WELCOME BACK! Thank you all for joining me in
Family and Friends Bible Study where I believe you will be richly blessed in
the Word of God. I give to you the way the Holy Spirit gave it to me to give in
Jesus almighty name. Also! Thank you for hanging in there with our family as we
sought family and friends for intercession in the behalf of our son and brother
Raydell Munerlyn, Jr. I will give a praise report in the next week or two. May
our God and Father continue to bless you all profoundly in Jesus Christ name.
Let’s Pray:
Dear Heavenly Father God, Lord of lord! Thank
You for Your Spirit of Truth that leads my life into a life of righteousness;
that is pleasing to You. Touch and bless my mind and heart in all spiritual
truth so that I may hear with my heart that contains the Word of God. In Jesus
name a`-men!
/1 John and 2 John also Acts 9
Before we gleam into the book of Acts 9:1-31
that speak of Saul of Tarsus
(Paul) lets look at 1John 2:3 for it asks a question on belonging to Christ!
NLT says v3 “And how can we be sure that we belong to him? This is how! “By
obeying the commandments of Jesus given by Father God of Heaven.” In v4 “If
someone says, “I belong to God,” but doesn’t obey God’s commandments, that
person is a liar and does not live in the truth. In v5 “But those who obey
God’s word really do love him. That is the way to know whether or not we live
in him.”
Everything Saul of Tarsus (Paul) was doing; spoke volumes to the
world that he was a zealous Jew; and his singular mission in life was to
preserve the integrity and traditions of his religion, and he was ready and
willing to eliminate anything that threatened it – by any means. About this he
was shamelessly passionate. At this point of Saul’s life he did not know Christ
Jesus and there was a spirit of antichrist leading him.
Saul (Paul) was a bright intelligent man. His
parents wanted him to be grounded in the laws, the orthodoxy, and the
traditions of Judaism. So his parents sent Saul (Paul) to Jerusalem and it is there where he sat at the
feet of the great teacher Gamaliel.
Gamaliel taught this young Saul, “that
anyone who is hung on a tree is under God’s curse,” Gamaliel would read to his
students from the fifth book of the Law of Moses. “You must not desecrate the
land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.” Saul believed that the
law was truth and he had known the details of the trial and crucifixion of
Jesus of Nazareth .
As far as he was concerned, Jesus was cursed. So these beliefs cause Saul of Tarsus to be apprehensive
about the growing number of Christians, especially among the Jews. In his
intelligent, but ignorant brilliant mind; “This pollution had to be cleansed.” Here
he was speaking of the Christian nation!
This was a very dark
antichrist moment of unbelief Saul was living out of! Saul of Tarsus had no real idea of how much his heart
believed in the life of a destructive LIE that was so evil it caused him to murder,
flog on those that were apart of the Christian nation, followers of Jesus
Christ of Nazareth.
Saul (Paul) was a Pharisee, possibly a member
of the Sanhedrin, who was transformed by a visitation of Jesus on the road to Damascus to become a
radical missionary for Christ. His biggest sorrow: was having the memory
of his hatred of Christians and his sanctioning of their punishment, floggings,
and murder.
This was an antichrist spirit upon Saul of Tarsus , he wanted to live
out of who he was taught to be as a Pharisee, and he took pride in being a
Pharisee. Paul’s letters are in Acts 9.
When you live by the spirit of antichrist,
you are out right choosing to reject Christ Jesus and the power of the Holy
Spirit; and in all of this ugliness; Jesus still concerns Himself with us! How
could He (Jesus) ever Love us when we are overwhelmed by destructive addictions
or compulsions, lying lips, deceitfulness, murder, white supremacist, sowing
discord about one another constantly wounding one another deliberately hurting;
stealing, flogging on and taking from one another.
He (JESUS) continue’ to save and love us;
rescuing us from our selves. He is a loving gracious and merciful God. He wants
the best for His creation. A`-men! Jesus was concerned for Saul (Paul). He
turned a convicted murdering man such as Saul, into a gospel preaching teaching
mighty man of God.
His Triumph: was overcoming the sentencing
life of sin that was death; spending the remainder of years in sowing the gift
of life “Spreading the gospel to the Gentiles.”
1John 4:4 “Greater is He that is in me, than
he that is in the world.” The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ met Saul on his way
to Damascus , to do more of the very things he
(Saul) had come to being known for; but Jesus visited Saul on the road to Damascus and transformed
his life.
When the light from the sky came to rest on
top of Saul there was a voice that thundered from the light as it was speaking
to Saul, not once but twice asking Saul “Why are you persecuting me?” Then the voice bellowed out again, “I
am Jesus, the one you are persecuting,” The ground shook.
Jesus? Jesus! Saul repeated to himself. How
can this be” He peeked out into the light and saw what looked like a form of a
man shrouded in the light. “GETUP,” Jesus said. “Go into the city and someone
will meet you. He will tell you what you must do.”
Here are some Sanctifying events that took
place in Saul’s life on the road to Damascus !
*Jesus announced Himself to Saul, *and asked Saul a question? *Then a great
reverence came over Saul! *Saul blind
for three days, and in those three days he would not eat or drink and hardly
being a lifetime of studying deep-seated convictions that had been dashed in a
single moment. Every one of his relationships, whether with friends or foe, had
been forged by these beliefs.
When your mind is made up to receive Jesus as
LORD of your life, you become set free (pardon) from all sins, through Jesus’
Blood on the cross; which paid for your criminal acts of spiritual crimes that
kept you from dying a death of SPIRITUAL MURDER DO TO YOUR HAND OF SINS!
When the Son of almighty God sets you free all that is asked of you is a life time of community service unto God in Jesus Name.
Will you pray with me right now? Dear Lord
God and Father, I am a sinner, I was blind but now I see. Please forgive me of
all my sins and for allowing any form of an antichrist spirit that I had given
place to my life of sin, put in me a clean heart filled with YOUR righteousness, love, peace, joy,
kindness, patients, self control, goodness,
Gentleness, and a sober spirit of meekness
toward my family and friends and even my foes Lord Jesus root up by your fiery
hand all that you did not plant in me and let YOUR will be done in my heart and
mind. In Jesus Name A`-men and a`-men.
I am Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn,
and I come to you sincerely in Christ Jesus Name. Please read Acts 9:1-31 and
1John also 2 John and I pray that you will see in scripture and hear the Spirit
of the Lord teach you in all spiritual truths. A`-men Peace and Blessings to