A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Sunday, December 30, 2012



Here we are in the last 33hours of 2012 that I am writing these last remarks with the pen of God and I have cried out to God on this very day, of 12-30-12 as my heart and soul became sadden. In Isaiah 58:9 he says “Thou shalt cry, and he shall say Here I am.” “My God shall supply all I need according to his riches in glory” Philippians 4:19. You know my family; I am for the most part of my life a person of God that speaks on matters of the heart to a people that are weighted down by life’s difficulties. It is very difficult to take in a word spoken to you, which is not what you wanted to hear according to your spiritual walk in justice; and  according too how long and hard you've worked in the life of ministry you served in putting into the souls and lives of those given to you by God. I've prepared my mind soul and body to "Run the race that has been set before me with patience" Heb. 12:1.

So often a time it is a heavy cross to carry in being a prophet of God Almighty, and it is an act of obedience unto God Almighty who is the one who anoints and calls His elect one’s to be His mouth in the earth, to be the light to extinguish the darkness in this world.

I’m finding out the true honor and glorious pain of longsuffering it is to have in being an elect born again child of God’s. In Ephesians 3 Apostle Paul prays for Spiritual Empowering in verses 13-19 of Eph. 3. It is in these verses which speaks of “How long, how deep how high and how wide the love of God is!

In Paul’s Prayer for Spiritual Empowering (Growth), he speaks of believers becoming rooted and anchored in God’s soil of love. As we learn how much God loves us; we will become confident that God is able to do far more in and through us as a fully functioning temple of God; for God to move and empower you as a complete unit of oneness within Christ Jesus.

We are soul seeds of life in the Spirit, that have been planted in the earth among humanity; soul seeds that are in need of becoming watered by God’s Word and Strengthen by the Love the Son of God has to develop and nurture the love and life of God's Spirit in our hearts and mind and  this is by way of trial and era.

The enemy is a weed killer that wants your godly integrity to shift into fearful prejudice lies that speaks confusion, hatred to your heart and mind. Unclean spirits of manipulations, deceitfulness are ways of the enemy to prompt his ugly works to kill, steal and destroy the souls of God’s people.

The devil whisperers in the ears of our children, to be afraid, too acknowledge the power that reigns in them so they turn from God only to kill one another. We must teach and preach the gospel of truth; For it is the only way to destroy the yoke of spell binding lies that has bound the souls of our family of children that has not come into full understanding of how powerful they are.

The Fruits of God’s Spirit is a very empowering way to build under the feet of our children and families giving them the foundational floor they need to stand on and walk on as called soldiers of God to fight a good fight that is to be spiritually fought and be victorious in the belief and Faith of the Living Word of God. The Truth always rules out lies (un-truth). That’s the power of Paul’s Prayer for Spiritual Empowerment of the Love in the Holy Spirit that communes with the Holy Ghost power that dwells within our hearts and soul (mind).

As we live out the remainder of the latter 30 hours of 2012 please remember John 3:16-17
I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn Peace and Blessings in 2013 A`-men!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Last Post for 2012 conclusion "THE POWER AND DEPTH OF GOD'S LOVE"

Greetings my family and friends! Here we are at the end of the close of 2012 F.A.F.B.S. and this is the last post for 2012; I do pray that each and every one of you will continue to study the Word of God with me going into 2013. This is posting #73 I think it is quite fitting to close out this 2012 year with a teaching on the Power and Depth of God’s Love. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; I pray that You will continue to move upon my heart and life as I and my family continue to rest in Your teachings and learn of how very much so Your yoke is truly easy and Your burdens are light. Lord God I desire for You to be more and more at home within this temple as I learn how to exercise my faith in trusting You with every area of my life a`-men!

Lesson: The Conclusion of “The Power and Depth of God’s Love” Eph. 3:1-19

What I love about God’s endowing Love is that His love doesn’t leave any one out of being loved by Jesus; He will make it well understood that every one in the world is sure of the love of God being taught and expressed through the Good News (Jesus Christ is Lord of Love).

So many people (children, parents, school teachers, grocery store management, just every day people) that travel through this life, never coming into the knowledge of God’s Secret plan; which is to accept all of us through faith. Race, reputation, and position have no bearing on God’s forgiveness.

