A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Monday, November 18, 2013

"MY PRAISE REPORT" God Is Calling Him Forth Isaiah 43:18, 19

Greetings my family and friends! Welcome to Family and friends Bible Study; God has given me and my family hearts of thanksgiving, so much more has been added to our spiritual enlightenment on how to view our blessings from pass; present and going into the future not doubting our future blessings that are still to come in Jesus Christ almighty name. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord our God thank You for all the blessings You have bestowed upon my family and myself, over the years of giving added life to us all through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. A`-men!

Lesson: MY PRAISE REPORT” “God Is Calling him forth” Isaiah 43:18, 19.

I was thinking on how God through Jesus Christ has blessed our son and brother Raydell Jr. The Lord has made me understand that Isaiah 43:18, 19 “Behold I make all things new.” I realized that out of all else I wanted to see my son do, I was not counting the blessings of ALL God through Jesus Christ has already done for our son.

Jesus brought him back from death to life at lease a dozen times from the time Raydell, Jr. was born; up tell his 1½ months of his God given life. The Lord caused me to see, how He’s been working supernaturally all of Raydell, Jr’s natural born life starting with the time he was conceived.

You see during my pregnancy I lost blood for the first three months of my pregnancy, usually when a woman bleeds like this through her period for any of the months she’s pregnant usually leads to having a miscarriage. This was a Supernatural miracle! I would be remiss for not informing you in my far to long blind sighted ignorance of not seeing this as a miracle. There is a reason why I didn’t!

The reason being is because “I was to caught up on what the situation looked like, this 7 1/2 month premature man child didn’t look like what I wanted him to look like; in the external view of seeing him, he was beautiful! It was the internal view of what he was incapable of  not doing is what I stared at! I failed to look at the heart.

God had given me a CHALLENGE! A challenge I did not choose for myself, but God chose for me! I dejected the challenge (my son) and became filled with SHAME, I was SAD, DISPIRITED and DISAPPOINTED with God. I was angry with God, because I did not understand why my first born son had to be afflicted mentality and blind in sight. "I can hear God, say wasn't you?"

“I have learned that it’s not about what you go through but how you go through it!” And in all that a person goes through the majority of times its not for the person going through but for the multitude of all that are watching at how they go through with the GRACE of God giving them chance after chance to get life right. In all my son has gone through and my family one by one Raydell, Jr has been very instrumental in showing us all how the fruit of long suffering is a Supernatural miracle all by itself.

Raydell, Jr. was born with glaucoma which led to having his left lens removed at three weeks old after birth, another Supernatural miracle; he can still see in Jesus name and never had any medication prescribed. A`-men! He was diagnose with a hiatal hernia at the age of 20, doctor prescribed medication for it and that was for ten years; then God removed Raydell, Jr off of medication for the hernia; it's been for 3years medcine free in Jesus Name, God gave these supernatural miracle’s.

After looking at All God has done for our family and son over the course of his life and the life of our family, I’m able to see how strengths and weakness work hand in hand with God through Christ Jesus; our weakness is His strength! The Lord said to me, “you was looking at your son with selfish eyes.” I was blinded by a mothers fleshly wants for a son, and never really looked at the miracles God through Jesus had provided to sustain Raydell, Jr’s life that belongs to Father God.

My son Raydell Munerlyn, Jr is “fearfully and wonderfully made” Ps. 139:14 God has used our son to be a supernatural miracle to his family that has birthed our spirituality to become deepen. Our lives are not the same spiritually, we have come to deeper understandings of God’s Love and how Powerful the Love of God is and the Truth and Power of God’s Miracles being His Word.

Gods Love is a healing Love to ALL people, His love commands that we Love one another with the love of God. Love that forgives, a love that understands, a love that can take the offence’s of life and still love the offender. If you have made an covenant offence with past hurts or present hurt I command it to be broken off your life and the life of your love ones in Jesus Name. Forgive one another please, so healing can begin.

My son will be back in the House of fellowship, but in the mean time I will bring home the CD’s of the taught Word of God and praise CD’s from our Church services; making sure he get’s all God gave. I will keep on praising our Lord God for being so just, merciful and kind to us all through the Blood of Jesus’ Cross. A`-men!

