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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"GETTING BACK IN GOD" Conclusion 3 of 3

Greetings Family and Friends!

Welcome back to the close of “GETTING BACK IN GOD”. If you are just now checking in for a Word of God to bless you; please scroll down to part 1 of “Getting back in God” and work your way up to this closing lesson. Amen! All lessons that are in series; you will always see the last entry first, so please scroll down to the first and come up to the present entry. Amen!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God, You are the one who is, the one who was, the one who is still to come; You are the great I AM in Christ Jesus. I thank You gracious Lord God and King for your love on today for my family and friends, even my foes and my enemies, for You love them too. Bless my heart, soul, mind, and body right now to hear with the ear of the Holy Spirit to receive what you have for me on today’s lesson in Jesus Christ Almighty Name. Amen!


We’re in the closing lesson of Getting back in God! If you have fallen out of the will of God then you might be able to say I am one of these children that need God’s forgiveness for my sins. No matter the age you are; you’re still a child of God. You may say you just don’t feel worthy of God's forgiveness or you feel too old to change and you figure God doesn’t care anymore. Well I’m here to tell you to stop listening to the lies of the enemy (devil). Read again what God says to you in Jeremiah 3:22.”Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings…” This Word of God is not just for the people of God that goes to a building for spiritual healing or prayer. No! This Word of God is for ALL. “For ALL have sinned, fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). This includes any Pastor, Prophet, or Deacon, Evangelist, Teacher, Preacher, mother’s, fathers, Sargent, Lieutenant in the army, you could be a Captain in a army. Who ever has backslidden; our Holy God and Holy King in Jesus Name will heal and forgive you.

God knows we do NOT always obey Him! This is why His gift of confession and repentance is never ending for people a world over; because He knows we are not a perfect people, but His desire is for us to put perfection into practice daily. He love’ you! Read 1John 1:8-10

Now, begin to ask Jesus to help you to surrender those spiritual attacks of sins, and the spiritual warring that has captivated your soul of thoughts; now start Knocking at the door of righteousness and began to seek His face. To seek the Face of God Almighty is seeking to take on the character of Christ Jesus in all your ways of being a child of God. In Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Things like God's peace and Joy. What mankind does is he or she seeks out their own righteousness which has nothing to do with God’s spiritual peace or His spiritual joy that comforts the heart and soul of mankind.

You may ask how do I knock at the door and seek His face. It is in your faith! Your faith is very, very powerful; your faith becomes your knock that opens up your heart and allows the Holy Spirit to come in and begin to purge you from all of your sins.

Your confession and repentance is a faithful act through prayers surrendered up to God Almighty through your believing in Jesus Christ. Your FAITH is how you “GET BACK IN GOD” with true confession, and repentance; Romans 10:10 “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Confession and repentance is a conscious decision to turn from a life of sin and death, believe in Christ Jesus life, death, resurrection and ascension where He is seated at the right hand of the thrown of God; and be water baptised in Jesus Name.

Seeking God’s face is coming to believe in Him; desiring to be like His Son our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Faith is the foundation for salvation and recovery from all the bondage's that kept you from (getting back in God) receiving the keys to the kingdom of God. In Mark 16:16 NLT bible “Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.”

The enemy doesn’t want you to have the blessings of being a blessing that honor’s our Lord God in Knowledge of who you are in and through Jesus Christ; no matter what nationality, race, creed, or color you maybe the enemy wants to steal, kill, and destroy you and your predestined, preordained life as a child of Almighty God. “Get back in God” and don’t allow the enemy to lie to you any longer. Amen!

We as a body of believers can no longer allow the enemy to divide the people of God which keeps the unclean spirits of confusion and malice, strife and all contending spirits that are not of God Almighty. What God wants us to do as a people of God is if we have to divide, He says in 2 Timothy 2:15 "be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth."  

What Paul told Timothy here is to work hard to receive God's approval by diligently studying God's Word to discover God's will for him in both attitude and action.  Amen! There is no way we can know God's will if we do not study God's Word of Truth for ourselves; when you study your getting back in God.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, thank you for joining in on another F.A.F.B.S. This concludes “GETTING BACK IN GOD” until next week please study the Scriptures given for the last 3 weeks on the study of getting back in God, and know that Jesus love you very much. Next weeks lesson will be on “Where is the enemy?” If you have any prayer request please send them to my email

I pray God's Peace and Blessings unto my family and friends a world over. Amen!

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