A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Poem "Unforgettable Men and Women of War"



World souls that fought in old world wars are the unforgettable men and women of the world. World soul is defined as a spiritual principle relating to the world, as the human soul related to a human being. 

Wars of this world; has taken the lives of so many unforgettable men and women, who has fought, and died for what they believe in. 

The Veterans of Wars, Biblical wars ; Wars that were fought in World War I, World War II, Vietnam, Korea, and also Desert Storm was a cry, for War no more. 

Political wars, causing hunger, and strife with the greatest depression, which affected everybody’s life; yet it is these wars that has infiltrated the lively hood of all mankind.

The Veterans of wars, so many fought and died. Other countries is stained with life covenant  blood from American men and women whom no longer live to tell the victory their God given life of duty gave to protect and serve our country from un-necessary warfare graves that plagues’ our communities to this very day. 

There are still many, many more dying and our children lack desire for understanding the spiritual principle that our unforgettable men and women of war died carrying a godly pride, that carried our country of men and women into the country sides of the enemy so many years ago; and our soldiers are still fighting for our peaceable, but  yet blood stained streets in our American communities.

The pride of being an American solider will always stay alive, for they are serving our country still to this day; to keep your family and my family safe. I thank God Almighty for those unforgettable men and women of war.  I give thanks to the families that has lost a son or daughter; a father or mother; a uncle or aunt; a sister or brother even though they’ve died, they still carry the torch that lit up the hearts and souls all over the United States of America to experience the freedom to just live in our homes. 

May the world souls of our men, and women continue to do in spirit, for which they died, and that is constantly protecting our country sides. 

May God continue to Bless the solider’ of America, a world over for their duty to serve and protect our country with their life covenant blood that has given and still gives me and my family the freedom to be all we can be in our country and community. The world soul’s that fought in old wars will always stay alive forever more, because they’re the unforgettable men and women of war.

Copyright ©2000 Lorraine Munerlyn                                               Written by: Lorraine Munerlyn

Friday, May 27, 2011

"Power Of God's Word Through Our Faith"

Welcome to another moment in words of prayer and the Word of God in Jesus Name that is taught the way the Holy Spirit has given it to me to teach. Amen! I pray that all the different States that has gone through God’s powerful winds and rains has become empowered by God’s gift of FAITH.

The different parts of our country has experience great losses; I pray that all will allow this experience to minister to their heart and souls through His hopeful Words that are full of the fruits of His Spirit. Love is not based on emotions or feelings. It is a decision to commit to the well being of others without any conditions or circumstance. His Spirit of Peace is a state of assurance, lack of fear, and sense of contentment. It is fellowship, harmony, and unity between individuals. Peace is freedom from worry, disturbance, and oppressive thoughts. God’s Peace also dispels all forms of agitation, and discomfort in body and soul.  

 Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God and King! We come to now with our hearts and lives lifted up to You in knowing that You are no respecter of person. We ask in Jesus Name Lord God that You help us to be not anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, we present our requests to You God. May Your peace God, which transcends all understanding, guard our hearts and mind in Christ Jesus Amen and amen (Philippians 4:6, 7)


When you lack faith in the power of the name Jesus, power of the Word of God, you allow opposing compromising thoughts to give birth to fleshly desires that cause you to become a weak link, breaking the chain of command between you and our Holy God Almighty, through Christ Jesus.

 A lack of faith allows the conditions of life to separate person from the power of their weaponry which is their scepter of FAITH.  What happens is they end up forfeiting their victory that is in Christ Jesus. “You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you” but how can one be strengthen when they’re not in Him? In John 15:7 “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” N I V! Now in the King James Version John 15:7 reads “ If ye abide in Me and My Words abide in you, ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.” This word (done) is Hebrew for create. God is a CREATOR; He created everything for His Divine purpose and pleasure. EVERYTHING!!

So, if His Word says you can do ALL things through Christ Jesus that means you have to be in Him in order to reap the benefits of being victorious in all various trials and tribulations. His Word says you are more than a conqueror; you may say, “I don’t see how when everything I seem to touch or try to do is torn down or turns sour. It is because your attitude, your conduct, your behavior, your character does not speak of God nor does it say I am a child of God. This is why so many of our battles are fought in vain. What I’m I saying? I’m saying your battles are fought with the flesh and not with your faith in Christ Jesus.  Yes, we lose things, yes we lose love ones, yes we lose jobs, yes we lose courage, yes we lose our way to a better life; but in all that is lost it is not in vain, it is in the perfecting of our faith that we gain a more knowledgeable truth of how strong in the Lord we are.