Remember no matter what it looks like walk by Faith and not by sight, because God is calling it forth making all things new in Jesus Name HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I am Minister Lorraine Munerlyn also read Isaiah 43:18, 19 I love you all Peace and Blessings. We will finish our lesson on “WHERE IS THE ANTICHRIST SPIRIT” in two weeks! Thank you for joining me on F.A.F.B.S.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


WELCOME BACK! Thank you all for joining me in Family and Friends Bible Study where I believe you will be richly blessed in the Word of God. I give to you the way the Holy Spirit gave it to me to give in Jesus almighty name. Also! Thank you for hanging in there with our family as we sought family and friends for intercession in the behalf of our son and brother Raydell Munerlyn, Jr. I will give a praise report in the next week or two. May our God and Father continue to bless you all profoundly in Jesus Christ name. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father God, Lord of lord! Thank You for Your Spirit of Truth that leads my life into a life of righteousness; that is pleasing to You. Touch and bless my mind and heart in all spiritual truth so that I may hear with my heart that contains the Word of God. In Jesus name a`-men!

Lesson: “WHERE IS THE ANTICHRIST” Part 2 /1 John and 2 John also Acts 9

Before we gleam into the book of Acts 9:1-31 that speak of Saul of Tarsus (Paul) lets look at 1John 2:3 for it asks a question on belonging to Christ! NLT says v3 “And how can we be sure that we belong to him? This is how! “By obeying the commandments of Jesus given by Father God of Heaven.” In v4 “If someone says, “I belong to God,” but doesn’t obey God’s commandments, that person is a liar and does not live in the truth. In v5 “But those who obey God’s word really do love him. That is the way to know whether or not we live in him.”

Everything Saul of Tarsus (Paul) was doing; spoke volumes to the world that he was a zealous Jew; and his singular mission in life was to preserve the integrity and traditions of his religion, and he was ready and willing to eliminate anything that threatened it – by any means. About this he was shamelessly passionate. At this point of Saul’s life he did not know Christ Jesus and there was a spirit of antichrist leading him.

Saul (Paul) was a bright intelligent man. His parents wanted him to be grounded in the laws, the orthodoxy, and the traditions of Judaism. So his parents sent Saul (Paul) to Jerusalem and it is there where he sat at the feet of the great teacher Gamaliel.

Gamaliel taught this young Saul, “that anyone who is hung on a tree is under God’s curse,” Gamaliel would read to his students from the fifth book of the Law of Moses. “You must not desecrate the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.” Saul believed that the law was truth and he had known the details of the trial and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. As far as he was concerned, Jesus was cursed. So these beliefs cause Saul of Tarsus to be apprehensive about the growing number of Christians, especially among the Jews. In his intelligent, but ignorant brilliant mind; “This pollution had to be cleansed.” Here he was speaking of the Christian nation!

This was a very dark antichrist moment of unbelief Saul was living out of! Saul of Tarsus had no real idea of how much his heart believed in the life of a destructive LIE that was so evil it caused him to murder, flog on those that were apart of the Christian nation, followers of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Saul (Paul) was a Pharisee, possibly a member of the Sanhedrin, who was transformed by a visitation of Jesus on the road to Damascus to become a radical missionary for Christ. His biggest sorrow: was having the memory of his hatred of Christians and his sanctioning of their punishment, floggings, and murder.

This was an antichrist spirit upon Saul of Tarsus, he wanted to live out of who he was taught to be as a Pharisee, and he took pride in being a Pharisee. Paul’s letters are in Acts 9.

When you live by the spirit of antichrist, you are out right choosing to reject Christ Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit; and in all of this ugliness; Jesus still concerns Himself with us! How could He (Jesus) ever Love us when we are overwhelmed by destructive addictions or compulsions, lying lips, deceitfulness, murder, white supremacist, sowing discord about one another constantly wounding one another deliberately hurting; stealing, flogging on and taking from one another.   

He (JESUS) continue’ to save and love us; rescuing us from our selves. He is a loving gracious and merciful God. He wants the best for His creation. A`-men! Jesus was concerned for Saul (Paul). He turned a convicted murdering man such as Saul, into a gospel preaching teaching mighty man of God.                                                                              

His Triumph: was overcoming the sentencing life of sin that was death; spending the remainder of years in sowing the gift of life “Spreading the gospel to the Gentiles.”

