A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Sunday, December 30, 2012



Here we are in the last 33hours of 2012 that I am writing these last remarks with the pen of God and I have cried out to God on this very day, of 12-30-12 as my heart and soul became sadden. In Isaiah 58:9 he says “Thou shalt cry, and he shall say Here I am.” “My God shall supply all I need according to his riches in glory” Philippians 4:19. You know my family; I am for the most part of my life a person of God that speaks on matters of the heart to a people that are weighted down by life’s difficulties. It is very difficult to take in a word spoken to you, which is not what you wanted to hear according to your spiritual walk in justice; and  according too how long and hard you've worked in the life of ministry you served in putting into the souls and lives of those given to you by God. I've prepared my mind soul and body to "Run the race that has been set before me with patience" Heb. 12:1.

So often a time it is a heavy cross to carry in being a prophet of God Almighty, and it is an act of obedience unto God Almighty who is the one who anoints and calls His elect one’s to be His mouth in the earth, to be the light to extinguish the darkness in this world.

I’m finding out the true honor and glorious pain of longsuffering it is to have in being an elect born again child of God’s. In Ephesians 3 Apostle Paul prays for Spiritual Empowering in verses 13-19 of Eph. 3. It is in these verses which speaks of “How long, how deep how high and how wide the love of God is!

In Paul’s Prayer for Spiritual Empowering (Growth), he speaks of believers becoming rooted and anchored in God’s soil of love. As we learn how much God loves us; we will become confident that God is able to do far more in and through us as a fully functioning temple of God; for God to move and empower you as a complete unit of oneness within Christ Jesus.

We are soul seeds of life in the Spirit, that have been planted in the earth among humanity; soul seeds that are in need of becoming watered by God’s Word and Strengthen by the Love the Son of God has to develop and nurture the love and life of God's Spirit in our hearts and mind and  this is by way of trial and era.

The enemy is a weed killer that wants your godly integrity to shift into fearful prejudice lies that speaks confusion, hatred to your heart and mind. Unclean spirits of manipulations, deceitfulness are ways of the enemy to prompt his ugly works to kill, steal and destroy the souls of God’s people.

The devil whisperers in the ears of our children, to be afraid, too acknowledge the power that reigns in them so they turn from God only to kill one another. We must teach and preach the gospel of truth; For it is the only way to destroy the yoke of spell binding lies that has bound the souls of our family of children that has not come into full understanding of how powerful they are.

The Fruits of God’s Spirit is a very empowering way to build under the feet of our children and families giving them the foundational floor they need to stand on and walk on as called soldiers of God to fight a good fight that is to be spiritually fought and be victorious in the belief and Faith of the Living Word of God. The Truth always rules out lies (un-truth). That’s the power of Paul’s Prayer for Spiritual Empowerment of the Love in the Holy Spirit that communes with the Holy Ghost power that dwells within our hearts and soul (mind).

As we live out the remainder of the latter 30 hours of 2012 please remember John 3:16-17
I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn Peace and Blessings in 2013 A`-men!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Last Post for 2012 conclusion "THE POWER AND DEPTH OF GOD'S LOVE"

Greetings my family and friends! Here we are at the end of the close of 2012 F.A.F.B.S. and this is the last post for 2012; I do pray that each and every one of you will continue to study the Word of God with me going into 2013. This is posting #73 I think it is quite fitting to close out this 2012 year with a teaching on the Power and Depth of God’s Love. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; I pray that You will continue to move upon my heart and life as I and my family continue to rest in Your teachings and learn of how very much so Your yoke is truly easy and Your burdens are light. Lord God I desire for You to be more and more at home within this temple as I learn how to exercise my faith in trusting You with every area of my life a`-men!

Lesson: The Conclusion of “The Power and Depth of God’s Love” Eph. 3:1-19

What I love about God’s endowing Love is that His love doesn’t leave any one out of being loved by Jesus; He will make it well understood that every one in the world is sure of the love of God being taught and expressed through the Good News (Jesus Christ is Lord of Love).

So many people (children, parents, school teachers, grocery store management, just every day people) that travel through this life, never coming into the knowledge of God’s Secret plan; which is to accept all of us through faith. Race, reputation, and position have no bearing on God’s forgiveness.

Apparently some of the Jewish believers claimed superiority because of their relationship to God in the Old Testament Scriptures. Paul refuted their view by reminding them that our relationship with God is based on our trust in Jesus Christ, not our personal history or position in society.

The reputation we once command in giving control over our hearts and souls as alcoholics, heavy drug users, wife and husband abusers, child or children abusers, people that lives a commanding reputation that expresses hatred toward another race. NONE of this matters to God, if we seek his forgiveness, he will accept us and help us make a New Start going into a New Year.

Remember Apostle Paul was used mightily by God through Jesus Christ Holy Spirit of Life that had filled Paul’s heart mind and soul with wonder and awe of God’s expressed Love for him and delivered Paul from himself, and sent him (Paul) to minister to the non-Jewish (Gentiles) community in Corinth. This act of obedience unto God our Lord and Savior expressed an unspeakable love that was of God in man being spread abroad.

When God has filled you with the gift of Love that is so supernatural, His Love is called to change you from the old ways of commenting deliberate hurt to another someone Jesus Love and died for. Jesus loves you so much so that you are free and at liberty to move in sovereign, sober love from on HIGH to ignite the souls of the down trodden, the broken spirit becoming resuscitated; so their bones doesn’t become dried out losing all life through the lack or neglect of a love that is a gift from God through Jesus toward a people a world over.

The Power of God’s Love is so rich in spiritual wealth. If we were to live in Love, and walk in love and not be moved by anything; not allowing the stress and strains of life to intimidate us. The Power of God’s Love shines on and blinds darkness so darkness can not see but flee from you as you resist the lies the enemy speaks. Please read Ephesians 3 and become God’s Secret Plan of LOVE. Happy New Year family and friends see you all in 2013; if the dear Lord's Willing for us all to see a new year. Peace and Blessings in Jesus Name A`-men!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, Peace and goodwill to all the earth in 2013 A`-men and a`-men.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Greetings Family and Friends! Welcome back to F.A.F.B.S. We are at the close of the 2012 year, and I have grown up a lot more in Spirit and a lot more in God’s Truth about the power of His Love. I pray that all of the different countries that have joined me over the last two years have grown with me as I have grown in Christ Jesus.

