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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"PRAYER SIGINATURES' OF FAITH" (Prayer Request for Son)

 “PRAYER SIGNITURES’ OF FAITH” Isa. 7:11; 1 John 5:14-15; Ps. 20: 4-5; Matthew 7:7-8; All of these scriptures here pertains to “ASKING” A`-men! As believers of Christ Jesus and His Living Word we as a family of one Lord one Faith and one Baptism have the legal right to “ASK IN FAITH”

Hello and thank you for joining Family and Friends Bible Study for a “special praying moment in my life of ministry! I am Minister Lorraine Munerlyn; I and my husband (Raydell Munerlyn, Sr.) have a very special prayer request for our first born son Raydell, Jr.

We humbly come to you, our family and friends after seeking God, and asking God to witness to us by the power of prayer! We are yet seeking, asking and knocking at heavens door using the living Word of God as the hammer it is for our usage; to break and smash any and ALL footholds of the enemy (Luke 10:19). A`-men!

Prayer Request:

Our oldest son Raydell, Jr. was born 33 year’s ago this past June. He was born with the odds against him; he was one pound; eight and a half ounces; I gave birth to Ray, Jr. a month and a half to early; he died several times at least a dozen times right before our very eyes literally turning purple and blue. We knew only the POWER IN GOD’S OMNIPOTENCE MADE OLD DEATH BEHAVE, AND DISMISSED FROM its ASSIGNEMENT. Glory be to God in the Highest! Doctor’s had given Ray, Jr. three days to live because he was so tiny and struggling to live; but God has given Ray 33years of life. A`-men!

We are being removed from our comfort zone, and TOTALLY stepping out on faith ourselves by doing this. WE NEED OUR BROTHER’S AND SISTER’S (you) IN THE FAITH OF THE LIVING WORD OF GOD.

We’re asking for all faith believing people of God Almighty to join my family and me, in a fruit and vegetable fast accompanied with prayer for 30 days. We know some will not be able to; due to certain regiments in your dieting; but if your willing to join in honest sincere prayer we gladly appreciate your willingness to move forward in this powerful act of LOVE toward our son your brother in Christ Jesus Raydell, Jr.

We know God’s Word alone is a miracle created through the Love and Blood of His Only Begotten Sons cross.   PLEASE LET GOD USE YOU!

Ray, Jr. has not been in the house of the Lord for 7 years! We want our son back into the HOUSE OF GOD with his family and friends in Jesus Name. You all have no idea of how hard this is for me personally to reach out to a people I don’t know and ask for some of you to join our family in fasting and prayer for 30 days starting on October 1st 2013. This is also harvest time for the LORD to reap HIS harvest of soul a world over.

Please! If your willing to commit to this special moment in our life as an intercessor praying for healing on behalf of a man of God our son Raydell, Jr. we as a family will forever be grateful and praising our Lord God for sending us the blessing and power of a praying people of God our Lord Jesus Christ to us.

We are asking for those that are faithful believers to join our family in prayer for complete restoration to Raydell, Jr.’ natural mind, eye sight and tongue to be loosed to speak the oracles of God in Jesus Name. It is time we all exercise our faith by hearing the WORD of God (Rom. 10:17).

We sincerely thank you ALL for joining our family on the first day of October, 2013 in Jesus Name thank you.

As you ALL begin to prepare your hearts and soul for 10-1-13 fasting and praying; we are asking for any of you that may have Unforgiveness that has formed toward any family, friend, or foe please we implore you to go to that person and ask for forgiveness before you join us in intercession prayer; so that root of bitterness will become rooted up by God’s grace and love in Jesus name (Hebrews 12:14-15).

Read John 20:23 “Whose soever sins ye remit, (forgive) they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained” (by you!). A spirit of Unforgiveness takes root.

We’re believing this prompting in the Spirit is going to be a triple blessing for many of you as well as God being richly blessed by ALL of our obedience; so lets beam out forgiveness to those who have harmed or hurt you. Ask God to forgive them and have mercy upon them in a unilateral declaration just as Jesus said on the Cross. The reconciling power of the Cross will bring about miracles in that very hour see: Col. 1:20; II Cor. 5:18-20; Isa. 53:5, this peace speaks about rest, health, and wholeness because relationships are at peace) in Jesus Name A`-men!

I’m Minister Lorraine Munerlyn, with God and husband Raydell Munerlyn, Sr. as you all join us in prayer for 30 days on behalf of oldest son Raydell Munerlyn, Jr. Thank you sincerely! Peace and Blessings!!

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