You have to find yourself in Him in order to fight the spiritual fights you’re fighting!

 Your not at war with flesh and blood; it’s not another human being your fighting, although they stand or sit before you in the physical sense of seeing with your natural eyes; but your fighting those spirits your natural eyes can not see that is prompting the person that is before you charging you for your failures and lack of faith in Christ Jesus.  

 YOU ARE MORE THAN A CONQUEROR IN AND THROUGH CHRIST JESUS, but your lack of faith keeps you spiritually disabled from being the conqueror you’re created to be in Jesus Name. Some of you are mother’s reading these words of ministry and some of you are father’s; that are doing your best of your best to stay firmly grounded in sound doctrine and accept your responsibility to live a godly life as men created unto God; but you have to stay aware of the fierce, invisible warfare Satan wages against us all; our children are more spiritually venerable than adults. Why because they are our future. Most adults have become lost to themselves and to their family do to lack; which opens the spiritual doors to their soul of thoughts that becomes filled with negative issues of life’s happenstance. God is a just God and He is the gift giver of all life. He’s the creator of ALL CREATION. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts. Nor are your ways My ways,* says the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8 NKJV) 

Things take place in our live, things we have no control over like His Wind and Stormy Rains; but in the things that are out of our hands He saying in His Word “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11: 28).

 Many of our struggles are not always physical wars fought in our country, but wars fought in our homes; addictions, abuse mentally, spiritually, physically and end of itself we are under attack by spiritual entities that has filtrated our homes by entering in through wives, husbands, children, sister’s, brother’s, grandmother’s and grandfather’s, aunts, uncles, cousins; and anyone else the enemy is allowed to enter in to cause great division.

God wants us to turn our life and will over to Him, he will stand with us in the battles, in the struggles of saying NO to a substance that you have allowed permission to rule your heart and soul, your life does not belong to wars and power struggles, they are created lives that are God given predestined;  pre-ordained lives for God to lead, and guide in all spiritual truth and holiness.”

Once you step out side of the box of captivity being your carnal mind, you can come into full alignment with the Will of God Almighty In this alignment means being in the Living Word of God and you will experience the Power of your faith! Our heart (spirit-man) has to come into a knowledge of heavenly things allowing the heart to beat for the things of heaven and not the things of the world, then and only then will you have stepped out-side of human nature in thoughts only to come up above into Kingdom heavenly things that is of God and the Will of Gods Desires and Pleasures for your life while you are in this world of human thorns.

Please continue to pray for all families; friends and even our foes. I will do the same in the Name of Jesus I pray Peace and Blessings unto you ALL. Amen and amen!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, thank you for joining F.A.F.B.S. and thank you for your support on the children’s book you can purchase it e-live, iPod, iPad, iphone4, download it to your computer; online at Barns and Nobles; Borders; You can purchase this book and audio book on this site just click the Picture of book “John’s Obedient Ants”. Peace and Blessings in Jesus Name. Amen! See you next week.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Greetings Family and Friends: Welcome back to another powerful bible study!
We’re going to be teaching on the “POWER OF GOD’S WORD.”

Let’s Pray:
Gracious Father in heaven, I thank You for Your abiding Word in me on today that is ministering to my soul and heart; I am grateful for Your Love toward me, for I do not deserve Your love, but I’m so grateful that Your favor in upon my heart and life. Thank You Father for Your goodness; Your mercy toward my family and me in Jesus Name I praise thee.

In the Word of God He clearly speaks to us through His Words that teaches “We are the head and not the tail.” “We are above and not beneath.” We spiritually lose this spiritual stance in fighting when we freely choose to live beneath which is in the soulish realm of thinking carnal. In the soulish realm of thinking you have no power!  

 It is time to tape into the Power of God’s Word. The Word of God stands between you and the enemy when you pray His Word over the lives of love ones, even your enemies. It is the standard of God’s Word (truth) that charges the enemy for lying on the children of the righteous.