I pray that all who joins me in 2013 will pass on this site to other family and friends so they too can experience the empowering move of the Living Word of God. I give a Special thanks to USA; Russia; Germany; United Kingdom; Canada; Sweden; Colombia; Denmark; Malaysia; France; Vietnam, and I know that Jesus will continue to move upon me to carry the gospel to many, many other countries to minister too and allow change to come into their hearts and souls in Jesus Almighty Name. A`-men!

The Scriptures we will be reflecting on the Love of God coming from 1Cor. 12:13; 1Cor.13; 1John 4:9-10 and Eph. 3. The main Scripture is chapter 3 of Ephesians.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord Jesus God and Savior, I come to you in the close of this year in great hopes of becoming more blessed in mind, body and soul; becoming richly empowered by Your infinite Power of Love and how to grow more deeply in Your Love that cancels sins, rebukes fear, corrects, disciplines, forgives the unforgiving, comforts, draws with unspeakable kindness that draws a soul to confession and repentance of all sins committed by a person no matter who they are; near or far for the Love of Christ has Power and it's the only love that can forgive all.

Lesson: “The Power and Depth of God’s Love” Main Scripture Key Eph 3.

The love of God through Jesus Christ is in deed a Holy Spiritual Gift that contains many spiritual gifts that has been bestowed upon ALL people a world over. In 1Corinthians 12: 12-13 in the bible, the apostle Paul is a servant unto Jesus Christ when he once was an enemy to all Christians as Saul from Tarsus; but in his converted state of mind full of the Holy Spirits power and authority Jesus Christ now has him (Paul) to serve as an apostle to go and encourage the believers living in Corinth to resolve their problems and honor God.

There was a lot of idolatry and immorality in Corinth; it was made up of non-Jewish (Gentile) believers. In 1Cor. 12:12-13 apostle Paul speaks of one body with many parts; summing it all up to be this! With these gifts we are endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit to give the gift of life to someone else in need of love that comes from a Non-Jewish family; but what we fail to see is in Christ we are one. We invariably end up hurting ourself and others with such ignorance as to think more of ourselves than we ought to when we can not do anything end of ourselves.

In 1Corinthinans 13 Paul is again speaking in the beginning of 13 in 1Cor. To a group of believers who had started to forget what real love is? He showed them that all their talents, abilities, and spiritual gifts amounted to nothing if they didn’t love each other.

Without selfless love, we have nothing. 1Cor. 13:13 speaks in saying “There are three things that will endure-faith, hope, and love and the greatest of these is love. A`-men!

So many of us are like children, needing to mature (spiritually). Only when we see God face to face will we be complete and whole. Paul shares this truth not to discourage us but to give us hope that someday we will be made perfect.

We need hope to endure and be healed from our painful problems and sorrows that could lead to death. Most of all genuine love is needed to conquer the barriers and bondage of our past. Faith, hope and love are all necessary to successful recovery from past hurts and fears. A`-men!

Now let’s look at 1John 4:9-10 in 1John 4 between verses 7-12 John expresses how loving one another is so powerful; because God is usually seen only through his people when they love one another. This is why it is so important for us to restore relationships with the people we have harmed. That is also why we need the fellowship of believers because we desperately need the love they offer that is of Jesus Christ. A`-men!

Lets take a look at 1John 4:9th and 10th verse; a`-men v9 “God showed how much he loved us by sending his only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him” v10 “This is real love. It is not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.”

So often a time we have people in our lives that just will not see us the way God sees us; they just will not let go of your past failures, set backs, broken promises, and lies that were told. Most of the times these people are family and friends people we have grown to love and respect, yet they are the ones to charge and judge us unfairly.

We will close here, until another time before the last day of 2012 I will be obedient to God in Jesus Name to finish what has been started. You will hear in closing scripture Eph.3 “The Power and Depth of God’s Love” I’m Minister Evangelist L. Munerlyn Peace and Blessings.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Greetings my beloved family and friends! Welcome back to another Bible Study with Family and Friends Bible Study. We are in the close of the lesson “Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment.” A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God! In Jesus Name I thank you for allowing me to be a part of Your life in all of its glory. I’m so grateful to You my Lord God and King for another day You have made to bless so many souls to have another chance to say yes to you and no to the crimes (sins) of this world. Help me Jesus to be an instrument in Your hand of Salvation. A`-men and a`-men!


 Please let us pray the Will of God through His living Word in Scripture in Jesus Name; for it is His Word you will find the “Soul conquering acts of endowment”

In Gen. 1:2 “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”

Isa. 61:1 “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me”

John 1:32 “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon Him.”

Acts 1:4 “Wait for the promise of the Father. (Jesus spoke)

John 20:22 “Receive ye the Holy Ghost”

Acts 2:39 “The promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off”

Rom. 8:9 “Ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit”

Rom. 8:14 “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God”

Rom. 14:17 “The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost”

1Cor. 3:16 “The Spirit of God dwelleth in you”

Gal.5:25 “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit”

1 John 5:6 “It is the Spirit the beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth”

Gal. 5:22-23 “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. These are the soul conquering acts of endowment God will produce when you allow the Holy Spirit to control your lives. A`-men.

All of the living Word of God is to you; and to your families, friends and your foes and enemies, but little too few receives the endowment of the SPIRIT OF THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY (His living encouraging Word is Spoken to strengthen and endow your mind, soul and body to be more than a conquer in and through HIM and HIM alone.

In closing lets look at the foot note in the book of Joel 2:28-29 “Since this prophecy was fulfilled at Pentecost (see Acts2), we can receive the gift of the Holy Spirit without waiting another day because we have learned He Is Hear and He’s never left. The Holy Spirit has been changing dysfunctional lives since he was given to the world; the Spirit that Joel prophesied about, the Spirit who changed first-century lives, is available to change our life, too. We can trust the God of the Old and New Testaments to heal our broken life and help us journey toward salvation victoriously in Jesus Name. A`-men!

I’m Minister Evangelist L. Munerlyn, please continue to pray for your friends and enemies alike for this is pleasing to God; also please pray for the children a world over for they are the next generation Church. We (God and I) have one more word to minister with, but this lesson is the closing of “SOUL CONQUERING ACTS OF ENDOWMENT” Peace and Blessings to all. Love ya!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Greetings Family and Friends! Welcome back to F.A.F.B.S. We are in part three of “Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment.”

