Let’s Pray:
Holy Father God and King! I thank You for your Word of Life that is ministering to my soul in heart and mind. Help me Lord God to hear with the ear of the comforter in Jesus Christ Name. A`-men!
As we continue to look into the eyes of the Scripture; I pray that you can hear the voice of God Almighty speak to your soul and heart with His great wisdom and understanding in knowledge of revelation in knowing that people can become so full of themselves as “Lucifer” did when he wasn’t and we are “NOT” created for such an disobedient call; but we are as Paul points out in Philippians 2:13-16 to be humble and meek; obedient unto God and God alone, by being still within ourselves allowing God Almighty to move profoundly in our lives and our families and friends lives so that we can shine like the angels (sons of God) He placed in the earth to do His Will.
A`-men! Let’s look at Philippians 2:13-16 (KJV) “v13 for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” “v14 Do all things without murmurings and disputing;” “v15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, (angels) without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;” “v16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.” A`-men!
Let’s look again at the name “Lucifer” it was a heavenly angelic name.” Lucifer got full of himself, he became very (Haughty) prideful, braggart and began to think on thoughts of trying to over throne our Lord God Almighty in heaven, so he corrupted other angels with this thought and a war broke out in heaven, look at Revelation 12:7-13.
In Revelation 12:7-13 you will see and hear how God changed the name from Lucifer to dragon, the ancient serpent called the devil or Satan who leads the whole world astray. A`-men! In these Scripture keys you can see and hear what led this once empowered and beautiful angel to think of himself more than he should have. He ( Lucifer now called Satan) had it going on in and through God’s generosity of being given too much and he became the very one thing of ALL of God’s creations Puffed up and very “PRIDEFUL” he had it all, and it all came from the one whom had chosen and created him “Almighty God Lord and King of kings!
Look back at (Isaiah 14:12- 14 and also look at Ezekiel 28:13- 17) we will see how Lucifer had become dark to God with that evil striking thought of being prideful! God Almighty could not see Himself in this once beautiful angel that once had beautiful jewels all on his body; the ability to create music; workman of trade was found in this once beautiful angel “Lucifer” the light of the Lord was in him; the voice of bridegroom and bride was heard in him; God had given him the merchants of the world’s great men; but his magic spell led all the nations astray and because of all the wicked violence that filled him “Lucifer” God found the blood of prophets and of the saints, and of all who have been killed on the earth! (Revelation 18:21-24). People of God Revelation 18: 21-24 is going on right now in the world as we know it.
The seducing spell on G.M. wealth, turn to lying and greed; companies going bankrupt; families loosing homes; bridegrooms and brides in divorce court; our future Church (young brother’s and sister’s) dying before they come into the knowledge of the authority they carry in the earth as sons of God (angels) placed in the earth to do the will of God; Musicians flip flopping between gospel and R&B perverting the gift of music; nations turning against each other; slowly falling away from God Almighty and turning to a god that is killing, stealing, and destroying their Godly integrity as (sons of God) citizens of heaven in the earth called ambassadors’ for Jesus Christ. We the citizens of heaven are to govern the fallen darken angels in the earth.
We’re here to make a difference but instead our future Church in Christ (sons of God) is growing faint and weary, mothers and natural fathers are falling away into the sins of the world rapidly. Killing each other, destroying the souls of children’s left behind to grow up and dispute God’s standards. “Saints of God Almighty it is time to grid up loins and mind and move forward in the call of God upon your hearts and life as the Saints of God in and through Jesus Christ, for we are mighty warriors on a mission from God Almighty as His sons in the earth.” A`-men!
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