Let’s pause for a moment: Here’s some Food For Thought! Q. Which one has more power; imagination or knowledge? Here is how the Lord helped me to understand this addressed question in my spirit! Imagination is more powerful than knowledge! Why you may ask? Because with imagination you can circle the world; making knowledge seeming to be limited! (Einstein theory)

 If this question was asked from a eternal spiritual point of view; Holy Spirit says that the carnal mind has unbridled imaginations that will not submit to the supernatural spirit of God’s Spiritual Revelation Knowledge that is not limited to carnality in imagination. You see the ability to form beliefs, is part of what it means to be made in God’s image it involves emotion and logic; leading to action! The prophetess has spoken.

The physical fights different countries are fighting; are Spiritual fights that are fixed fights! The fight is already won! The victory is yours in Christ Jesus! You don’t have to let flesh win, but when you do; you’re denouncing the one and true living God almighty in heaven that lives in you to become de-throne. When your fighting a fleshly fight you become weaken by a poor choice of three; for lust of the flesh, lust of the eye and the pride of life. All of which will toil with the soul of your carnal mind of unbridled imaginations that will lead you to a spiritual death as well as a physical death. 1John 2:15-17 please read.

In Ephesians 6: v12 -v18 please read; but our focal verse is Eph.6:12 “For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.” We must learn to live by the Spirit’s Power, not as fools but as wise people of God that seeks after His nature of holiness in being wise; and in His wisdom you will choose your fights wisely. The verses are coming from the N L T bible.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, I pray that you are being blessed by the preaching and teachings of the gospel; thank you for joining in on another F.A.F.B.S. "Power of God's Word" will be a on going lesson for the next several weeks. Amen!

Please support the ministry of the children’s book “John’s Obedient Ants” you can find this book on this site, at your local bookstores as well as major bookstores,; you can download the book to your computer, iPad, iPod, e-live, iphone!
Read the Scriptures and be encouraged through the Power of God’s Word in Jesus Name. See you all next week. Peace and Blessings!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Greetings Family and Friends: Welcome back to the conclusion of “Power Of The Blood Oil”

Let’s Pray:

Jesus I love You, because You cared enough about me to died in my place as a sinner; Jesus I praise Your Name with the highest praise “Hallelujah” for You my God and Savior is worthy of this Holy High praise. I want the oil anointing to cover my head in Jesus Name as a forgiven called child of God amen and amen.


The oil anointing is a covering, a spiritual signature of God in Jesus Name for the oil anointing separates you from evil, and the enemy is not allowed to touch that; that is separated just for God, and God alone. The only way any evil will come upon you if you become disobedient to God and God’s Perfect Law (Word of God) as a called man or woman of God Almighty; because in the disobedience  you separate yourself from your creator.

I say unto you as God says in His Word “According to thy faith be it unto you.” (Truth Is Applied Here) Matthew 9:29. God does not want His called priests to be blind nor mute any longer. He see’s you healed and delivered, but the thing is do you believe He can make you over again so you can see yourself as He see you. This walk the people of God have engaged in is not that of the natural it is a Spiritual Walk with God.

God’s Self Perception is much, much more broadening then ours. His perception runs deeper and wider than our natural eyes cans see. He knows this; this is why your FAITH is your spiritual sight that sees what the natural eyes can not see. Your natural eyes are blind to the things of the Spirit. 1Cor.5:7 “Walk by FAITH and not by sight.” Faith sees; Faith witness to God in saying Lord I trust You.

Then you will experience eventually Heb.11:6 “The oil of gladness.” Also Isa. 61:3 This is a spiritual Holy anointing that will come upon you, removing the spirit of heaviness only to have the touching in agreement with the anointing oil of joy (Hebrews1:9). When you’re walking in the Spirit of Holiness the Power is the oil of the HOLY SPIRIT illuminating your temple (body) from the inside out radiating your whole being with the oil anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD.  

It is this Power of the Blood Oil that can cover you from the inside outwardly. This my family is the Power of choosing to live holy pleasing acceptable lives unto God, because can’t no devil in hell touch the anointing blood oil that covers the anointed chosen one of God.

Empty out your hearts and souls to our Lord and Savior and become forgiven by way of confession and repentance to God for all your wrongs in sinning and become baptized in immersion of water by an anointed person of God in Jesus Name; For this is the Way to begin to live a sanctified life. Amen!

God is Truth, and evil is ignorance; one give life and one take life away. Between the two only one carries a spiritual death sentence. Godly life is lived out in (Respectful truth for the one and only True God of all the heavens and earth); an evil life is lived out in lies and ignorance. You are not a lie; no you are life and a wonderful addition to the body of Jesus Christ.  