Let’s Pray:

Dear merciful Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ! Thank You for the power of the Holy Spirits soul conquering acts of endowment that has been poured out upon all flesh in Jesus Christ Almighty Name; complete us in the form of holiness in mind and heart, open our souls up to understanding Your endowing Word of Life unto our spiritual nature in being called people of God A’-men and a’-men!

Lesson: Part 3 of Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment

“Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment” is a very empowering word from the Holy Spirit; so often a time we over look our endued power form on high. We don’t see the Joy of the Lord as an endowment, the endowment of peace, the endowment of love given to you by Jesus through a complete stranger and they could very well be a drunk or a drug user. God does use many people and He’s going to use people you least expect in 2013; people will make evidence know to many, many others by way of prophecy spoken in season over many of your lives the Holy Spirit has shown this to me in a vision.

We are more than a conquer, our souls are empowered by the acts of the Holy Spirit of God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior making us the over comers through the power of Jesus’ Blood He has already established through the cross.

He’s going to endow the souls of the afflicted and we will see the miraculous miracle of His Word coming alive before our eyes; tongues will be loosed upon children edifying God in Jesus Name; people with Down’s syndrome will look and speak a word over your lives so don’t be fooled by their outer condition in appearance; you better be ready to receive what thus sayith the Lord in Jesus Almighty Name.

The blessing about this lesson is to help you understand YOU DON’T HAVE TO “TARRY.” Jesus is HERE!   When Jesus sent the Apostles (disciples) back to Jerusalem to tarry (wait) in the upper room; you see in scripture at verse 50 of Luke 24 Jesus spoke of them returning to Jerusalem He led them out along the road to Bethany and lifting his hands to heaven, He blessed them, and then began rising into the sky and went on to heaven. v 52 says they worshiped Him, and returned to Jerusalem filled with mighty JOY (Joy is a Soul Conquering Act of Endowment) and were continually in the Temple, praising GOD.

People of God! The reason the Apostles had to go back to tarry in Jerusalem is; remember Jesus had not sent the comforter back to them yet, as well as Jerusalem was the starting place of the birthing of many signs and wonders of who He Is in God and being God to a people. We all need a spiritual birthing place; if you have not given your life to Christ Jesus do so now for right now is your birthing place to receive the gift of life by welcoming the Spirit of Jesus Christ into your heart and life right where you are. (Read Acts 1:3-4)

Don’t worry about being a sinner or the worst low life ever! Stop calling yourself that; don’t speak words of condemnation, but word of edification for you are precious in God’s sight. Please take a moment and read Romans 8:1-4 become richly blessed by the living Word of God spoken over you. A`-men!

The apostles waited for seven days (7 means completion). You Don’t Have To Tarry (Wait) why? Because when the power of the Spirit of the Lord came in filling that room your temple (body, mind, soul) you will never be the same.  The Apostles waited for Jesus to return to them the comforter He is; as the way maker He is; as the Leader He is; as the Baptizer He is; as the Councilor He is; as the Rectifier He is; AS THE SAVIOR HE IS FOREVER MORE; and He’s never left. When He came back in the manifested wind, fire, and language of tongues, HE NEVER LEFT; HE’S STILL HERE!!!  So you don’t have to tarry (wait) just have a made up mind to surrender unto the Lord. He cares for you and you need Him to Work and move in your life don’t wait another moment. Open your mouth and confess your wrongs and your sins unto the Lord and He will come in and make His abode with you. His abode is a soul conquering act of endowment.

You will never experience “Soul Conquering Acts Of Endowment” if you’re not obedient to answering the call of an asked question in an open invitation from the Lord and that is Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

“YOU DON’T HAVE TO KEEP SEEING YOURSELF AS THE EMPTY FORMLESS MASS OF DARKNESS;” Because you have a place in the KINGDOM of GOD as an elite person of God that has been given “SOUL CONQUERING ACTS OF ENDOWMENT” in the earth as a mighty son of God (women and men). A`-men!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, Please join me soon before the year is out 2012 for the conclusion of “Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment” Please study all scriptures given to this lesson and all lessons that pertains to soul conquering acts of endowment. Peace and Blessings to all.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Greetings Family and Friends! Welcome back to Family and Friends Bible Study.

I am excited in the Spirit of Holiness! Because the Lords Will is being done in the earth (people) as it is in all of heaven in the fullness of worship, praise, honor and glorifying our Lord and Savior as GOD ALMIGHTY. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, King of kings and Lord of lords! You are Majesty in all of Heaven and earth; let Your subduing power and authority move ever so profoundly in the Heavens as it also moves in the earth of your people allowing the oneness of Your Holiness being magnified for all to see. Help us to be on one accord with the move of Your Holy Spirit in all Truthfulness through the preaching and teaching of the gospel.  In Jesus Almighty Name A`-men and a`-men.


In Scripture we are coming from Acts 2:1-4 and in Luke 24:49-53 We have (The Lord and I) showed you how from the very beginning in Gen.2:7 How God’s perception of His called  people are endowed with the Spirit of God in Genesis 2:7(Adam and Eve). Now let’s take a look at the Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment in the book of Acts and Luke.          A`-men!

In this empowering lesson we hear how the Holy Spirit comes. In Genesis He came into Adam by way of the “Breath of Life breathed into Adams nostrils” (mighty rushing wind) it was in this profound gift of life given to a created creation in the form of dust that now held the authority of its maker in Spirit and in Truth of God’s endowing Power given to man created in the image of Almighty God.

In Acts 2:1-4 we hear how it was re-established in and through Jesus Christ once and for all. In Acts 2 “ v1 Seven week had gone by since Jesus’ death and resurrection; and the Day of Pentecost had now arrived. As the believers met together that day,” “ v2 suddenly there was a sound like the roaring of a mighty windstorm in the skies above them and it filled the house where they were meeting.” “ v3 Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on their heads.” “ v4 And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in languages they didn’t know, for the Holy Spirit gave them this ability.”

When a disobedient person is called to obedience and answer; they become called sons of God (woman or man). In Adam and Eve’s case, they were born innocent and free of sin, until sin was chosen and gained access into their hearts and into the “soul conquering Acts of Endowment.”