Apparently some of the Jewish believers claimed superiority because of their relationship to God in the Old Testament Scriptures. Paul refuted their view by reminding them that our relationship with God is based on our trust in Jesus Christ, not our personal history or position in society.

The reputation we once command in giving control over our hearts and souls as alcoholics, heavy drug users, wife and husband abusers, child or children abusers, people that lives a commanding reputation that expresses hatred toward another race. NONE of this matters to God, if we seek his forgiveness, he will accept us and help us make a New Start going into a New Year.

Remember Apostle Paul was used mightily by God through Jesus Christ Holy Spirit of Life that had filled Paul’s heart mind and soul with wonder and awe of God’s expressed Love for him and delivered Paul from himself, and sent him (Paul) to minister to the non-Jewish (Gentiles) community in Corinth. This act of obedience unto God our Lord and Savior expressed an unspeakable love that was of God in man being spread abroad.

When God has filled you with the gift of Love that is so supernatural, His Love is called to change you from the old ways of commenting deliberate hurt to another someone Jesus Love and died for. Jesus loves you so much so that you are free and at liberty to move in sovereign, sober love from on HIGH to ignite the souls of the down trodden, the broken spirit becoming resuscitated; so their bones doesn’t become dried out losing all life through the lack or neglect of a love that is a gift from God through Jesus toward a people a world over.

The Power of God’s Love is so rich in spiritual wealth. If we were to live in Love, and walk in love and not be moved by anything; not allowing the stress and strains of life to intimidate us. The Power of God’s Love shines on and blinds darkness so darkness can not see but flee from you as you resist the lies the enemy speaks. Please read Ephesians 3 and become God’s Secret Plan of LOVE. Happy New Year family and friends see you all in 2013; if the dear Lord's Willing for us all to see a new year. Peace and Blessings in Jesus Name A`-men!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, Peace and goodwill to all the earth in 2013 A`-men and a`-men.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Greetings Family and Friends! Welcome back to F.A.F.B.S. We are at the close of the 2012 year, and I have grown up a lot more in Spirit and a lot more in God’s Truth about the power of His Love. I pray that all of the different countries that have joined me over the last two years have grown with me as I have grown in Christ Jesus.

I pray that all who joins me in 2013 will pass on this site to other family and friends so they too can experience the empowering move of the Living Word of God. I give a Special thanks to USA; Russia; Germany; United Kingdom; Canada; Sweden; Colombia; Denmark; Malaysia; France; Vietnam, and I know that Jesus will continue to move upon me to carry the gospel to many, many other countries to minister too and allow change to come into their hearts and souls in Jesus Almighty Name. A`-men!

The Scriptures we will be reflecting on the Love of God coming from 1Cor. 12:13; 1Cor.13; 1John 4:9-10 and Eph. 3. The main Scripture is chapter 3 of Ephesians.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord Jesus God and Savior, I come to you in the close of this year in great hopes of becoming more blessed in mind, body and soul; becoming richly empowered by Your infinite Power of Love and how to grow more deeply in Your Love that cancels sins, rebukes fear, corrects, disciplines, forgives the unforgiving, comforts, draws with unspeakable kindness that draws a soul to confession and repentance of all sins committed by a person no matter who they are; near or far for the Love of Christ has Power and it's the only love that can forgive all.

Lesson: “The Power and Depth of God’s Love” Main Scripture Key Eph 3.

The love of God through Jesus Christ is in deed a Holy Spiritual Gift that contains many spiritual gifts that has been bestowed upon ALL people a world over. In 1Corinthians 12: 12-13 in the bible, the apostle Paul is a servant unto Jesus Christ when he once was an enemy to all Christians as Saul from Tarsus; but in his converted state of mind full of the Holy Spirits power and authority Jesus Christ now has him (Paul) to serve as an apostle to go and encourage the believers living in Corinth to resolve their problems and honor God.

There was a lot of idolatry and immorality in Corinth; it was made up of non-Jewish (Gentile) believers. In 1Cor. 12:12-13 apostle Paul speaks of one body with many parts; summing it all up to be this! With these gifts we are endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit to give the gift of life to someone else in need of love that comes from a Non-Jewish family; but what we fail to see is in Christ we are one. We invariably end up hurting ourself and others with such ignorance as to think more of ourselves than we ought to when we can not do anything end of ourselves.