I pray that you will choose the Power of the blood oil anointing today as an elite chosen person of God’s; I pray that as you study the Scriptures the Holy Spirit will do for you what He did for Saul who’s name was changed to Paul, and that is let the scales fall from your eye. The scales that blinded Saul of Tarsus, was God’s way of transitioning Saul into a Spiritual birthing through God's regenerating Spirit in and through Saul of Tarsus a fresh and renewed born again life of the Spirit came upon him making him over. Amen! (Acts 9)

You have the Power of the Blood oil already inside of you just allow the Holy Spirit to move before you and lead you up and out into your Priesthood ship anointed covering; find a good Church that is preaching Christ the Savior and not religion that is man made laws and regulation on how to and what to do pertaining to their standards.

This conclude the teachings on the "Power of the blood oil" Please support the children's book you can download it elive, Ipods, Ipads Thank you so very much for tuning in on F.A.F.B.S. 

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, until next time peace and blessings.

Friday, May 13, 2011


WELCOME BACK Family and Friends to F.A.F.B.S. The Holy Spirit gave so much to say in speaking to the matters of the heart on this Bible Study “Power Of The Blood Oil”

I became overwhelmed by All the Holy Spirit Spoke to me, so to keep the study not to lengthy for one study I had to break part 3 into a 4th lesson which is the conclusion. Amen!

Let’s Pray:  Dear Lord God and King; I praise Your Holy Name, and I thank You my precious Savior for Your Blood that covered and atoned my sinful, disobedient life that has been blessed with Your renewing grace and mercy. Amen!

Lesson:  3 of 4 “Power of the Blood Oil”

Aaron had accountability and was so ashamed that he made a farfetched excuse to God and Moses for his behavior. Read Exodus 32: 22-24 but nevertheless God knew Aaron’s fears and defeats God knew that the people forced Aaron’s hand and caused Aaron to stand divided within himself. God knew this! But God Almighty still forgave and had anointed Aaron and his son’s to minister before Him as priest. Ex.30:30.

In Exodus 29:21 The Word of God speaks of mixing blood and anointing oil together, to sprinkle it on Aaron and his son’s and on their clothes. This was a way of setting them apart as holy to the Lord. Consecration is a dedication of the priests of God being set apart as holy and anointed by God for God to use them as His mouth piece in the land of sinners.

We all have a birth right as called priests, but all are not taught that; so your self perception is very poor on how God see’s you with His perceptive eyes of seeing you as royal priesthood ship that is under the anointed blood covenant of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

You are a called Holy anointed person of God Himself and He wants to anoint you with the blood oil that symbolize the blood of Christ Jesus. Jesus died for you. You have been bought back from the Law of sin and death I’m giving you what the Holy Spirit has assigned for you to have in getting a revelation knowledge to help you see all the great people in the bible in hopes you can see yourselves as one of the great people that fell short of God’s Glory; but because He chose them and He knew they sinned He forgave them only after they empted out by confession, repentance. Today we are called just as Moses, David, King Saul, Paul and so many others for some women you are a Deborah, Deborah was a prophetess of God in Israel. She took part in a military campaign to overthrow the Canaanite oppressors (Judges 4:4-9). I believe I have a similar call on my heart and life.


I’m in Love with God my Lord and Savior, because I can always count on Him and Him alone. We some time put to much trust in people, becoming people pleasures, most people lie maybe not always intentionally, but nevertheless you will get forgotten about. Jesus on the other hand love you; that is what HIS BLOOD Shed is all about. He cares about the smallest thing you’re interested in, why because it’s important to you and He’s your Lord and King.” GOD ALWAYS COMMENDS OUR COMMITMENTS WHILE FORGETTING OUR FAILURES.”  People do not have enough God in them to do this.

People of God learn to never become so busy that you look like a liar to your family and friends; nor to anyone that depends on you especially a little child. Always let your light shine in all people’s lives; when you verbally commit follow through with the commitment it means more than you will ever know in the spiritual heart of the matter.

 Make a commitment to God as He has made one to you. “He said I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU nor FORESAKE you.” Your confession and repentance should lead you to your water baptism in Jesus Name this is complete surrender of your heart and soul unto your creator.