The Apostles were called to “Tarry” which means to wait. A`-men! Jesus told them (disciples) to “Wait in the city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high.” They waited in Jerusalem out of obedience unto the Lord they had learned to trust and love. Acts 2:1 says, “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come. . . .” Glory is to God! When that day came in Acts 2, NO ONE HAD TO EVER WAIT AGAIN! It was on that special day the Holy Ghost (Spirit of God) was birthed in the earth of the obedient soul and heart of woman and man.

When you believe by FAITH; as a believer it is a need to wait on God’s Holy Spirit for direction, and waiting as a believer is easier to do than choosing to wait from an impossible human finite mind that is not submissive unto the obedience of God’s asking.

People that desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit will be filled. In Luke 24:49 we see people of obedience unto faith in Christ Jesus. These people in Luke 24:49 were Jesus’ disciples. Luke was a Doctor of medicine as well as a well love apostle. Jesus said, “Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high” (All of the Apostles).

Meaning “I (Jesus) will send the Holy Spirit upon you, just as my Father promised. Don’t begin telling others yet - stay (wait) here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.”

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, and I do pray in Jesus Name that you will meditate on the scriptures given in this teaching and allow your soul to hang on every line and precept of the living Word of God. I look forward to fellow shipping in the Word of God in two week or less to study part 3 of “Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment.” Peace and Blessings unto you in Jesus Name!

Monday, October 22, 2012


Greetings Family and Friends! Welcome back to F.A.F.B.S. God has a wonderful lesson to teach through me just for all who desires to learn of Him through me as a yielded vessel unto our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father I come to You on today seeking a better understanding of the power you invested in me as an elite person of God. Help me Jesus to understand the things of heaven and the Power there of within me to do great things in the earth. Things that is pleasing to You my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A`-men!

Lesson:  “Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment” Scriptures Gen.1:26-28; Heb.10:15-20.

It is in the Soul of every man (person) God wrote His Word (laws); this is having the mind of Christ Jesus. "He also put them in our hearts so that we would obey them." read Hebrews 10:15-16! It’s having and living in all truthfulness, it is communication with the Father; being one mind, one heartbeat, one love, one spirit, one body. It is knowledge of living a disciplined life that will honor God through Jesus Christ death, resurrection and ascension that we are honored in a call to serve as holy children that has been given a gift of having soul conquering acts of endowment in the earth (dominion).


When you look at our almighty Gods perception for us as his children, He says in Genesis 1: 26-28 and the Word of God reads v26 “Then God said,” “Let us make people* in our image, to be like ourselves. They will be masters over all life- the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the livestock, wild animals,* and small animals.”

27v So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them. 28v God blessed them and told them, “Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. Be masters over the fish and birds and all the animals.” Now in verse 27 of Gen.1 God is not telling the people to sin by having intercourse with your significant other and having babies out of wedlock. No! Adam and Eve were married look at (Genesis 3:6) also (Gen.4:1). God is a God of order and correction. His Word is always subdue to His Will, His Way in heaven and in the earth.


The sinful nature of man-kinds life is to go against the Holy standard our Lord and Savior has in place for us as a blessed people called to serve as ambassadors for Christ Jesus.  So if the sinful nature is allowed to keep a person bound by his or her choices to choose sin, they stay captivated and blinded by the spiritual thief that causes spiritual blindness, but even in this form of darkness our Holy God and King is still hovering over the darkness (sin).

The empty, formless mass of sin that does not will for you to become formed in the substance or likeness of your creator that is God Almighty in and through Christ Jesus.

We are going to stop here for now, but only to continue in two weeks or less please continue to walk out, live out your authority as a soul conquer in Jesus Name. I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, Peace and Blessings to all. Please study the Scriptures and all other 60 plus lessons. A`-men!

Friday, September 28, 2012


Greetings, family and friends! Welcome back to the end of our lesson that we started two weeks ago. We are teaching on being “Made Alive With Christ Through Disobedience”

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father we come to You seeking more of Your love, Your guidance, Your Oneness on how to live in and operate out of the fullness of LOVE. We desire to embrace the depth of how long, how wide, how high and how deep Your LOVE is in our hearts and souls to have for one another in Jesus Name. A`-men and a`-men!

Lesson: “Made Alive With Christ Through Disobedience” Eph. 2 and 4:1-16

There are so many broken relationships across the world between brother and sisters! Relationships spend so much time on brokenness meaningless things that has nothing to do with God and His High call of order to “LOVE ONE ANOTHER” John 13:34.

If you can not love this is “DISOBEDIENCE UNTO GOD” The Spirit of the Lord speaks. “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Look at Lev. 19:18, Matt. 19:19.

So to love someone as thyself; means even though you, yourself knows that deep down in your own fleshly heart of judgments, you would want someone to love you or appreciate you in spite of yourself! How can one keep asking for God to work and move in their life or their children and family members lives when the one that’s doing all the asking is in era before God through their acts of a disobedient spirit that is law breaking through fleshly acts of wrongs unto God and His standards.

Take a look at Romans 13:8, 10 “He that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.” The commandment to love is the law of God. 1John 3:18 “Let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.” A`-men!

In 1 John 4:20 “He that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?” Now look at Rev. 3:19 “Jesus speaks in saying; As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten.” In other words, you do not have the right according to your flesh to rebuke anyone, because if you rebuke from the fleshly soulish view of rebuking you will cause more harm than good toward the soul of a person that is in need of extended grace.

Knowing there has been times in your holy filled life where you just didn’t measure up to God’s Holy standards as the blood-line Jew we all are, but we’re so quick to charge someone else for not being like us through the blood line Jewish descendant nation; when Almighty God is saying I have given favor to ALL who believe! IN OTHER WORDS WHOM EVER GOD THROUGH JESUS CHRIST HAS CALLED AND GIVEN THIS HOLY FAVOR TO; THEN neither YOU nor ANYONE ELSE SHOULD ACT OUT IN UGLINESS TOWARD ANOTHER.

In Ephesians 2: 22 verse speaks in saying; “In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.” In the NLT bible it reads v.22 “Through him you Gentiles are also joined together as part of this dwelling where God lives by his Spirit.” A`-men and a`-men!

