A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Greetings My Family and Friends!

Welcome back to F.A.F.B.S. it’s our first 2013 bible study in the form of poetry; for 2013 I would like to share with my world of family a poem. This poem was written and published 13 years ago TODAY; in fact this is how the ministry of writing started for me. This is what God gave and taught me how to spiritually read the misery of others then internalize it by captivating it’s essences  then poetize it to express the truth and Love of God that’s hidden inside the pain and oppression of losing someone special. Here are my very first two poems ever written, be blessed.

Let’s Pray:

Dear gracious Father God, I come to You on today with a heavy heart and I need You Lord to comfort my heart and soul in Jesus Name. A`-men!

Lesson: Poems that reflects the life and death of a love one!

So often a time we forget that the love of God is never spent, there are thousand’s all over the universe with a particular thirst, everybody doesn’t go to Church; everybody doesn’t know how to pray, but there isn’t a right way, as long as their hearts are willing to follow Christ Jesus in their time of oppressions and dismay.
The poems God’s and mine are poems that reflects this day and time, children not feeling peace inside, children dying, not just in America the whole world is sighing.

 13 year’s ago God blessed me to write my very first poem; this poem came after a tragedy of my husband losing two brothers 6 months apart, the title of poem 1 is

                                                “I PRAY ON A SAD DAY”

At a time like this, there is nothing easy to say.

The Only thing to do is to say a dearly prayer, and to ask God to be with them in dismay, for their loved one was sadly taken away, to be in a happier play. 

Life is a big stage . . . you have lights, cameras and action. The light is the sun which shines on everyone, to light their way on dark lonely days (Revelation 21:23).

Cameras are the people, they’re always watching, never to take part in the play, but always judging one’s actions even after they’ve gone away.
I pray a simple prayer everyday; I pray and thank God, for this day; another day to praise His Name for taking away the pain, the pain of losing someone in vain. 

The souls lost and gone on yesterday, today, tomorrow are soul Jesus Christ died for, and you must know they were already saved, by and through the Saviors Blood that was shed on Calvary; souls lost in vain has left the hearts of the beloved to mourn in sorrow, some in shame, some are confused and don’t know who to blame.


Now, it’s all said and done. In the end, God and Jesus His Son has the final say- so of everyone.
The last act has been played. No more lights cameras, and no more stage.
The sun has set, and the moon has played, a final part in the crusade.
When you really think about it, it’s not all said and done; quite frankly it really has just begun.
Not just for the beloved that has lost one, but for them that has passed on.

God gives us all a chance to repent, because soon life itself is spent; we all face the last and final act in life’s escapade; the sin’s we all have soon fades.

 A closing Word from God is to all my family and friends bible study. Psalm 144 read all but the one’s my heart clings to are verse’s 6-9. Please continue to be richly blessed in Jesus Name.

I’m Minister Lorraine Munerlyn, Thank you for joining me in spoken words that express the sorrows of death so many families are experiencing a world over.
Peace and Blessing unto you and your family. A`-men and a`-men.

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