Welcome Back Family and Friends to another Bible Study!
For the next three or four weeks we will study in Scripture 2Timothy 1:7 As it is written in King James Version “For God did not give us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” In the New Living Translated Bible it reads “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.” Amen!
Let’s Pray:
Dear Lord God, Almighty Father, I come to You bowed down at the altar of my humble heart; and I surrender my mind heart and soul into You’re almighty hands with great expectations of becoming set free to be all I am called to be in and through Jesus Christ. In Jesus Name, I pray for my will to become Your Will; Lord I need You to help my mind to be set to Your Mind Lord God and Savior. Amen and amen!
It is important to understand Faith is expressed through Love for God in Jesus Name; God has not called you to fear, but to Freedom, and to Faith; you are called also to Love one another and that Love call will look for the good in a person no matter what they have done or has not done to you. God wants us to look for the good in one another. Why? Because the good that is to be sought after is the goodness of GOD HIMSELF stored inside all people a world over. That goodness in you and another is the Love of God put there by God through your acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Upon receiving Jesus as Lord of your life and turning your heart toward God’s divine Word, Will and Ways to live Holy; you will be Holy Spirit led to live and walk in the Spirit of power and life. You no longer can live according to the old man (flesh) that old sinful nature must die off daily until he becomes subdued by the Holy Spirit of Truth and life in Jesus Christ Name.
Our God is a jealous God; Yes He Is! But not so jealous that he wishes you to be terrified of Him; causing a fear to come upon you so horrific until you fall away from His Will, that would go against His Holiness, righteousness, and the justice His Only Begotten Son fought for on Calvary. That was a spiritual fight and we WON; through the shedding of Jesus’ Holy Blood on the altar (cross). Amen!
In that knowledge alone, is enough to know and understand that 2 Tim. 1:7 is saying Timothy did not have all of what was expected to be a leader in the Church; in fact He may have been fearful and timid at times, I know that I Lorraine Munerlyn, can also be from time to time; but our brother and apostle Paul said that God gives “power, love, and self- discipline” (a sound mind). Amen!
A sound mind is to know how to live a life that will glorify God your Lord and Savior.
Paul, told Timothy not to let his weakness stop him from ministering to others. Amen! Timothy’s success was not based on his ability, skills or courage NO it was based on the Holy Spirit’s Power working in and through him. Timothy had to allow the Holy Spirit to subdue any fear, timidity, and
any other entities that was not of God moving against his soul and heart; if he had not done so he would have become subdued to fear which is not a spirit God gives us (body of believers).
God knows there are many in the land of the living that is timid and fearful; and in man-kinds eyes they are not good leaders for the Church (Body of Believers); but through God’s Holy Spirit and Holy Power we can succeed. Amen! Believe you are an empowering person of God, called by God to do great things.
In speaking God’s spoken WORD you will become an instrument in the hand of God for God to establish you. Isa.7:9 “If ye will not believe, surely ye shall not be established.” In Romans 14:23 “Whatsoever is not of FAITH is sin.” Then you may be someone that does believe but there are times your not sure sometimes, you need God’s help; so you would pray Mark9:24 “Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief.” In praying this Word of God as it is written you’re not allowing the enemy to gain a foot hold on your soul of will and emotions; nor can he trespass against you even in your weakness, for where you are weak the Lord is strong! Amen!
God needs you to believe; so you can begin to “Get in Him, and He in you.” So that
your spirit-man becomes the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ being God Almighty, you and He become one heart beat in Spirit and in Truth, your heart will not beat for the things of this world; “No Fear Only Freedom.” Your heart will beat only for the things of God Almighty which is for the souls of the body of believers to be set free. “For whom the Son set free is free indeed.” (John 8:36) Amen!
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