1John 4:4 “Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.” The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ met Saul on his way to Damascus, to do more of the very things he (Saul) had come to being known for; but Jesus visited Saul on the road to Damascus and transformed his life.

When the light from the sky came to rest on top of Saul there was a voice that thundered from the light as it was speaking to Saul, not once but twice asking Saul “Why are you persecuting me?” Then the voice bellowed out again, “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting,” The ground shook.

Jesus? Jesus! Saul repeated to himself. How can this be” He peeked out into the light and saw what looked like a form of a man shrouded in the light. “GETUP,” Jesus said. “Go into the city and someone will meet you. He will tell you what you must do.”

Here are some Sanctifying events that took place in Saul’s life on the road to Damascus! *Jesus announced Himself to Saul, *and asked Saul a question? *Then a great reverence came over Saul!  *Saul blind for three days, and in those three days he would not eat or drink and hardly spoke a word. *“A LIFETIME OF STUDYING HOW TO KILL, STEAL, DESTROY ended up being a lifetime of studying deep-seated convictions that had been dashed in a single moment. Every one of his relationships, whether with friends or foe, had been forged by these beliefs.

When your mind is made up to receive Jesus as LORD of your life, you become set free (pardon) from all sins, through Jesus’ Blood on the cross; which paid for your criminal acts of spiritual crimes that kept you from dying a death of SPIRITUAL MURDER DO TO YOUR HAND OF SINS!

When the Son of almighty God sets you free all that is asked of you is a life time of community service unto God in Jesus Name.

Will you pray with me right now? Dear Lord God and Father, I am a sinner, I was blind but now I see. Please forgive me of all my sins and for allowing any form of an antichrist spirit that I had given place to my life of sin, put in me a clean heart filled with YOUR righteousness, love, peace, joy, kindness, patients, self control, goodness,

Gentleness, and a sober spirit of meekness toward my family and friends and even my foes Lord Jesus root up by your fiery hand all that you did not plant in me and let YOUR will be done in my heart and mind. In Jesus Name A`-men and a`-men.

I am Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, and I come to you sincerely in Christ Jesus Name. Please read Acts 9:1-31 and 1John also 2 John and I pray that you will see in scripture and hear the Spirit of the Lord teach you in all spiritual truths. A`-men Peace and Blessings to all.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Greetings my Family and Friends! Welcome back to another lesson shared with family and friends bible study! A`-men!

I want to say thank you to ALL those that are running the race with our family and son Raydell Munerlyn, Jr. that is set before him in Jesus Christ almighty name. As we enter the third week of prayer; we are still praying the JABEZ prayer from 1Chronicles 4:10 in Raydell Jr’s behalf; our family greatly appreciate you in becoming an added mouth pieces in prayer for our family and son. Peace and Blessings unto ALL of you. A`-men; and thank you!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father God, Lord and Savior to ALL; we come to You humble hearted and bowed down at the altar of our hearts and souls best as we meekly know how to in Jesus Name. Help us Lord God and Father to be the blessings, You called us too be for one another; and not a burden or cursing to one another; help us our Lord and Savior to see where the spirit of antichrist is in our lives, in our home’s and abroad; on our jobs, in our Churches, in our educational school programs; in our government offices in and throughout this world of spiritual chaos in Jesus Christ Almighty Name, and lead us into words of  prayer not mimicking or judging the world but help us to lead the world out from spiritual bondage through the POWER OF PRAYER! A`-men and a`-men!

Lesson: “WHERE IS THE ANTICHRIST SPIRIT”?  Study please John7:11-24

When I think about the religious Jewish leaders in old bible days; they led the other Jews to a place of strife, and the spirit of “Offence” was a covenant formed out of years of spiritual bondage that produced an “Unbelieving antichrist spirit” that filled many hearts and souls with such unbelief that it cause so many people to become blind-sighted.

What these religious Jewish leaders did not know was, thousand of years later this prejudice lying spirit would come up against them “Jewish Religious leaders and their families” through many trials and tribulations they in turn thousands of years later faced the same antichrist spirit birthed out of a controlling ignorance! The antichrist spirit came upon a man which I will call "H." This spirit of antichrist, controlled his mind that was filled with prejudges and charged the Jews, and Jewish Religious leaders for being indifferent in a country where Germans lived. This man DID NOT want any one in his country if they were not Germans. (NOT BEING A GERMAN was a sin in this mans eyes and mind and such a sin handed down the penalty of death, execution).

