powerful winds and rains has become empowered by God’s gift of FAITH.
The different parts of our country has experience great losses; I pray that all will allow this experience to minister to their heart and souls through His hopeful Words that are full of the fruits of His Spirit. Love is not based on emotions or feelings. It is a decision to commit to the well being of others without any conditions or circumstance. His Spirit of Peace is a state of assurance, lack of fear, and sense of contentment. It is fellowship, harmony, and unity between individuals. Peace is freedom from worry, disturbance, and oppressive thoughts. God’s Peace also dispels all forms of agitation, and discomfort in body and soul.
Let’s Pray:
Dear Lord God and King! We come to now with our hearts and lives lifted up to You in knowing that You are no respecter of person. We ask in Jesus Name Lord God that You help us to be not anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, we present our requests to You God. May Your peace God, which transcends all understanding, guard our hearts and mind in Christ Jesus Amen and amen (Philippians 4:6, 7)
When you lack faith in the power of the name Jesus, power of the Word of God, you allow opposing compromising thoughts to give birth to fleshly desires that cause you to become a weak link, breaking the chain of command between you and our Holy God Almighty, through Christ Jesus.
A lack of faith allows the conditions of life to separate person from the power of their weaponry which is their scepter of FAITH. What happens is they end up forfeiting their victory that is in Christ Jesus. “You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you” but how can one be strengthen when they’re not in Him? In John 15:7 “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” N I V! Now in the King James Version John 15:7 reads “ If ye abide in Me and My Words abide in you, ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.” This word (done) is Hebrew for create. God is a CREATOR; He created everything for His Divine purpose and pleasure. EVERYTHING!!
So, if His Word says you can do ALL things through Christ Jesus that means you have to be in Him in order to reap the benefits of being victorious in all various trials and tribulations. His Word says you are more than a conqueror; you may say, “I don’t see how when everything I seem to touch or try to do is torn down or turns sour. It is because your attitude, your conduct, your behavior, your character does not speak of God nor does it say I am a child of God. This is why so many of our battles are fought in vain. What I’m I saying? I’m saying your battles are fought with the flesh and not with your faith in Christ Jesus. Yes, we lose things, yes we lose love ones, yes we lose jobs, yes we lose courage, yes we lose our way to a better life; but in all that is lost it is not in vain, it is in the perfecting of our faith that we gain a more knowledgeable truth of how strong in the Lord we are.
You have to find yourself in Him in order to fight the spiritual fights you’re fighting!
Your not at war with flesh and blood; it’s not another human being your fighting, although they stand or sit before you in the physical sense of seeing with your natural eyes; but your fighting those spirits your natural eyes can not see that is prompting the person that is before you charging you for your failures and lack of faith in Christ Jesus.
YOU ARE MORE THAN A CONQUEROR IN AND THROUGH CHRIST JESUS, but your lack of faith keeps you spiritually disabled from being the conqueror you’re created to be in Jesus Name. Some of you are mother’s reading these words of ministry and some of you are father’s; that are doing your best of your best to stay firmly grounded in sound doctrine and accept your responsibility to live a godly life as men created unto God; but you have to stay aware of the fierce, invisible warfare Satan wages against us all; our children are more spiritually venerable than adults. Why because they are our future. Most adults have become lost to themselves and to their family do to lack; which opens the spiritual doors to their soul of thoughts that becomes filled with negative issues of life’s happenstance. God is a just God and He is the gift giver of all life. He’s the creator of ALL CREATION. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts. Nor are your ways My ways,* says the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8 NKJV)
Things take place in our live, things we have no control over like His Wind and Stormy Rains; but in the things that are out of our hands He saying in His Word “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11: 28).
Many of our struggles are not always physical wars fought in our country, but wars fought in our homes; addictions, abuse mentally, spiritually, physically and end of itself we are under attack by spiritual entities that has filtrated our homes by entering in through wives, husbands, children, sister’s, brother’s, grandmother’s and grandfather’s, aunts, uncles, cousins; and anyone else the enemy is allowed to enter in to cause great division.
God wants us to turn our life and will over to Him, he will stand with us in the battles, in the struggles of saying NO to a substance that you have allowed permission to rule your heart and soul, your life does not belong to wars and power struggles, they are created lives that are God given predestined; pre-ordained lives for God to lead, and guide in all spiritual truth and holiness.”
Once you step out side of the box of captivity being your carnal mind, you can come into full alignment with the Will of God Almighty In this alignment means being in the Living Word of God and you will experience the Power of your faith! Our heart (spirit-man) has to come into a knowledge of heavenly things allowing the heart to beat for the things of heaven and not the things of the world, then and only then will you have stepped out-side of human nature in thoughts only to come up above into Kingdom heavenly things that is of God and the Will of Gods Desires and Pleasures for your life while you are in this world of human thorns.
Please continue to pray for all families; friends and even our foes. I will do the same in the Name of Jesus I pray Peace and Blessings unto you ALL. Amen and amen!
I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, thank you for joining F.A.F.B.S. and thank you for your support on the children’s book you can purchase it e-live, iPod, iPad, iphone4, download it to your computer; online at Barns and Nobles; Borders; You can purchase this book and audio book on this site just click the Picture of book “John’s Obedient Ants”. Peace and Blessings in Jesus Name. Amen! See you next week.