In 1Corinthinans 13 Paul is again speaking in the beginning of 13 in 1Cor. To a group of believers who had started to forget what real love is? He showed them that all their talents, abilities, and spiritual gifts amounted to nothing if they didn’t love each other.

Without selfless love, we have nothing. 1Cor. 13:13 speaks in saying “There are three things that will endure-faith, hope, and love and the greatest of these is love. A`-men!

So many of us are like children, needing to mature (spiritually). Only when we see God face to face will we be complete and whole. Paul shares this truth not to discourage us but to give us hope that someday we will be made perfect.

We need hope to endure and be healed from our painful problems and sorrows that could lead to death. Most of all genuine love is needed to conquer the barriers and bondage of our past. Faith, hope and love are all necessary to successful recovery from past hurts and fears. A`-men!

Now let’s look at 1John 4:9-10 in 1John 4 between verses 7-12 John expresses how loving one another is so powerful; because God is usually seen only through his people when they love one another. This is why it is so important for us to restore relationships with the people we have harmed. That is also why we need the fellowship of believers because we desperately need the love they offer that is of Jesus Christ. A`-men!

Lets take a look at 1John 4:9th and 10th verse; a`-men v9 “God showed how much he loved us by sending his only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him” v10 “This is real love. It is not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.”

So often a time we have people in our lives that just will not see us the way God sees us; they just will not let go of your past failures, set backs, broken promises, and lies that were told. Most of the times these people are family and friends people we have grown to love and respect, yet they are the ones to charge and judge us unfairly.

We will close here, until another time before the last day of 2012 I will be obedient to God in Jesus Name to finish what has been started. You will hear in closing scripture Eph.3 “The Power and Depth of God’s Love” I’m Minister Evangelist L. Munerlyn Peace and Blessings.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Greetings my beloved family and friends! Welcome back to another Bible Study with Family and Friends Bible Study. We are in the close of the lesson “Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment.” A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God! In Jesus Name I thank you for allowing me to be a part of Your life in all of its glory. I’m so grateful to You my Lord God and King for another day You have made to bless so many souls to have another chance to say yes to you and no to the crimes (sins) of this world. Help me Jesus to be an instrument in Your hand of Salvation. A`-men and a`-men!


 Please let us pray the Will of God through His living Word in Scripture in Jesus Name; for it is His Word you will find the “Soul conquering acts of endowment”

In Gen. 1:2 “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”

Isa. 61:1 “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me”

John 1:32 “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon Him.”

Acts 1:4 “Wait for the promise of the Father. (Jesus spoke)

John 20:22 “Receive ye the Holy Ghost”

Acts 2:39 “The promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off”

Rom. 8:9 “Ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit”

Rom. 8:14 “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God”

Rom. 14:17 “The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost”

1Cor. 3:16 “The Spirit of God dwelleth in you”

Gal.5:25 “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit”

1 John 5:6 “It is the Spirit the beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth”

Gal. 5:22-23 “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. These are the soul conquering acts of endowment God will produce when you allow the Holy Spirit to control your lives. A`-men.

All of the living Word of God is to you; and to your families, friends and your foes and enemies, but little too few receives the endowment of the SPIRIT OF THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY (His living encouraging Word is Spoken to strengthen and endow your mind, soul and body to be more than a conquer in and through HIM and HIM alone.

In closing lets look at the foot note in the book of Joel 2:28-29 “Since this prophecy was fulfilled at Pentecost (see Acts2), we can receive the gift of the Holy Spirit without waiting another day because we have learned He Is Hear and He’s never left. The Holy Spirit has been changing dysfunctional lives since he was given to the world; the Spirit that Joel prophesied about, the Spirit who changed first-century lives, is available to change our life, too. We can trust the God of the Old and New Testaments to heal our broken life and help us journey toward salvation victoriously in Jesus Name. A`-men!

I’m Minister Evangelist L. Munerlyn, please continue to pray for your friends and enemies alike for this is pleasing to God; also please pray for the children a world over for they are the next generation Church. We (God and I) have one more word to minister with, but this lesson is the closing of “SOUL CONQUERING ACTS OF ENDOWMENT” Peace and Blessings to all. Love ya!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Greetings Family and Friends! Welcome back to F.A.F.B.S. We are in part three of “Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment.”