There are so many brilliant minds controlled by this spirit of antichrist; these’s brilliant minds are in our government offices (Republicans, Democrats, Mayor’s, Military, Presidents in many countries a world over, our schools, our homes our jobs, our Church gatherings.

The antichrist spirit is a prejudges lie that’s sowing discord; it’s hypocrisy; it goes against the will of God for God’s Kingdom to be built in Jesus name, SO WE CAN’T LET WOUNDS AND LIES DEFINE US as a Christian Nation, but this happens to so many that becomes wounded spiritually or hurt by lies told repeatedly, but you have to Trust Gods Will in Psalm 144:7 “Reach down from heaven and rescue me; deliver me from deep waters, from the power of my enemies” A`-men  and Jesus knows v8 “Their mouths are full of lies; they swear to tell the truth, but they lie.” Look at John8: 43-45 A`-men!

‘Wounds and Lies’ are spiritual doors for the antichrist spirit to come in and move upon your way of thinking too redirect you from the true leadership of Almighty Father God! The spirits of prejudice, hypocrisy, sown seeds of discord that goes against all that is good so then the spirit of thief comes in to kill, steal and destroy you and your predestine life that started at your childhood.

Jesus is a mighty son of God, a Spiritual Giant that came to save ALL; and the Jewish religious leaders were against Him. When you look at the word antichrist; it’s a word that speaks volumes of being against Christ (Jesus)!

This word An-ti-christ means- A great personal opponent of Christ who will spread evil throughout the world before being conquered at Christ’s Second Coming. This is a person or force seen as opposing Christ or the Christian Church.

Anti + Christos can mean not only “against” and “opposite of,” but also “in place of,” translated “Christ,” is Greek for the Hebrew “Messiah” meaning “anointed,” and refers to Jesus of Nazareth. In the New Testament, the term “antichrist” occurs five times in 1John and 2John, once in plural form and four times in the singular.

Please read 1John and 2John and in Jesus Name please continue to pray for one another! In part 2 of "Where is the antichrist" ? We will take a look at Saul from Tarsus, whose name was changed to “Paul” by Christ Jesus.

I’m Minister Lorraine Munerlyn, a happy tool of our Lord God and Father in Jesus Christ name; please continue to be richly blessed in our Lord and Savior a`-men and Thank you!

Monday, October 7, 2013


GREETINGS! Welcome back family and friends to the entering into the second week of prayer; in standing in the gap for our son, your brother in Christ Jesus Raydell Munerlyn, Jr.

This is the prayer we as a family would like for everyone that is still on board with standing with our family of believers that Raydell Jr. is delivered through the blood of the cross. A`-men!

Please pray with us the JABEZ prayer 1Chronicles 4:10 Jabez, is another example of FAITH! In the midst of his difficulties and in spite of his name (meaning “distress” or “pain”), Jabez looked to God for the solution to his problems. He prayed that God would keep him from fulfilling the meaning of his name. This is a worthwhile prayer.

People in so many lives of family’s, must be careful not to cause pain to each other anymore; instead we should try to be a blessing to each other and by praying for one another is one of God’s wonderful ordained ways of allowing our family to be set Free from pain.
Ray’s name mean “Advisor” I believe if God wanted Ray, Jr. to go back home to heaven God would have done that by the second time we witnessed our sons’ second death.

We actually saw him die 8 – 12 times in Jesus Name! God kept Raydell Jr. for a reason so let’s please continue to lift this mighty man of God unto the Lord our God in prayer.

1 Chronicles 4:10 “And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.”


Father God in Jesus Name bless Raydell Munerlyn, Jr. bless him indeed; bless his natural mind, his conscious, his heart, his eyes, his steps ordered in your Word and let not any inequity have dominion over him in Jesus Almighty name; enlarge his territory’s, and let Your hand be upon him Lord to guide him in all spiritual truth and understanding of Your Word being the WAY for his life unto You as a called man of God from his mother’s womb; Keep Ray, Jr. far, far away from evil in Jesus almighty name a`-men and a`-men!
Now use this same prayer and incert a love ones name where Ray's name is and become richly blessed as Ray is in Jesus name. We want you to know the Munerlyn family is interceeding for you all as well.