In other words! If another has the odor in foulness of sin; then you should love them still; if they have talked about you like a dog, it is for you to love them still; if they have even threatened to KILL you, it is for you to still love them; if they have abused you or someone you love, it is for you to still love them; if they have stolen things from you, it is for you to still love them; if your sick in your body it is for you to still love God and believe in His Word that speaks a declared and decreed Word; in saying “With His stripes we are Healed” Isa. 53:5. (BELIEVE)! Let God do the tarring down only to “build them up for an habitation of God through the Spirit.” A`-men!

The purpose of this lesson as in all the lesson the Holy Spirit of God has directed me in is to strengthen the believers a world over and even those that has not come to a place within God through Jesus Christ too surrender to the Lord’s Will for their lives.

I want you all to become strengthen in your relationship with God through Jesus Christ and with each other! Your sins are forgiven but you have to believe. This word “BELIEVE” express your FAITH behavior to God Almighty! When you look at the word “BEHAVIOR” in the Scripture God is saying

“Be ye holy” Lev.20:7 this is a behavior; He’s saying “Ye shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God hath commanded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you” Deut. 5:33 this is a behavior; He’s saying “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord”Isa.55:8 this is a behavior; He’s saying “Put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth” Col.3:3 this is a behavior; He’s saying “Let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation” 1Thess. 5:8 this is a behavior; He’s saying “They which preach the gospel should live of the gospel” 1Cor. 9:14 this is a behavior! A`-men and a`-men!


I’m Minister Evangelist L. Munerlyn, thank you for joining me in the writings of the Lord for your God given life. Please study the Scriptures and God and I will see you in two weeks don’t forget to study all of the 60 plus lessons here on Family and Friends Bible Study. Peace and Blessings. I’m open for special prayer request! Please email at this is my personal email no one else will know except God in Jesus Name. Love ya!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Greetings Family and Friends! Welcome back, I apologize for taking so long to get back to my F.A.F.B.S. Please forgive me! The last 30-60 days has been filled with back to back empowering moves that will lead children’s soul into wonderful days ahead in becoming developed into empowering leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ.  A`-men! We will study Ephesians 2 and Eph.4:1-16.

Let’s Pray Family:

Dear Lord God and Savior, thank You for Your patience in dealing with us as the filthy rages we are in our disobedience; for most of us has fallen to a chosen life of sin.
We need You Lord; to open our spiritual eyes to see with clarity the steps for our lives that are ordered in Your Word for today. In Jesus Almighty Name Amen!

Lesson: “Made Alive With Christ Through Disobedience.” Scriptures Eph. 2 and Eph. 4:1-16.

It is in ones disobedience to the righteousness of God asking us to live holy for He is Holy. “Ye shall be holy: for I the Lord your God am holy.” 1Peter 1:16 Amen!  We are called to Holy Living. In understanding this call to holy living, it allows God to be all He is in heaven and in the earth through a chosen people of obedience unto Himself.

What am I saying here? I am saying that we must become so obedient unto the will of God as believers, in order to fore fill the call to holy living as an anointed Holy Ghost child of God almighty; This is what Mary did, she didn’t second guess the call on her life she may have been wondering; “who am I that God thinks enough of me to want me to give birth to Holiness.” Let’s look back at the scripture in Luke 1:29 “And when she saw him (Angel Gabriel), she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.” Mind you Jesus mother Mary was a virgin; no sins had beset her soul, or her temple!

But as a believer God’s desire was for her to be in Him one heart, one mind that was yielded to His righteousness in which He clothed her with; as He also desires to do even in you, yes including you and your children we all must share with Him in the oneness of holiness that is a shared stewardship.

Let’s look at Galatians 5: 4-6 “v.4 For if you are trying to make yourselves right with God by keeping the law, you have been cut off from Christ! You have fallen away from God’s grace.” “v.5 But we who live by the Spirit eagerly wait to receive everything promised to us who are right with God through faith.” “v.6 For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus, it makes no difference to God whether we are circumcised or not circumcised. What is important is FAITH EXPRESSING ITSELF IN LOVE.”

Look at Ephesians 4:4 and it reads “There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;” Now!  Please read Ephesians 2 “All of it.”

Who were the gentiles? Well they were NOT Jews; but a group (nation) of people that were looked down upon by the Jews. Gentiles were considered heathens, outsiders at birth.

Gentile men children were the uncircumcised one’s by their bodies, and the Jews who were proud of their circumcision even though it affected only their bodies and not their hearts! This was heavily viewed by God whom His Son Jesus was from the birth line of Jewish descendants’.

The Gentiles had something the Jews didn’t seem to have and that was having the heart for good and for what was right; the Gentiles over all view point on how to live was that of God; so God through His Only Begotten Son (Jesus Holy blood) had to change the Jewish laws that had cut off other nationalities from being a part of the body and blood line of Jesus Christ.

This is how we are ALL saved! What Great Favor given from God only, when one believes in His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ; In Christ we can have peace with God and with others. A`-men!

We will stop here for now! I am Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, Please study the Scripture Keys to this Bible study, and become even more empowered by the blessed Living Seed and Water that the Word of God is to us all. A`-men! Please leave questions in the comment box below or email me at with any questions pertaining to this lesson only please love you all. Peace and Blessings.

Friday, August 31, 2012

His Divine Love, Power and Promises; "I've Got Them"

The Only Reliable Source Of Help and Hope A Woman Has Is To KEEP HER EYES ON GOD! Because If She Doesn’t Her Life Of Up’s and Down’s, Change’s and Turn Around’ Can Heavily Persecute Her Life Of Christianity!


God’s Divine Love, Power and Promises are locked away in His Word, and I’ve got them.

You see it is for a growing chosen people to desire the knowledge His power holds; He desires His Love and Forgiveness that’s tuck away in the truth of the gospel to be told.

God’s Divine Word is so prophetically empowered by His Love for a chosen people, a peculiar people that He created; giving us a small portion of the very substance in which He Himself has made it to reflect every promise that was created in His Word.

He’s a Love that will not shun a woman.

He’s a Power through His Only Begotten Son.

For the LOVE of HIS Blood will not stain or run; but it has wash me white as snow from all my sin stains that rejected my Lord’s Love many years ago.

He IS Divine in Power and Authority that gives every woman a place in His being, “to speak those things that be not as though they were.” In Christ Jesus Name!

