Greetings Family and Friends!
Thank you for joining in on another powerful insightful message of the “POWER OF THE BLOOD OIL.” Part 2 of 3
Dear Lord God in Jesus Name I thank you for your anointing oil, which is full of Your Love, Joy, and Power. Thank You Lord God for Your Holy Spirit of Life that is in Your Life shed Blood. Give me your Peace and Wisdom to properly handle any changes that enters in my life today. I plead the Blessed Blood of Jesus over my mind, heart and soul in Jesus Name Amen!
In the lesson on May 4th of last week we discussed the Power of the Oil being viewed as a New Testament type of Blood Anointing Covenant. The Holy Spirit said to me that the oil is symbolic to the blood anointing that is mentioned as an act of purification from sickness and disease as well as all evil. This use of the blood shed from animals is in the Old Testament. In Leviticus 14:25 The blood here is applied where evil will try to take ground.
I want you to understand; so allow me to ask you this question. What effect did the blood have upon all the people? (It drove away evil spirits from their midst!) Amen!
As a believer of Christ Jesus; you must always remember to be thankful for the power in His Name; Power in His Life Resurrection; Power in His Word; His Love; His Spirit and His Blood.
This blessed oil is viewed as blood anointing and the power of the blood (oil). Let’s look at Psalm 23:5 “Anoint my head with oil.” King David prayed in songs to God Almighty.
David’s heart was right before God, “He was a man after God’s own heart.” Amen. In spite of himself David knew he was called by God to surrender his all to God as an obedient man of God.
There are a lot of you that has done something’s your not proud of. Things that only your finite mind is holding over your soul of thoughts like; God will not forgive me for the abuse my hands gave; God will never forgive me for killing another; God will never forgive me for lie after lie I told to steal, kill and destroy; homosexuality. Well the devil is a big fat liar and he is presenting lies to you so you will not enter your season of blood oil blessing of ATONED LIFE. John 8 says he’s the father of lies and there is no truth in him.
King David was forgiven by God Almighty and David asked for God to anoint his head with oil. Blessed anointing oil is viewed by covenant believers as being a type of symbolism of the blood of animals in the Old Testament, and the blood of Christ in the New Testament.
David was a sinner, just like you and even myself, but yet the favor of God was upon him. David sought God for forgiveness; so God anointed him with blessed oil, that bestowed joy upon David’s heart and life as a man after God’s own heart. What God did for David; He did for me, I am a born again saved and sanctified, fire baptise woman of God that has be anointed with the blessed oil of God. I know God will do it for you as a repented sinner seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness in Jesus Name.
Moses’ brother Aaron and Aaron’s sons was anointed by oil in Exodus 30:30-32 but lets focus on verse 30 “Use this oil also to anoint Aaron and his sons, sanctifying them so they can minister before me as priests.” This is God speaking in given directions of how to prepare the oil and for whom the oil will be use on and orders for the Holy oil to never be used on anyone that was not called by Him.
Aaron is another person that did a wrong. Aaron had the people to bring him their gold rings and jewelry; he put them in the fire melted them down and he watch the children of Israel create the golden cafe. What does this say about Aaron? He was a people pleasure!
Aaron caved into the idolatrous desires of the Israelites rather than confront them with the sin in their lives. He also displayed a lack of honesty and unwillingness to face the reality of his actions. Don’t you know that our God see’s you and your lack of honesty and unwillingness to face your reality of your actions? GOD IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSON!
I pray that the study of the Power of the blood oil is helping you come closer into a revelation of God’s Self Perception of you and the power that is inside of you.
I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, please join me next week for the conclusion of “Power Of The Blood Oil” Please read the Scriptures; in doing so your faith will become developed and you will become empowered the more in Christ Jesus. Amen!
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