“God is using your mouths to intercede, too say in our son Ray, J. behalf Lord help me!” We believe that our son will become a verbal praying man of God a`-men!      

For that we are so very grateful to each and every one of you all for taking time out of your day to pray for one of God’s children. God says believe on ME and I Will grant the prayers of the righteous. A`-MEN!

The Munerlyn family sincerely give thanks to all that believe God can and will do what He promised through the blood of the cross. Peace and Blessings to ALL!

Monday, September 30, 2013


GREETINGS! Welcome to Family and Friends Bible Study; My husband (Raydell Munerlyn, Sr.) and I (Lorraine Munerlyn) are reaching out to our family of friends for prayer. Last week we were asking for fasting and prayer; but we know many people are not able or can not commit to the fast for that long and we surly do not want any one to feel as if they let us down with starting and stopping before the fast is completed. A`-men!

So we are seeking prayer for the next 30 days from October 1st starting tomorrow any time of the day you choose to pray; first Word of prayer is for self then you will pray for our son your brother Raydell Munerlyn, Jr. A`-men!

We believe the plan our Lord God has, is that everyone will be blessed during this time of prayer for 30days. A`-men! Our prayers are signatures of FAITH!

PRAYER SIGNATURES OF FAITH” speaks to God in saying to the spirit of Holiness I believe through the Living Word of God Your Will Is Done In my life of family a`-men!
Here are the scripture Keys for week one we don’t want anyone to feel burden in the victory for all. We believe we have entered into a season that HEAVEN is opened up to the body of Christ Jesus; to pour out the blessings of healing and deliverance unto ALL.

I believe that there’s an exchange being made in the behalf of petitioning “PRAYER SIGNATURES OF FAITH” to our Lord God the Father in all of Heaven. We know that God’s Word is so powerful that it’s called forth by God and His people to bless.

In all that Christ Jesus did while in the earth through all the signs and wonders; these blessings of the LORD transcend throughout the people of God, and God was glorified in all His Son did as the people came into believing what they saw and heard was the Truth and the Way to Life in Christ Jesus. A`-men!

Here are the Scriptures for the first week of prayer please read at your leisure and meditate on the living Word any time of day during the first week. From Oct.1st- 8th is week one. Under the leading of the Holy Spirit I will give Scripture for ea. Wk.

Scriptures:  Again find time everyday and pray the word for yourself meditate on Gods love, this sets your mind and heart toward God and Jesus allowing your heart and soul to become stirred up in the Spirit of Holiness and Truth (Word of God) a`-men! Word of prayer that will lead you to us! Read Colossians 1:12, 13, 14 and 15 in Jesus Name.

Words of Prayer in behalf of Raydell Munerlyn, Jr: Please pray everyday for week one in Jesus Name Colossians 1:3, 4, 5 and 6. Whatever your God heart wants to say after the God given word of prayer for Raydell Jr. please let God use you as an intercessor for our son in Jesus Name we (Ray and Lorraine Sr.) thank you from the bottom of our hearts filled with thanksgiving.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"PRAYER SIGINATURES' OF FAITH" (Prayer Request for Son)

 “PRAYER SIGNITURES’ OF FAITH” Isa. 7:11; 1 John 5:14-15; Ps. 20: 4-5; Matthew 7:7-8; All of these scriptures here pertains to “ASKING” A`-men! As believers of Christ Jesus and His Living Word we as a family of one Lord one Faith and one Baptism have the legal right to “ASK IN FAITH”

Hello and thank you for joining Family and Friends Bible Study for a “special praying moment in my life of ministry! I am Minister Lorraine Munerlyn; I and my husband (Raydell Munerlyn, Sr.) have a very special prayer request for our first born son Raydell, Jr.

We humbly come to you, our family and friends after seeking God, and asking God to witness to us by the power of prayer! We are yet seeking, asking and knocking at heavens door using the living Word of God as the hammer it is for our usage; to break and smash any and ALL footholds of the enemy (Luke 10:19). A`-men!

Prayer Request:

Our oldest son Raydell, Jr. was born 33 year’s ago this past June. He was born with the odds against him; he was one pound; eight and a half ounces; I gave birth to Ray, Jr. a month and a half to early; he died several times at least a dozen times right before our very eyes literally turning purple and blue. We knew only the POWER IN GOD’S OMNIPOTENCE MADE OLD DEATH BEHAVE, AND DISMISSED FROM its ASSIGNEMENT. Glory be to God in the Highest! Doctor’s had given Ray, Jr. three days to live because he was so tiny and struggling to live; but God has given Ray 33years of life. A`-men!

