A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Welcome! My family and friends! Welcome back to Family and Friends Bible Study.

I am so grateful to everyone that God has so richly blessed by the preaching and teaching the Truth of gospel He has put in me, and I am even more richly blessed by pastors and ministers that are being blessed by the living doctoring of God’s Word taught through me as a yielded vessel unto God and man-kind. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear gracious Father, Lord and Savior thank You for another day of miracles’ that You have so graciously bestowed upon the people of God; as well as the people a world over. Thank You Lord for Your precious Blood; that has atoned all of my sins, blotting them out in Jesus Name a`-men!

Lesson: Part 2 “ANGRY; DISAPPOINTED AND DEPRIVED CHILDREN” Scriptures are Luke 12: 51-57; Luke 11:53-54; Psalm 139:23-24!

The LOVE of God is a necessity in our lives; it is needed to show itself mighty and strong in our live as the creator is in us, for He is Love. A`-MEN!

Children know when unity in the family is gone; unity in a family should speak and express the Love of God, the Peace of God, the Joy of God and when all is no more; there is only stealing, controlling, lying, malice, strife, and developed hate toward one another, even from one country to another.

When we look in the eyes of the Scripture: Luke 12: 51-53 This Word speaks of “Jesus Causing Division.” In v51 of Luke 12 Jesus asks a question “Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? He replies! No, I have come to bring strife and division! Then in vv52-53 He gives a declarative statement; which explains v 51.

From the NLT bible in Luke 12: 52-53 says as it is written “From now on families will be split apart, three in favor of me, and two against – or the other way around. Then in v53 as it is written “There will be a division between father and son, mother and daughter, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.”

Then Jesus goes to say in Luke 12:56 “You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky, but you can’t interpret these present times.” Then He says v57 “Why can’t you decide for yourselves what is right? In these’s two verses Jesus’ is speaking to the Pharisees and teachers of religious law who was furious with Jesus (Luke 11:53-54).

What God is saying is “DO RIGHT BY ONE ANOTHER” In your home, on your job, in the body of Christ Jesus; as well as from country to another. In the ministry there is so much GREED, strife, malice, controlling, un-necessary HURTING and back stabbing words that causes a sister or brother to spiritually fall into the devils arm all because they feel like they have to pay back hurt for hurt; lie for lie!

The people are over taxed spiritually and mentally exhausted with giving up all their time and money actually given for all the wrong reasons! Most family’s in the ministry of giving or serving is surrendering unto man-kind not unto God; so being the children we are; Gods Holy Spirit is searching your heart and soul as to why you do what you do. (Look at Psalms 139:23-24)

God finds that the reasons why you do what you do are for self gratification, self worth establishing your self in the eyes of the people; being the wrong attitude toward your service rendered. This goes on in and out of Church; it’s in your home, on your job, in your marriage and even dealing with your children; let alone country to country.

Most parents deal with their children not out of love but out of obligation! There are a lot of parents placing children on medication of for money from the Gov. and State. Actually making that child more off mentally than what he or she maybe acting out; when all a child need is to be LOVE, UNDERSTOOD and taught the living WORD OF GOD; because the WORD teaches a child how valuable they are to God and how much God loves and forgives them verses the peer - pressure and ugly lies they receive everyday from friends and family.

In Ephesians 4:25 NLT bible it is written “So put away all falsehood and “tell your neighbor the truth”* because we belong to each other. Then it is written v26 “And “don’t sin by letting anger gain control over you.”* Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, v27 for anger gives a mighty foothold to the Devil.

Anger is a spiritual door; and when it’s opened it opens up wide letting in all kinds of ugly spiritual sins that will cause you and your children to be “ANGRY; DISAPPOINTED AND DEPRIVED”!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, Please study the Scriptures and become watered by the living Water of God’s Word. Please eat, drink and be marry in Christ Jesus. A`-men and a`-men!

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A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen! :::CLICK::: TO ORDER TODAY!