A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Welcome back To Family and Friends Bible Study; I’ve been speaking to God about “Childlike Faith;” I’ve been seeking God’s face for stirring up the gift of childlike faith inside my heart and soul at the age that I am now.

So will you all please join me in this lesson of childlike faith that we’ve all as adults have grown out of due to a shifting in our spiritual view of having spiritual faith in God through the fears of  struggle in believing God can, as the years of hardship continues to press from all sides of your life; then the deaths we encounter are the deaths of so many children, homes lost, wars in our countries that are stealing the lives from more of our children, famine, love ones drugged out; homosexual spirit filled men and women are forming their own families of sickness; so you feel like all hope and faith has passed you by. You feel like, I don’t know how God is going to fix this. God is asking, where is your childlike faith.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father Lord God and Savior; I come to You on today seeking Your face (In all of God’s way of thinking and being holy in my humble humiliated ability) for the stirring up of a childlike faith that seems to be lost or misplaced to do hardships of life that caused me to grow up too fast loosing sight of the child in me as well as the faith of a child I am to have in You.

Help me Lord to get back to the childlike faith that is needed to be reborn in my heart and soul. In Jesus Name A`-men and a`-men.

Lesson: “CHILDLIKE FAITH” Scriptures Psalm 46:1-3; 8-11; Hebrews 11: 1-3, 6.

There is an inner child still on the inside of each of us! We cry, snot, kick and grovel when things don’t go the way we want them to go, but what amazes me so is how a child can throw a tantrum about little things he or she didn’t get; but can become the cohesiveness to the troubles and fears a friend or family member face’s.

Please reflect back with me to a time when you was a little child; in your childlike thinking no one in the world could take your dad down in a fight nor beat him at anything., When dad promised you something for the most part of those promise’s he kept, which excited your soul and heart because dad would not lie to you. The same thing for a lot of moms; there was no other mother that could beat mama at cooking the best cakes, cookies or the best family supper; and when mom promised something if you were a good obedient child she provided the very thing that was promised  to you. “Childlike Faith can birth a life time of miracles.”

As children we placed a lot of faith in our parents, grandparents; when they promised something you knew it was yours without any doubts in your mind, the faith was established deep within you. It’s so much easier to believe in someone or something you can actually see or touch. It’s easier for a child to have childlike faith in not only mom or dad, but also in Jesus Christ especially if they are taught to pray.

Faith is established through “confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen” (Hebrews 11:1).  Parents represents the god-head of Almighty God in eternity; so the childlike faith began in us all as children called to obey and do what you’re told to do and trust with all your heart and believe daddy and mommy will never let you down; even though you could not actually see the things promised to you as a child; but this lines up with Almighty God’s promise to you as a child and to us all today. A`-men! (God will never leave you nor forsake you).  So many children that have grown up into adult years has became destroyed by their over all view point of believing a terrible situation will never turn around losing that childlike faith. It's because of God’s promises to us, we can find Him in the promise of His Word and He is only 6 to 9 inches away from us; that's what the measurements are from your heart to your mouth.

The confident assurance as a child of what is hoped for is going to happen becomes lost due to being hit hard by life struggles of just trying to make ends meet; all because you’re trying  to carry the whole load of the hardship. In Psalm 46: 10-11 “Be silent, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” “The LORD Almighty is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress.”

Psalm 46:10-11 is saying If we put our life in His Hands, we can rest, confident that He will protect us. A`-men! He knows our weaknesses and can strengthen us in the needed areas, helping us to overcome the attacks we face each day of our lives in our cities and countries, God can and will honor your faith your childlike faith if you honor Him in every situation of your God given life in Jesus Name! We are LOVED BY GOD; He’s the parent of all parents. A`-men!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, thank you for joining me on part one of “Childlike Faith” I pray that you all as well as your family and friends even your enemies and foes has or will become richly blessed by the preaching and teaching of the gospel (Truth of God’s Word). Peace and Blessings!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Greetings My Family and Friends!

Welcome back to F.A.F.B.S. it’s our first 2013 bible study in the form of poetry; for 2013 I would like to share with my world of family a poem. This poem was written and published 13 years ago TODAY; in fact this is how the ministry of writing started for me. This is what God gave and taught me how to spiritually read the misery of others then internalize it by captivating it’s essences  then poetize it to express the truth and Love of God that’s hidden inside the pain and oppression of losing someone special. Here are my very first two poems ever written, be blessed.

Let’s Pray:

Dear gracious Father God, I come to You on today with a heavy heart and I need You Lord to comfort my heart and soul in Jesus Name. A`-men!

Lesson: Poems that reflects the life and death of a love one!

So often a time we forget that the love of God is never spent, there are thousand’s all over the universe with a particular thirst, everybody doesn’t go to Church; everybody doesn’t know how to pray, but there isn’t a right way, as long as their hearts are willing to follow Christ Jesus in their time of oppressions and dismay.
The poems God’s and mine are poems that reflects this day and time, children not feeling peace inside, children dying, not just in America the whole world is sighing.

 13 year’s ago God blessed me to write my very first poem; this poem came after a tragedy of my husband losing two brothers 6 months apart, the title of poem 1 is

                                                “I PRAY ON A SAD DAY”

At a time like this, there is nothing easy to say.

The Only thing to do is to say a dearly prayer, and to ask God to be with them in dismay, for their loved one was sadly taken away, to be in a happier play. 

Life is a big stage . . . you have lights, cameras and action. The light is the sun which shines on everyone, to light their way on dark lonely days (Revelation 21:23).

Cameras are the people, they’re always watching, never to take part in the play, but always judging one’s actions even after they’ve gone away.
I pray a simple prayer everyday; I pray and thank God, for this day; another day to praise His Name for taking away the pain, the pain of losing someone in vain. 

The souls lost and gone on yesterday, today, tomorrow are soul Jesus Christ died for, and you must know they were already saved, by and through the Saviors Blood that was shed on Calvary; souls lost in vain has left the hearts of the beloved to mourn in sorrow, some in shame, some are confused and don’t know who to blame.


Now, it’s all said and done. In the end, God and Jesus His Son has the final say- so of everyone.
The last act has been played. No more lights cameras, and no more stage.
The sun has set, and the moon has played, a final part in the crusade.
When you really think about it, it’s not all said and done; quite frankly it really has just begun.
Not just for the beloved that has lost one, but for them that has passed on.

God gives us all a chance to repent, because soon life itself is spent; we all face the last and final act in life’s escapade; the sin’s we all have soon fades.

 A closing Word from God is to all my family and friends bible study. Psalm 144 read all but the one’s my heart clings to are verse’s 6-9. Please continue to be richly blessed in Jesus Name.

I’m Minister Lorraine Munerlyn, Thank you for joining me in spoken words that express the sorrows of death so many families are experiencing a world over.
Peace and Blessing unto you and your family. A`-men and a`-men.


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