He promised through the gift of eternity by paving the way for a woman’s soul to reach her destiny.

I use to reject all that He Is, All that He was, and All that He Is still to come; through my ignorance; through my sins I caused a void in my own soul of un-repentance.

I didn’t understand that even though as a woman, it was His Divine Nature that developed me, in and out; in and out of His LOVE, so you see!

HE’S a love through His Divine Son’s Powerful nature; you and I as women were born out of.

His breath of Life awakened my soul from the self-contained imprisonment I didn’t spiritually know I was apart of, but “lo and behold” my desire to live became bold!

I didn’t know how much of Him I had; I didn’t know the promises of His Divine Love had the ability to destroy the enemies trick bag

I didn’t understand the promises I had through Him, because I lived for a long time just for sin! I thought because of my stupidity HE rejected me!

I didn’t understand the promises; I though HE would never love nor care for me; because of my ignorance and stupidity; but the real wrong I committed in my sins was I rejected me and who I was created to be in and through Him. 








I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, and this Poem was written to empower the women in the body of Christ Jesus

Copyrights © 2012 Author, poetess Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn

Saturday, July 7, 2012

"HOLY GHOST DELIVERY" Final Conclusion!

Greetings Family and Friends to the final conclusion of Holy Ghost Delivery!
The foundation Scripture for this lesson has been Mark 9:14-29; and for the conclusion of this lesson to give the birthing of the lesson is Luke 1:26-35.

Let’s Pray: Dear gracious Lord God and Savior! I thank you for Your Divine empowering Love for me as a person. Thank you for blessing me with Your Spirit of council and Power, to direct my path of righteousness through the endowment of the Holy Ghost You have delivered unto my soul and heart. A`-men and a`-men!

Lesson: Part 2 of conclusion “Holy Ghost Delivery” Luke 1: 26-35, 38

When Gabriel finished and the Holy Ghost Delivery took place in her womb! Mary’s reply in Luke 1:38 was “Behold the handmaid of the Lord be it unto me according to thy word.”   In Mary’s acceptance of what she was chosen for; she didn’t reject in her puzzled mind of why me!

There was no looking to her mother or going to someone else other than Elisabeth her older cousin. Mary didn’t seek confirmation from her daddy. She didn’t call on her best friend. She accepted what the Lord had wanted to do and received it in the midist of her confusion, because it wasn’t for her to understand; but it was for her to open up her heart and soul to receive the SUPERNATURAL HOLY GHOST DELIVERY that would come forth from her womb to save and deliver many souls bound to the sins of this world.

If Mother Mary had not received the “Supernatural HOLY GHOST DELIVERY” she would not have been able to give birth to someone as Great as He (Jesus Holy Ghost)“Again I say you can’t give something from God you don’t have.” Remember the disciples in Mark 9:14-19 the disciples could not heal the man’s son that had a demon on him trying to kill his son.

The disciples could not give what they did not have. “Holy Ghost Delivery didn’t come unto them until the day of “PENTECOST” Acts 2:1 Hallelujah! Spiritual faith is also tied to this gift of God that’s delivered unto a chosen people.  

In prayer begin to desire to have the birthing of the “Holy Ghost” that will come and abode in your heart and soul of thoughts in mind for you to begin walking into your season of having all God promised through His Word for your life and your families. Remember to pray for your friends and even your enemies, because we all have them. God commands us to LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY!

Family when I look into the eyes of the Scripture! The gospel Mark is one that ministers to my soul; and the heart of my soul embraced the true message of having “Jesus Faith”. In the gospel of Mark 9:14-29 the Scripture speaks of “Jesus Heals a Boy Possessed by an Evil Spirit” Please read this very empowering chapter verses in Mark 9:14-29 again and hang on the hinges’ of every
Word in Scripture verses. I have an almost similar story with having a son that was troubled by an ungodly spirit that almost caused a premature death; but Jesus said “Not so.”

When your faith has been put under fire by God as mine has; it is not designed to break you but to re-create in you a JESUS FAITH.

So many can walk, can talk, can see, can hear and even though they are afflicted in their temple physically; their soul is more afflicted with disbelief or lack to comprehend. So therefore they will not walk, will not talk, will not see nor hear; but if their soul became under the full submission in belief of the POWER OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD IN JESUS NAME.

Then their souls will become un-tied from the affliction and loosed into FREEDOM to experience the Power of TRUE FAITH (Jesus Faith) having an experience with God’s Supernatural impartation of His Son’s “Holy Ghost Delivery” that can heal ALL!

Let’s Pray: Dear Lord God; I want the overshadowing of Jesus “Holy Ghost Delivery” to come upon me imparting a Jesus Faith that will restore my soul to cling to the things of heaven.

“I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Let my body function in the wonderful way You designed it to function” (Ps. 139:14).

“Jesus, arise over my life with healing in Your wings” (Mal.4:2).

“The Lord is the strength of my life” (Ps.27:1)

I command every germ or sickness that touches my body to die in the name of JESUS.

“I am redeemed from sickness and disease” (Gal.3:13)

“I loose myself from every infirmity” (Luke 13:12).

“Jesus Christ makes me whole” (Acts 9:34)

A`-men and a`-men in Jesus Almighty Name!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, I thank you each and everyone for joining me on F.A.F. B.S. please join me in two weeks for the new lessons Theme: “Disobedience” Please continue to study intently the lesson we just come out of which take us right into the lesson of “DISOBEDIENCE.” I Love you; but Jesus Christ loves you all so much more see you in two weeks don’t forget the other 62 plus bible lesson on F.A.F.B.S.  for your studies. Peace and Blessings!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

"HOLY GHOST DELIVERY" conclusion part 1 of 2

Greetings! Welcome back to Family and Friends Bible Study! We are gathered to close out the lesson on Holy Ghost Delivery! We have a two part conclusion. Here’s part 1 please be blessed.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God and Father in Heaven! I come to You on today to surrender my mind, my heart, my will, my way and even in my soul create a humbleness so I can fully surrender unto You. Bless me Lord God and I will be blessed in Jesus Name A`-men!

Lesson: “Holy Ghost Delivery” Part 1 of 2 lessons in closing!