Let’s Pray:

Dear merciful Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ! Thank You for the power of the Holy Spirits soul conquering acts of endowment that has been poured out upon all flesh in Jesus Christ Almighty Name; complete us in the form of holiness in mind and heart, open our souls up to understanding Your endowing Word of Life unto our spiritual nature in being called people of God A’-men and a’-men!

Lesson: Part 3 of Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment

“Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment” is a very empowering word from the Holy Spirit; so often a time we over look our endued power form on high. We don’t see the Joy of the Lord as an endowment, the endowment of peace, the endowment of love given to you by Jesus through a complete stranger and they could very well be a drunk or a drug user. God does use many people and He’s going to use people you least expect in 2013; people will make evidence know to many, many others by way of prophecy spoken in season over many of your lives the Holy Spirit has shown this to me in a vision.

We are more than a conquer, our souls are empowered by the acts of the Holy Spirit of God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior making us the over comers through the power of Jesus’ Blood He has already established through the cross.

He’s going to endow the souls of the afflicted and we will see the miraculous miracle of His Word coming alive before our eyes; tongues will be loosed upon children edifying God in Jesus Name; people with Down’s syndrome will look and speak a word over your lives so don’t be fooled by their outer condition in appearance; you better be ready to receive what thus sayith the Lord in Jesus Almighty Name.

The blessing about this lesson is to help you understand YOU DON’T HAVE TO “TARRY.” Jesus is HERE!   When Jesus sent the Apostles (disciples) back to Jerusalem to tarry (wait) in the upper room; you see in scripture at verse 50 of Luke 24 Jesus spoke of them returning to Jerusalem He led them out along the road to Bethany and lifting his hands to heaven, He blessed them, and then began rising into the sky and went on to heaven. v 52 says they worshiped Him, and returned to Jerusalem filled with mighty JOY (Joy is a Soul Conquering Act of Endowment) and were continually in the Temple, praising GOD.

People of God! The reason the Apostles had to go back to tarry in Jerusalem is; remember Jesus had not sent the comforter back to them yet, as well as Jerusalem was the starting place of the birthing of many signs and wonders of who He Is in God and being God to a people. We all need a spiritual birthing place; if you have not given your life to Christ Jesus do so now for right now is your birthing place to receive the gift of life by welcoming the Spirit of Jesus Christ into your heart and life right where you are. (Read Acts 1:3-4)

Don’t worry about being a sinner or the worst low life ever! Stop calling yourself that; don’t speak words of condemnation, but word of edification for you are precious in God’s sight. Please take a moment and read Romans 8:1-4 become richly blessed by the living Word of God spoken over you. A`-men!

The apostles waited for seven days (7 means completion). You Don’t Have To Tarry (Wait) why? Because when the power of the Spirit of the Lord came in filling that room your temple (body, mind, soul) you will never be the same.  The Apostles waited for Jesus to return to them the comforter He is; as the way maker He is; as the Leader He is; as the Baptizer He is; as the Councilor He is; as the Rectifier He is; AS THE SAVIOR HE IS FOREVER MORE; and He’s never left. When He came back in the manifested wind, fire, and language of tongues, HE NEVER LEFT; HE’S STILL HERE!!!  So you don’t have to tarry (wait) just have a made up mind to surrender unto the Lord. He cares for you and you need Him to Work and move in your life don’t wait another moment. Open your mouth and confess your wrongs and your sins unto the Lord and He will come in and make His abode with you. His abode is a soul conquering act of endowment.

You will never experience “Soul Conquering Acts Of Endowment” if you’re not obedient to answering the call of an asked question in an open invitation from the Lord and that is Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

“YOU DON’T HAVE TO KEEP SEEING YOURSELF AS THE EMPTY FORMLESS MASS OF DARKNESS;” Because you have a place in the KINGDOM of GOD as an elite person of God that has been given “SOUL CONQUERING ACTS OF ENDOWMENT” in the earth as a mighty son of God (women and men). A`-men!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, Please join me soon before the year is out 2012 for the conclusion of “Soul Conquering Acts of Endowment” Please study all scriptures given to this lesson and all lessons that pertains to soul conquering acts of endowment. Peace and Blessings to all.


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