A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Monday, October 21, 2013


Greetings my Family and Friends! Welcome back to another lesson shared with family and friends bible study! A`-men!

I want to say thank you to ALL those that are running the race with our family and son Raydell Munerlyn, Jr. that is set before him in Jesus Christ almighty name. As we enter the third week of prayer; we are still praying the JABEZ prayer from 1Chronicles 4:10 in Raydell Jr’s behalf; our family greatly appreciate you in becoming an added mouth pieces in prayer for our family and son. Peace and Blessings unto ALL of you. A`-men; and thank you!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father God, Lord and Savior to ALL; we come to You humble hearted and bowed down at the altar of our hearts and souls best as we meekly know how to in Jesus Name. Help us Lord God and Father to be the blessings, You called us too be for one another; and not a burden or cursing to one another; help us our Lord and Savior to see where the spirit of antichrist is in our lives, in our home’s and abroad; on our jobs, in our Churches, in our educational school programs; in our government offices in and throughout this world of spiritual chaos in Jesus Christ Almighty Name, and lead us into words of  prayer not mimicking or judging the world but help us to lead the world out from spiritual bondage through the POWER OF PRAYER! A`-men and a`-men!

Lesson: “WHERE IS THE ANTICHRIST SPIRIT”?  Study please John7:11-24

When I think about the religious Jewish leaders in old bible days; they led the other Jews to a place of strife, and the spirit of “Offence” was a covenant formed out of years of spiritual bondage that produced an “Unbelieving antichrist spirit” that filled many hearts and souls with such unbelief that it cause so many people to become blind-sighted.

What these religious Jewish leaders did not know was, thousand of years later this prejudice lying spirit would come up against them “Jewish Religious leaders and their families” through many trials and tribulations they in turn thousands of years later faced the same antichrist spirit birthed out of a controlling ignorance! The antichrist spirit came upon a man which I will call "H." This spirit of antichrist, controlled his mind that was filled with prejudges and charged the Jews, and Jewish Religious leaders for being indifferent in a country where Germans lived. This man DID NOT want any one in his country if they were not Germans. (NOT BEING A GERMAN was a sin in this mans eyes and mind and such a sin handed down the penalty of death, execution).

There are so many brilliant minds controlled by this spirit of antichrist; these’s brilliant minds are in our government offices (Republicans, Democrats, Mayor’s, Military, Presidents in many countries a world over, our schools, our homes our jobs, our Church gatherings.

The antichrist spirit is a prejudges lie that’s sowing discord; it’s hypocrisy; it goes against the will of God for God’s Kingdom to be built in Jesus name, SO WE CAN’T LET WOUNDS AND LIES DEFINE US as a Christian Nation, but this happens to so many that becomes wounded spiritually or hurt by lies told repeatedly, but you have to Trust Gods Will in Psalm 144:7 “Reach down from heaven and rescue me; deliver me from deep waters, from the power of my enemies” A`-men  and Jesus knows v8 “Their mouths are full of lies; they swear to tell the truth, but they lie.” Look at John8: 43-45 A`-men!

‘Wounds and Lies’ are spiritual doors for the antichrist spirit to come in and move upon your way of thinking too redirect you from the true leadership of Almighty Father God! The spirits of prejudice, hypocrisy, sown seeds of discord that goes against all that is good so then the spirit of thief comes in to kill, steal and destroy you and your predestine life that started at your childhood.

Jesus is a mighty son of God, a Spiritual Giant that came to save ALL; and the Jewish religious leaders were against Him. When you look at the word antichrist; it’s a word that speaks volumes of being against Christ (Jesus)!

This word An-ti-christ means- A great personal opponent of Christ who will spread evil throughout the world before being conquered at Christ’s Second Coming. This is a person or force seen as opposing Christ or the Christian Church.

Anti + Christos can mean not only “against” and “opposite of,” but also “in place of,” translated “Christ,” is Greek for the Hebrew “Messiah” meaning “anointed,” and refers to Jesus of Nazareth. In the New Testament, the term “antichrist” occurs five times in 1John and 2John, once in plural form and four times in the singular.

Please read 1John and 2John and in Jesus Name please continue to pray for one another! In part 2 of "Where is the antichrist" ? We will take a look at Saul from Tarsus, whose name was changed to “Paul” by Christ Jesus.

I’m Minister Lorraine Munerlyn, a happy tool of our Lord God and Father in Jesus Christ name; please continue to be richly blessed in our Lord and Savior a`-men and Thank you!

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