A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


GREETINGS FROM FAMILY AND FRIENDS BIBLE STUDY! In the close of our last bible study; I was speaking to “Angry, Disappointed and Deprived children of war”

When you think about children that are born out of past deprived hurt; there’s a repeat of hurting that overflows into the next generation of children that we are dealing with today all over the world.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father bless us; Bless us indeed. Father widened our territories in Jesus name. Let Your Hand be upon us and our families in Jesus name and Lord Keep evil far, far away from us as we lay before You Lord in our rest of slumber and sleep. Keep our homes and all You’ve blest us to possess in the land, let Your mighty hedge of protection surround us all in Jesus Christ Almighty Name A-`men and a-`men! 

Lesson: “Angry, Disappointed and Deprived children” Conclusion! Ex.20:3; Eph.4

Parents, it’s time to look back in your childhood life and remember, where and when did certain spiritual doors became open to your life of innocence? When these ugly spiritual doors became open to your vulnerable innocent childlike minded life; it STOLE, it RAPED, it KILLED and DESTROYED your dreams, ambitions’, and it MADE YOU FEEL LIKE A LIE becoming enraged with GRIEF AND YOU’VE MOURNED YOUR OWN LIFE for many decades if you are an adult, and if this word is speaking to a teen you have to close some spiritual doors before you enter into adult hood, we all need to close these’ doors that became open by the TRESPASSER (mother, father, uncle, auntie, cousin, next door neighbor, babe sitter, so called best friend of the family, then there’s the unthinkable people that could be a trespasser (men of the cloth)!

These spiritual doors became open to you along, long time ago, and now you’ve been blessed with the ministry of a family life! Please be mindful of spiritual doors that has never closed; because they can re- open on your job and the whole time these doors are open these ugly foul spirits comes in to the realm of your personal life, and you will experience oppression; in your own heart and mind; become charged by the Spirit of Truth for allowing another god to come before the Lord God Almighty in all of your doings. When God says “There shall be no other god before me” Ex. 20:3 He means just that!

What am I saying? I am saying YES! Things happen to us that we have no control over due to being to little to fight during the time of hurt or offences that took place in our life as a child; you simply didn’t understand why would someone do certain things to hurt, and deliberately abuse! These are the angry, disappointed and deprived children that are birth out of a “PRIDE BORN OF HURT” they lose sight of God, and the Love and forgiveness God has for them as a child, and when we’re all grown up we are still hurt; the hurt has went to long without anyone being allowed to go to that spiritual door to properly shut that ugly door for healing to begin.

But even in things that hurt;the apostle Paul said, “Don’t sin by letting anger gain control over you. ‘Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a mighty foothold to the Devil” (Ephesians 4:26-27). There has been many, many sunsets on so many angry, disappointed and deprived children of God because of a spiritual shame that controlled and blinded their pre-conceived mind that caused so many children being the prodigy of Christ Jesus has gone unattended and UNnurtured. It is these children that has experienced “Pride Born of Hurt” We are all call by God! The enemy wants you to lose heart and grow weary and faint; but the Lord says in Isaiah 40:31 “They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary: and they shall walk and not faint.”

Parents you can’t become so stagnated by meddlesome spirits that interfere with your family of children to a point where you can’t hear their cries anymore; crying for your love and time that should be spent with them; not some boyfriend / girlfriend that only wants to spend time with you in bed. Your child will want to do the same thing (have sex).

ALL THESE COMPETITIVE SPIRITS ARE BLOCKING THE VIEW OF GOD’S LOVE, PEACE, AND FORGIVENESS for your family of children and from parent to child! Sex is only one part desiring to be played out by teen peer- pressure!

Father’s love your children give them back their identity in being powerful beyond any human measure; Mother’s love and care for your children giving them back their freedom to be incredible respectable people. A`-men! If there are not any natural father’s able to live out their role as a father then I implore uncle’s to fill the void with the Love of God only; I implore male pastor’s minister’s to do what needs to be done to save a life; and that goes for all auntie’s to step up to the plate of offering your time to aid and assist in filling in the void of our young daughters; as well as female ministers; and female pastor’s let’s all become responsible for saving a life by giving back what God gave us that are born again, and that is introducing the gift of Salvation to everyone that will listen. A`-men!

There are so many “Angry; Disappointed; and Deprived Children” in this world of loneliness and confusion, and most of it comes from (PARENT TO CHILD) or the lack thereof. In Luke 12: 49-59 God is simply saying life doesn’t have to be so full of division and miss understanding.

Our children need people of HEART and TRUTH to help them deal with anger promptly it’s so important because when it is left to fester, it becomes bitterness. Bitterness is anger that has been buried and given time to grow, and when it unleashes it comes out in a new and unknown ugliness.

The bible warns us: “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:31-32)

I am Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, this concludes “Angry, Disappointed and Deprived children” If you would like prayer please do not hesitate to call or write me I will respond as the Lord our God releases me to pray in your behalf. There are many countries that are not of the English native tongue visiting my Christian Blog; but I still welcome the prayer request or to just share please send me an email or leave a comment in the space below, and I will be able to translate your request. Here is my # 1-810-624-7451 anytime please I welcome you to call or write me at 1101 Milbourne Ave. Flint, MI. 48504 Peace and Blessings to all. Join me next time for another shared Word of the Lord’s. A`-men!

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