We are being removed from our comfort zone, and TOTALLY stepping out on faith ourselves by doing this. WE NEED OUR BROTHER’S AND SISTER’S (you) IN THE FAITH OF THE LIVING WORD OF GOD.

We’re asking for all faith believing people of God Almighty to join my family and me, in a fruit and vegetable fast accompanied with prayer for 30 days. We know some will not be able to; due to certain regiments in your dieting; but if your willing to join in honest sincere prayer we gladly appreciate your willingness to move forward in this powerful act of LOVE toward our son your brother in Christ Jesus Raydell, Jr.

We know God’s Word alone is a miracle created through the Love and Blood of His Only Begotten Sons cross.   PLEASE LET GOD USE YOU!

Ray, Jr. has not been in the house of the Lord for 7 years! We want our son back into the HOUSE OF GOD with his family and friends in Jesus Name. You all have no idea of how hard this is for me personally to reach out to a people I don’t know and ask for some of you to join our family in fasting and prayer for 30 days starting on October 1st 2013. This is also harvest time for the LORD to reap HIS harvest of soul a world over.

Please! If your willing to commit to this special moment in our life as an intercessor praying for healing on behalf of a man of God our son Raydell, Jr. we as a family will forever be grateful and praising our Lord God for sending us the blessing and power of a praying people of God our Lord Jesus Christ to us.

We are asking for those that are faithful believers to join our family in prayer for complete restoration to Raydell, Jr.’ natural mind, eye sight and tongue to be loosed to speak the oracles of God in Jesus Name. It is time we all exercise our faith by hearing the WORD of God (Rom. 10:17).

We sincerely thank you ALL for joining our family on the first day of October, 2013 in Jesus Name thank you.

As you ALL begin to prepare your hearts and soul for 10-1-13 fasting and praying; we are asking for any of you that may have Unforgiveness that has formed toward any family, friend, or foe please we implore you to go to that person and ask for forgiveness before you join us in intercession prayer; so that root of bitterness will become rooted up by God’s grace and love in Jesus name (Hebrews 12:14-15).

Read John 20:23 “Whose soever sins ye remit, (forgive) they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained” (by you!). A spirit of Unforgiveness takes root.

We’re believing this prompting in the Spirit is going to be a triple blessing for many of you as well as God being richly blessed by ALL of our obedience; so lets beam out forgiveness to those who have harmed or hurt you. Ask God to forgive them and have mercy upon them in a unilateral declaration just as Jesus said on the Cross. The reconciling power of the Cross will bring about miracles in that very hour see: Col. 1:20; II Cor. 5:18-20; Isa. 53:5, this peace speaks about rest, health, and wholeness because relationships are at peace) in Jesus Name A`-men!

I’m Minister Lorraine Munerlyn, with God and husband Raydell Munerlyn, Sr. as you all join us in prayer for 30 days on behalf of oldest son Raydell Munerlyn, Jr. Thank you sincerely! Peace and Blessings!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


GREETINGS FROM FAMILY AND FRIENDS BIBLE STUDY! In the close of our last bible study; I was speaking to “Angry, Disappointed and Deprived children of war”

When you think about children that are born out of past deprived hurt; there’s a repeat of hurting that overflows into the next generation of children that we are dealing with today all over the world.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father bless us; Bless us indeed. Father widened our territories in Jesus name. Let Your Hand be upon us and our families in Jesus name and Lord Keep evil far, far away from us as we lay before You Lord in our rest of slumber and sleep. Keep our homes and all You’ve blest us to possess in the land, let Your mighty hedge of protection surround us all in Jesus Christ Almighty Name A-`men and a-`men! 

Lesson: “Angry, Disappointed and Deprived children” Conclusion! Ex.20:3; Eph.4

Parents, it’s time to look back in your childhood life and remember, where and when did certain spiritual doors became open to your life of innocence? When these ugly spiritual doors became open to your vulnerable innocent childlike minded life; it STOLE, it RAPED, it KILLED and DESTROYED your dreams, ambitions’, and it MADE YOU FEEL LIKE A LIE becoming enraged with GRIEF AND YOU’VE MOURNED YOUR OWN LIFE for many decades if you are an adult, and if this word is speaking to a teen you have to close some spiritual doors before you enter into adult hood, we all need to close these’ doors that became open by the TRESPASSER (mother, father, uncle, auntie, cousin, next door neighbor, babe sitter, so called best friend of the family, then there’s the unthinkable people that could be a trespasser (men of the cloth)!