Sacrifice! Giving up doubt, to believe; giving up food and water, for clearer break through; giving up shame; for complete wholeness to take place through you, in your spiritual faith that witness to Christ Jesus; surrendering Fleshly ways for God’s Way.

The main Scripture passage for Holy Ghost Delivery has been Mark 9:14-29; but please bear with me; I would like us to look at the Scripture passage Luke 1:26-35 in Luke 1 the key verses are v34, v35.

Mary’s soul could not grasp the POWERFUL move of God’s Spirit that was about to be imparted into her; which was the gift of a SUPERNATURAL HOLY GHOST DELIVERY. God was about to give (Deliver) unto her a part of HIMSELF.  “And when Gabriel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women v28.”  v29 says “And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.” Mary’s soul of thoughts became confused (didn’t understand) why the salutation was given unto her by one of God's angels as if she was someone special or royalty!

The fact of the matter is God had found Mary to be so! She was holy and pure before Him. This young virgin girl was full of innocence in heart, mind, and body and in soul. She was chosen by God Almighty for her to be a blessed woman among women. (She would carry the Holy Ghost like no other woman would and give birth to HIM the Son Of God).

So many of us are hand picked by God Almighty, many of us are not virgins any more, female or male; nor are we innocent in matters of the heart; nor are we considered a teenager. Well the fact of the matter is we are sinners and we all have fallen short of the glory of God, but nevertheless it does not keep God from choosing us as an elite subject chosen for His Glory to be magnified in the earth. A`-men! We need to stop charging each other and judging.

You too can and will be used by God in Jesus Christ Name; but you have to separate you’re self from doubt, double mindedness, speaking word’s that will hinder you from answering the higher calling God Himself has placed on your heart and life as a chosen vessel to carry something (someone) as empowering as the “HOLY GHOST” that’s ready to be “DELIVERED” unto you by GOD. Read Luke 6:37 Please!

The birthing of the imparted “Holy Ghost” is for you to be a blessing unto the Lord by and through your obedience, your readiness, and submission only to God Himself, not any person of this world; but the Holy Spirit of God will give the Holy Ghost in you the unction to pray for those that needs a healing word of prayer to be delivered from sickness and disease in Jesus Christ Almighty Name; as well as hearing the prophetic voice of God from heaven. A`-men!

Gabriel told Mary, in v30 “Don’t be frightened, Mary, “for He (God) was with her, (His favor) and He had decided to bless her.” In v31 the angel Gabriel said behold meaning (look; listen and observe) the angel Gabriel meant for Mary to listen to him carefully; we can behold things with our ears as well as seeing if we listen intently with a spiritual ear. A`-men! The word careful also means (anxious), being too anxious you can miss out on what is about to be imparted into you by the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD.

I am Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, Thank you for joining me in this wonderful bible study on “Family and friends”  Please read the scriptures and come back to join us for the second and final conclusion to “Holy Ghost Delivery” Peace and Blessing in Jesus Name.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Greetings Family and Friends! WELCOME back to another lesson of “Holy Ghost Delivery.” F.A.F.B.S. is on the verge of going into the 6th part of (Holy Ghost Delivery)

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God and Savior; I bless Your Holy Ghost Delivery Power that is capable of healing, and delivering ALL people from ALL forms of bondage. I give You the glory and honor and praise for being a just and righteous God and Savior. A`-men and a`-men!

Lesson: “Holy Ghost Delivery 5th part Main Scripture Mark 9 and verses 14-29

Now lets look at 1Peter 4:12,13 in these verses they are speaking of being very glad of having trials that will make you partners with Christ in his suffering, and afterward you will have the wonderful joy of sharing his glory when it is displayed to all the world. “Exchanges are being made to have an experience with Christ Jesus, and we should find joy in the suffering for being a Christian; why because JESUS did”.

Let’s look back at Hebrews 12:2, 3 “It was JOY that set before the LORD that helped HIM to endure the cross.” So we should not only expect trials, but we should also rejoice in them. To God be glorified in the highest! A`-men!

“Faith and believing in Christ Jesus (WORD) will restore. This natural father in Mark 9:14-19 believed that Jesus could restore his son to health, but he questioned whether Jesus would do so.” What I have learned is Jesus is ready to heal anyone who has had an experience with Him and is ready to surrender the very thing they’ve been burden by and carrying much to long.

It takes the JOY of the LORD to sit before you in Spirit and in Truth, because there’s an all knowing in your soul that speaks in your mind and it’s embraced in your heart of Truth that says I’m set free. “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.” A`-men and a`-men!

Sometimes the enemy can make you we feel let down within yourself. We see how God has delivered others and believe that God can help, but we fear that HE will refuse to help us. “God is no respecter of person.” His LOVE and the JOY of His Love doesn’t hop or skip nor leap over specific ones. He doesn’t work like that.

Family it is your prayers and willing to sacrifice (fasting) that will witness to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In v29 of Mark 9 Jesus clearly states that “This kind can be cast out only by prayer and fasting.” A`-men! It is time to exercise your faith in and through the authority that you have been given through a “Holy Ghost Delivery” from God through Christ Jesus.

The Holy Ghost Delivery is the living power of Jesus Spirit on the inside of you that birth’s in you a “JOY” that will excite your soul strengthen and move you forward into your season of deliverance.

Real “JOY” that is from God being a fruit of His Spirit; will carry you into your supernatural delivery of healing, and loosed from oppression, depression, fear of judgment, self pity, false compassion, and false responsibility, perverseness, lust, double minded, loneliness, timidity, Unforgiveness.

God Is doing something on the inside of your mind, heart and soul that no one else can see, and that is He's overshadowing your soul to receive someone as great as He Himself into your heart; to become all He created you to be in Spirit and in Truth.

When your faith comes into an agreement with the Father’s (God) faithfulness; that is given through His Only Begotten Son; you can’t do nothing but receive what God has for you in Romans 8:11 “. . . He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwells in you.”

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, and I pray that you will enter into your season of empowerment in having the “Holy Ghost Delivery” to birth forth, break forth in moving you forward into your season of profound blessings as an empowering leader. A`-men and a`-men! We will close in this empowering life changing message see you in two weeks dear Lord’s Will in His Holy Name (Jesus). Peace!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


GREETINGS! Welcome back to another impactful bible study; the teaching on “Holy Ghost Delivery” is coming to a close. I have been richly blessed by the Word’s of the Lord spoken through myself. I have to praise God in Jesus Almighty Name for allowing me to be instrumental in all of the 58 plus lessons placed on F.A.F.B.S.

