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Saturday, September 24, 2011

"The Manifestation Of A Harvest" Part 2


Family and Friends we are studying “MANIFESTATION OF A HARVEST” Part 2

The two points that will be made or taught is how “spiritually bankrupt; drained, and unable to produce.” Second point is “the temple did not produce true worship and prayer.”  The Scripture passages are Mark 11: 11-14; Psalm 1:1-6; then we will look into the eyes of Mark 8: 23, then back to Mark 11: 15-19 which will take us into the temple that Jesus clears.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Jesus, I bless Your Holy Name with my obedient desire to live a life holy and pleasing to You. I ask You Jesus to forgive my disobedience, and bless me with Your peace that I am longing to embrace, in Your name Lord God and Savior A`-men!


We left off in Mark 11:11-14. We were looking at the Spiritual view on how Jesus curses the Fig tree that had leaves but no fruit. In the “Strong’s complete Dictionary” Leaves mean- door; gate; foliage; slinging weapon: door screen; leaf. The fruits are the spiritual wealth and weapons about a person that is in Christ Jesus. This is the manifestation of a harvest.  “You will know them by their fruit.”

Let’s go to Psalm 1: 1-6.

The focus verses here in Psalm is verse 3 “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”

People of God; men and women, when God tells you it’s your time and season, the joy of the Lord will carry you into your destiny; and you will bring forth your value of being fruitful in your predestined preordained called season. A`-men!

You will become that slinging weapon in God’s Almighty hand, and your gates will praise and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. The fruits of God’s Almighty Spirits will be manifested through you and you will produce a harvest unto the Lord; by introducing people to the gospel. In doing this you’re no longer spiritually bankrupt.

When God through Jesus has given life through the very breath of Life He gave, it is not given to become slothful; No! It is given to be in season for His divine purpose for the prosperity of the building of the Kingdom of God almighty. A`-men!

When Jesus said in v3 “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water”…that is a spoken prophetic law that is commanding you to stay or become rooted in Him for He is the river of water; the next spoken prophetic law of v3 is that you will bringeth forth your fruit in your season of obedience through Jesus in the divine purpose of your existence in Him. Then Jesus promises you something; He promises that your leaf shall not wither and whatsoever you do, you shall prosper.

The actual leaves on a tree are the gates to the tree as well as the trees roots; the door’s to the tree if you will! The leaves give and receive oxygen, which purifies our air so in a very real sense in the natural, the trees aid and assist our environment by fighting the polluted illuminates in the air. The water keeps the tree vibrant and flourishing in what it was created for.

In the spiritual sense of viewing you as a tree with leaves being your door; gates; slinging weapon, is your manifested praise in your edified mouth (gate, door); your hands that are raised in total surrender and worship to the one true Almighty God Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Your hands war and your fingers fight as it speaks in Psalm 144:1 A`-men! In this you’re blessing the Lord by honoring Him as your creator so you’re producing the manifested fruit that will manifest a harvest for Christ Jesus. These harvests are the souls of the Kingdom that must be feed and taught how to become strengthen by the fruits of the Spirit through you as a divine Kingdom builder. 

Glory is to the Lord our God in Jesus Name! A’-men! You have to understand who you are in Christ Jesus and who He is in you. Jesus desires you to be rooted in Him, out of obedience to Him being your creator, your healer, your restorer; He’s the cultivator of your heart and soul that will lead you into divine healing, as the manifestation of a harvest created  in you becomes exhibited through your actions, attitude, conduct, behavior and character. In Jesus Name, I thank you. A`-men!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, thank you for joining in on F.A.F.B.S. “MANIFESTATION OF A HARVEST.” Please join in next week for part 3 of this lesson. Until next week please study the Scriptures and become richly blessed because you are already preordained by the Holy Spirit of Almighty God in and through Jesus to manifest the power of God’s fruit in and out of your predestined life that belongs to God through the blood of Jesus Christ. A`-men!

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