These spiritual doors became open to you along, long time ago, and now you’ve been blessed with the ministry of a family life! Please be mindful of spiritual doors that has never closed; because they can re- open on your job and the whole time these doors are open these ugly foul spirits comes in to the realm of your personal life, and you will experience oppression; in your own heart and mind; become charged by the Spirit of Truth for allowing another god to come before the Lord God Almighty in all of your doings. When God says “There shall be no other god before me” Ex. 20:3 He means just that!

What am I saying? I am saying YES! Things happen to us that we have no control over due to being to little to fight during the time of hurt or offences that took place in our life as a child; you simply didn’t understand why would someone do certain things to hurt, and deliberately abuse! These are the angry, disappointed and deprived children that are birth out of a “PRIDE BORN OF HURT” they lose sight of God, and the Love and forgiveness God has for them as a child, and when we’re all grown up we are still hurt; the hurt has went to long without anyone being allowed to go to that spiritual door to properly shut that ugly door for healing to begin.

But even in things that hurt;the apostle Paul said, “Don’t sin by letting anger gain control over you. ‘Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a mighty foothold to the Devil” (Ephesians 4:26-27). There has been many, many sunsets on so many angry, disappointed and deprived children of God because of a spiritual shame that controlled and blinded their pre-conceived mind that caused so many children being the prodigy of Christ Jesus has gone unattended and UNnurtured. It is these children that has experienced “Pride Born of Hurt” We are all call by God! The enemy wants you to lose heart and grow weary and faint; but the Lord says in Isaiah 40:31 “They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary: and they shall walk and not faint.”

Parents you can’t become so stagnated by meddlesome spirits that interfere with your family of children to a point where you can’t hear their cries anymore; crying for your love and time that should be spent with them; not some boyfriend / girlfriend that only wants to spend time with you in bed. Your child will want to do the same thing (have sex).

ALL THESE COMPETITIVE SPIRITS ARE BLOCKING THE VIEW OF GOD’S LOVE, PEACE, AND FORGIVENESS for your family of children and from parent to child! Sex is only one part desiring to be played out by teen peer- pressure!

Father’s love your children give them back their identity in being powerful beyond any human measure; Mother’s love and care for your children giving them back their freedom to be incredible respectable people. A`-men! If there are not any natural father’s able to live out their role as a father then I implore uncle’s to fill the void with the Love of God only; I implore male pastor’s minister’s to do what needs to be done to save a life; and that goes for all auntie’s to step up to the plate of offering your time to aid and assist in filling in the void of our young daughters; as well as female ministers; and female pastor’s let’s all become responsible for saving a life by giving back what God gave us that are born again, and that is introducing the gift of Salvation to everyone that will listen. A`-men!

There are so many “Angry; Disappointed; and Deprived Children” in this world of loneliness and confusion, and most of it comes from (PARENT TO CHILD) or the lack thereof. In Luke 12: 49-59 God is simply saying life doesn’t have to be so full of division and miss understanding.

Our children need people of HEART and TRUTH to help them deal with anger promptly it’s so important because when it is left to fester, it becomes bitterness. Bitterness is anger that has been buried and given time to grow, and when it unleashes it comes out in a new and unknown ugliness.

The bible warns us: “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:31-32)

I am Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, this concludes “Angry, Disappointed and Deprived children” If you would like prayer please do not hesitate to call or write me I will respond as the Lord our God releases me to pray in your behalf. There are many countries that are not of the English native tongue visiting my Christian Blog; but I still welcome the prayer request or to just share please send me an email or leave a comment in the space below, and I will be able to translate your request. Here is my # 1-810-624-7451 anytime please I welcome you to call or write me at 1101 Milbourne Ave. Flint, MI. 48504 Peace and Blessings to all. Join me next time for another shared Word of the Lord’s. A`-men!

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Greetings People of God! WELCOME BACK to family and friends bible study!