Let’s Pray:

Dear heavenly Father in Jesus Name I thank You for Jesus life, death, resurrection and ascension so that I can have Your Spirit living inside of me; through Jesus Christ. Thank You for the Holy Ghost Delivery that it takes to be empowered by Your Spirit of Life in Jesus Christ Almighty Name. A`-men!

Lesson: “Holy Ghost Delivery” Part 4 Main Scripture Key is Mark 4:14-19

You have to know what’s on the inside of yourself, can’t no one see or tell what’s on the inside but the Spirit of God. It’s like this in the NLT 1Cor.2 which Paul preaches Wisdom. v 9 of 1Cor. 2:9,10 “No eye has seen no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” v 10 “But we know these things because God has revealed them to us by his Spirit, and his Spirit searches out everything and shows us even God’s deep secrets.

Heb.11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.” For this man’s son (Mark 4:14-19) to experience the break through within his own heart and soul by and through his natural father’s faith whom was asking for “Healing and Deliverance” in his behalf.

This natural father as well as the disciples had to experience breaking free from their own way of thinking; they had to become delivered from themselves which is being free in mind, body and soul; for this is the only way to disengage your mind so you will never be held back from the blessings of God; If you want the “Holy Ghost Deliver” to come upon you.

You must separate yourself from your very own confinement of disbelief and began seeking the supernatural divine embodiment of God through Jesus Christ.

So many people are broken by the things they suffer from their past and or present life styles or past and or present abuse, past and or present afflictions; sickness; disease and or past hurts that has become rooted in Unforgiveness.

The Holy Spirit led me to 1Peter 4:14-16 and He began to speak saying to me; “You Lorraine need to know Wisdom to know the difference between suffering because of your own sins and sufferings for doing what is right." My God!

Then God recalled to mind how Jesus suffered for doing right unto Him being God the Father; so it is through Jesus obedience unto God for the sole purpose of offering up His life for the lost souls that was given to Jesus by God.

Sometimes in order to keep what’s been given; you have to give something of yourself, or else no exchange will ever be made. God did this with His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ! When we suffer because of our own sins, we naturally feel ashamed; it is when we need divine courage to change in mind in order for an exchange to be made in the spirit. A`-men!

We will stop here and we will continue next week in Jesus Name. I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, and I thank you for allowing me into your hearts and souls on this “Holy Ghost Delivery lesson in Spirit and in Truth." Please study all Scripture Keys given and Jesus and I will see you all next week. Peace and Blessings.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Greetings my Family and Friends! Welcome back to another eye opening bible study with F.A.F.B.S. We! God and I are excited about the continued study on “Holy Ghost Delivery;” And I hope you all will extract the gold nuggets from the value of these prophetic teachings through scripture. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God Almighty; I bless you on today with a Hallelujah praise, from a heart that is being purged from the place of affliction that I was in, with the weighty offence my soul had encountered over the past few years ending in days. I Thank You Jesus for saving me from the very thing that was trying to consume my heart and soul (Doubt and disbelief). So! For that I praise you my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A`-men!

Lesson: “Holy Ghost Delivery” Part 3 Key Scripture is Mark 9:14-29!

As I’ve said before, so many of us that do not understand the power of the Holy Ghost that’s stirring on the inside. I myself didn’t for a very long time! It’s when a person doesn’t understand what they don’t posses is when a spiritual door called HINDRANCE becomes open which blocks a person’s perception of the great holy ghost power locked up inside of them.

We as parents; grand parents; son’s and daughter’s has been given a power that rules over “All the powers of the devil” according to Luck 10:19 A`-men! But in that power (Holy Ghost Power) it carries a deliverance that has to be loosed from the Father in heaven through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that will impart a part of Him too will and endow us with a portion of His revelation and knowledge in power and authority to give birth to greatness (HEALING). A`-men!

This delivery is a Jesus Faith delivery that heals; make whole again; here in Jer. 32:27 the Word of God speaks saying “Behold I AM the LORD; GOD of ALL flesh is there anything to hard for ME.” In this question the Word of God is saying; there can be no doubt in JESUS or in your faith. You must come into an agreement with Jesus’ Faith that is Faithful to do according to HIS WORD; He said it, He will do it. A`-men!

In Mark 9:14-29 we see and hear of a natural father in this empowering story of wanting his son delivered from the possession of evil spirits. This desire brought the natural father to a spiritual threshold that he needed to cross over into, as well as Jesus’ disciples.

Jesus’ disciples lacked this “Holy Ghost Delivery” as the natural father did in disbelief. There was no coming together in agreement of Spiritual Truth. You see it is a FACT that people are blind, a FACT that they are crippled, and a FACT some are mute; a FACT some having all kinds of sickness and disease, but “IT IS NOT THE TRUTH.” For the TRUTH is Proverbs 4:20-21 please read; and 1Peter2:24 “. . . by whose stripes ye were healed.” TRUTH!

In the case of the disciples, they believed as long as they was with Jesus giving witness to all He did, but when it came to their belief in having the faith in themselves; they failed to deliver the young boy from the evil spirits he possessed. (They couldn’t give what they didn’t have) in having a personal supernatural experience that would have brought the natural father and the disciples into receiving the Holy Ghost Delivery placed in them by God through Jesus Christ.

Please look at Acts 2:1-6; 43

If you don’t posses the very Power of the Holy Ghost; you can not give through that of yourself, but “ALL things are possible through Christ Jesus” So through having received the HOLY Ghost Delivery working on the inside of your heart and soul your are capable of “Speaking those things that be not as though they were when praying for someone or for your very own life.” A`-men!

Mark 9:14-29 is also saying that we by our selves are viewed as weak! No power! But when you’re operating out of the divine will of the Holy Spirit you’re more than a conqueror and you really can do all things through Christ Jesus. A`-men!

Glory, glory Hallelujah! I am Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn; please continue to be richly blessed in Spirit and in Truth of the living Word of God. Next week dear Lord’s willing we will conclude on the teaching of “HOLY GHOST DELIVERY” in Jesus Almighty Name. Peace and Blessings.


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