When David; King Saul; and even Aaron Moses brother, sinned they where forgiven only after they sought God Almighty, and once forgiven you must never return to those dry places of sin never again and answer the call on your heart and life fully and whole heartily; then you will be able to go to God in Spirit and in Truth and ask for the oil anointing on your head.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, I give God the Glory for such a wonderful way He lead me through the Holy Spiritual teachings of the Power of the Blood Oil. I pray that every time you come visit this God given site that you will extract even more gold nuggets than before. Please continue to be blessed in Christ Jesus Name. Amen And please support the children's story "John's Obedient Ants" by purchasing your copy today.  Just click the picture of the book! Thx U.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"Power Of The Blood Oil" Part 2 of 3

Greetings Family and Friends!

Thank you for joining in on another powerful insightful message of the “POWER OF THE BLOOD OIL.” Part 2 of 3


Dear Lord God in Jesus Name I thank you for your anointing oil, which is full of Your Love, Joy, and Power. Thank You Lord God for Your Holy Spirit of Life that is in Your Life shed Blood. Give me your Peace and Wisdom to properly handle any changes that enters in my life today. I plead the Blessed Blood of Jesus over my mind, heart and soul in Jesus Name Amen!


In the lesson on May 4th of last week we discussed the Power of the Oil being viewed as a New Testament type of Blood Anointing Covenant. The Holy Spirit said to me that the oil is symbolic to the blood anointing that is mentioned as an act of purification from sickness and disease as well as all evil. This use of the blood shed from animals is in the Old Testament. In Leviticus 14:25 The blood here is applied where evil will try to take ground.

I want you to understand; so allow me to ask you this question. What effect did the blood have upon all the people? (It drove away evil spirits from their midst!) Amen!

As a believer of Christ Jesus; you must always remember to be thankful for the power in His Name; Power in His Life Resurrection; Power in His Word; His Love; His Spirit and His Blood.

This blessed oil is viewed as blood anointing and the power of the blood (oil). Let’s look at Psalm 23:5 “Anoint my head with oil.” King David prayed in songs to God Almighty.
David’s heart was right before God, “He was a man after God’s own heart.” Amen. In spite of himself David knew he was called by God to surrender his all to God as an obedient man of God.

There are a lot of you that has done something’s your not proud of. Things that only your finite mind is holding over your soul of thoughts like; God will not forgive me for the abuse my hands gave; God will never forgive me for killing another; God will never forgive me for lie after lie I told to steal, kill and destroy; homosexuality. Well the devil is a big fat liar and he is presenting lies to you so you will not enter your season of blood oil blessing of ATONED LIFE. John 8 says he’s the father of lies and there is no truth in him.  

King David was forgiven by God Almighty and David asked for God to anoint his head with oil. Blessed anointing oil is viewed by covenant believers as being a type of symbolism of the blood of animals in the Old Testament, and the blood of Christ in the New Testament.

David was a sinner, just like you and even myself, but yet the favor of God was upon him. David sought God for forgiveness; so God anointed him with blessed oil, that bestowed joy upon David’s heart and life as a man after God’s own heart. What God did for David; He did for me, I am a born again saved and sanctified, fire baptise woman of God that has be anointed with the blessed oil of God. I know God will do it for you as a repented sinner seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness in Jesus Name.

Moses’ brother Aaron and Aaron’s sons was anointed by oil in Exodus 30:30-32 but lets focus on verse 30 “Use this oil also to anoint Aaron and his sons, sanctifying them so they can minister before me as priests.” This is God speaking in given directions of how to prepare the oil and for whom the oil will be use on and orders for the Holy oil to never be used on anyone that was not called by Him.

 Aaron is another person that did a wrong. Aaron had the people to bring him their gold rings and jewelry; he put them in the fire melted them down and he watch the children of Israel create the golden cafe. What does this say about Aaron? He was a people pleasure!
Aaron caved into the idolatrous desires of the Israelites rather than confront them with the sin in their lives. He also displayed a lack of honesty and unwillingness to face the reality of his actions. Don’t you know that our God see’s you and your lack of honesty and unwillingness to face your reality of your actions? GOD IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSON!

