Greetings Family and Friends! Welcome back to F.A.F.B.S. We are in part
three of “Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment.”
Let’s Pray:
Dear merciful Lord God and
Savior Jesus Christ! Thank You for the power of the Holy Spirits soul conquering
acts of endowment that has been poured out upon all flesh in Jesus Christ
Almighty Name; complete us in the form of holiness in mind and heart, open our
souls up to understanding Your endowing Word of Life unto our spiritual nature
in being called people of God A’-men and a’-men!
Lesson: Part 3 of Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment
“Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment” is a very empowering word from the
Holy Spirit; so often a time we over look our endued power form on high. We
don’t see the Joy of the Lord as an endowment, the endowment of peace, the
endowment of love given to you by Jesus through a complete stranger and they
could very well be a drunk or a drug user. God does use many people and He’s
going to use people you least expect in 2013; people will make evidence know to
many, many others by way of prophecy spoken in season over many of your lives
the Holy Spirit has shown this to me in a vision.
We are more than a conquer, our souls are empowered by the acts of the
Holy Spirit of God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior making us the over
comers through the power of Jesus’ Blood He has already established through the
He’s going to endow the souls of the afflicted and we will see the
miraculous miracle of His Word coming alive before our eyes; tongues will be
loosed upon children edifying God in Jesus Name; people with Down’s syndrome
will look and speak a word over your lives so don’t be fooled by their outer
condition in appearance; you better be ready to receive what thus sayith the
Lord in Jesus Almighty Name.
The blessing about this lesson is to help you understand YOU DON’T HAVE
TO “TARRY.” Jesus is HERE! When Jesus sent the Apostles (disciples) back
to Jerusalem to tarry (wait) in the upper room; you see in scripture at verse 50
of Luke 24 Jesus spoke of them returning to Jerusalem He led them out along the
road to Bethany and lifting his hands to heaven, He blessed them, and then
began rising into the sky and went on to heaven. v 52 says they
worshiped Him, and returned to Jerusalem filled
with mighty JOY (Joy is a Soul Conquering Act of Endowment) and were
continually in the Temple ,
praising GOD.
People of God! The reason the Apostles had to go back to tarry in
Jerusalem is; remember Jesus had not sent the comforter back to them yet, as
well as Jerusalem was the starting place of the birthing of many signs and
wonders of who He Is in God and being God to a people. We all need a spiritual
birthing place; if you have not given your life to Christ Jesus do so now for
right now is your birthing place to receive the gift of life by welcoming the
Spirit of Jesus Christ into your heart and life right where you are. (Read
Acts 1:3-4)
Don’t worry about being a sinner or the worst low life ever! Stop
calling yourself that; don’t speak words of condemnation, but word of
edification for you are precious in God’s sight. Please take a moment and read
Romans 8:1-4 become richly blessed by the living Word of God spoken over you.
The apostles waited for seven days (7 means completion). You Don’t Have To Tarry (Wait) why? Because when the power of the Spirit of the Lord came in filling that room your temple (body, mind, soul) you will never be the same. The Apostles waited for Jesus to return to them the comforter He is; as the way maker He is; as the Leader He is; as the Baptizer He is; as the Councilor He is; as the Rectifier He is; AS THE SAVIOR HE IS FOREVER MORE; and He’s never left. When He came back in the manifested wind, fire, and language of tongues, HE NEVER LEFT; HE’S STILL HERE!!! So you don’t have to tarry (wait) just have a made up mind to surrender unto the Lord. He cares for you and you need Him to Work and move in your life don’t wait another moment. Open your mouth and confess your wrongs and your sins unto the Lord and He will come in and make His abode with you. His abode is a soul conquering act of endowment.
You will never experience “Soul Conquering Acts Of Endowment” if you’re
not obedient to answering the call of an asked question in an open invitation
from the Lord and that is Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me, all you who are weary and
burdened, and I will give you rest.”
DARKNESS;” Because you have a place in the KINGDOM of GOD as an elite person of
God that has been given “SOUL CONQUERING ACTS OF ENDOWMENT” in the earth as a
mighty son of God (women and men). A`-men!
I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, Please join me soon before
the year is out 2012 for the conclusion of “Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment”
Please study all scriptures given to this lesson and all lessons that pertains
to soul conquering acts of endowment. Peace and Blessings to all.
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