I pray that the study of the Power of the blood oil is helping you come closer into a revelation of God’s Self Perception of you and the power that is inside of you.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, please join me next week for the conclusion of “Power Of The Blood Oil” Please read the Scriptures; in doing so your faith will become developed and you will become empowered the more in Christ Jesus. Amen!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


 Greetings Family and Friends! Welcome back to another Prophetic Word Spoken in our Bible Study on God’s Self Perception of you. “POWER OF THE BLOOD OIL”

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God Almighty; I thank You for another day that You have made and saw fit for me and my family to be birthed into another God given Holy Ghost filled day to honor Your Holy Name in all my ways of being called by You my Majesty, I thank You Lord God for the birthing of Your fire in my faith. Amen and amen!


The POWER OF THE BLOOD JESUS SHED ON THE CROSS WAS FOR ALL PEOPLE A WORLD OVER. Just Believe, and receive Him in your heart as Lord of your life and He will come in your heart and make His abode with you. Just ask Him to help you prepare your heart to receive Him, so that you may experience the fullness of life that is within Him and Him alone. Because of His Blood shed, it is a covenant between you and Him within the Father.

His blood shed says Jesus has bought you back from a life of filthy sins; NO MATTER whom has hurt you, or whom you’ve hurt. Your soul of thoughts about your life self perception is under attack by the enemy; the blood covenant says Jesus loves you NO MATTER who you are or what country you live in.

Jesus blood shed says “You Are Not Forgotten, no matter what has been done to you He sees and knows it all.”  Trust that HE WILL make ALL wrongs right according to the power of the blood. It is by the Life of His Spirit that is in His Blood, He is moving in your behalf; and removing all wrong with His cleansing Blood that washes away all sin stains. His blood Delivers, forgives, His blood gives you Overcoming power, it reconciles, blood of remission, sanctification, righteousness, justification, redemption, atonement and His blood births the gift of salvation; an act of being born again, being saved from eternal damnation. See how POWERFUL the blood of Jesus is. It is a contract saying He will do all you read here. You have been acquitted of guilt and sin.

God is ready to move mightily and strong for you, but He needs you to become empty, in order to become full or infilled with the Holy Spirit. Repent and confess your sins and all Unforgiveness now, and in doing that the Word of God says in Hebrews 10:17 “I will never again remember their sins and lawless deeds.” God’s Self Perception is HE SEES YOU FREE, and EMPOWERED because Jesus bore all your sins in His own body on the tree. Please read 1Peter 2:18-25. NLT Bible!

Why Plead The Blood of Jesus? As believers, we are to obey the law of the “sprinkling of the blood of Jesus that is now viewed as Blessed Oil Anointing (symbolically viewed as blood); that we as believers use to cover our door post and windows as well as our own temples (bodies).  Knowing the power in the blood overcomes all evil.”  In 1John 5:8-9 the Word of God reads “And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, AND THE BLOOD: and these three agree in one. If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: …” Please also read (Psalm 23:5)

Pray with me now: God I no longer wish to live a life without your activated blood covenant through the Holy Spirit and Holy Word living inside my heart. God make my heart clean from all things that are keeping me from receiving the Life of Your Holy Spirit (Psalm 51:10). Take my heart and renew it with Your Love and Forgiveness for my enemies. Save me from the terrible fate of sin and death. In Jesus Name my God I pray. Amen and amen! If you sincerely prayed this prayer you must believe that your prayers have been answered by and through the Holy Spirit of Life; you must know that He has “Placed His Word in your heart and wrote His Word on your mind. Please read Hebrews 10:16-17.

 Let’s look at Ecclesiastes 9: 3 “The heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live.” Also in Romans 7: 14 “The law is spiritual: but I am carnal.”  What am I saying with the use of Scripture, “human nature the enemy knows that the flesh is weak and the Spirit is Willing, so a break out in a tug of war between two entities within yourself are fighting and only one will win! Your heart will either be for God almighty and His purpose for your life or it will be enslaved by the lustful things of this world.

Here it is in Word of Scripture Galatians 5:17 “The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh.” I pray that in Jesus Name you will become freed up in your heart and mind to choose to love the Lord with all your heart and soul; and become baptized by the immersion of water in Jesus Christ Name, and begin to walk into your season of blessings that is anointed and empowered through confession and repentance of sins and becoming water baptized in Christ Jesus Name. In doing this the Holy Spirit, the water and the blood is in agreement in oneness of witnessing your new life of spiritual birthing into the body of Christ Jesus. This act gives life to 1John 5:8-9. Amen!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, please join the Holy Spirit and me next week for another part of God’s Self Perception of who you are in Him and who He is in you. Peace and Blessings! Please study the Scriptures. Talk to you soon. Amen


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