I apologize for being so terribly late with part 3 of “Angry, Disappointed and Deprived Children.” This lesson really hits home for me and I pray that it serves the divine Will of God to bless you and your family of friends and even your foes. A`-men! I was told by my earth father that was a soldier in the Korean War that I had a Korean brother; Korea has been at war for over 60 years, there’s just no fighting; but I don’t know if this brother is still living or deceased.

Let’s Pray:

Merciful Lord God and King I come to You bowed down at the altar of my heart today seeking Your face; for my country is in need of a great blessing from our Lord God and Savior. I pray the prayer of Paul the apostle in Ephesians 3:17 “I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in our hearts as we trust in Jesus Christ. May our roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous LOVE a`-men!

Lesson: “Angry, Disappointed and Deprived Children of war” Acts 4:32-37; 5: 29-32; 1Peter 2: 13-17

I hadn’t realize how many countries are at war or in some form of conflict; but all are not in the physical sense of war for most countries; the anger from war’s of old are still simmering in the back of many old warriors’ minds. They’ve grown angrier over time as they reflect back to their country as a child and becomes so determined in establishing victory from these old wars, for many are no more in the physical but are still stirring in the heart and mind of many angry, disappointed and deprived children of war that are now adults for it is in them whom wants to win a fight in the physical that is already won in the Spirit of Truth (God’s Peace) through Christ Jesus. They just refuse to humble themselves enough to really see the plan God Almighty has set up through Christ Jesus. A`-men!

There are countries that have not signed “Peace Treaties” all because in their minds they are still at war; and they feel “they should never back down or stand down from their opposing target that’s beheld as the enemy.”

What happens with this kind of anger in the body of Christ Jesus (Churches)? It becomes a rooted vengeance; a spirit of haughtiness and heaviness that has been in a incubator state brewing for many decades, and a person begin to charge people in offices of the ministry; loosing the spiritual perspective of trusting God and not man! Read Proverbs 3:5-6. Then there’s a charge to the people in governmental offices and yes a lot of countries are in trouble do to governmental decision made and a great deal of these decisions has backed fired causing a great oppression and depression upon the people in the ministry of our Christian Nation and in countries of war a world over.

What am I saying? I am saying “GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL!” and “Yes it is hard to walk in Christianity when your family has a need, shame comes in and a fear of rejection comes upon you keeping you from asking a fellow member of the Church or keep you from asking the pastor or minister for a helping hand; may it be to pay an Electric bill, water bill or Rent or a House Note let alone buy Food for the family and self; when the Church is called by God to help aid and assist in these very important areas of a family members life (Church of God).

This shame or feelings of oppression causes one to point fingers at the government and the Church; the government is always going to do business the way they feel they need to, but when it comes to God and His WAY for He is “THE WAY”! In the book of Acts 4:32-37 it speaks of “Believers sharing their possessions” in v32 “All the believers were of one heart and mind, and they felt that what they owned was not their own; they shared everything they had.” Amen! Please read John 14:13-14.

Listen! Angry, Disappointed and Deprived People of God; it’s time to stop opening up spiritual doors that should not become open in the house of God nor within your own hearts and mind. Spiritual doors that should very well stay closed if we did our part as a CHRISTIAN NATION individually or collectively and do what God has commanded us to do as a CHRISTIAN NATION and that is to PRAY FOR OUR GOVERNMENT! In Acts 5:29-32 Peter the apostle says, “We must obey God rather than human authority.” Nevertheless we are to pray for our leaders in the Church as well as the government in our countries; but so many of us including myself simply forget to pray for the government, when it is a commandment of God read 1Peter 2:13-17. A`-men! I felt the Spirit of the Lord to speak to the angry, disappointed, deprived children of war! A`-men!

I am Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, thank you all for joining me on Family and Friends Bible Study. I pray that your spiritual eyes and ears are opening to the things of God for we all have been once or twice in our lives angry, disappointed and deprived children and the thing of it is these children are still with us (children of pride born of hurt) if you looked back to when you were a little child you will see in your mind of memory where the pride born of hurt came into your life. Peace and Blessings to all. I Love you and I am praying for each and every one of you in Jesus Name. Join me next week with the conclusion of “Angry, Disappointed and Deprived children”

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Welcome! My family and friends! Welcome back to Family and Friends Bible Study.

I am so grateful to everyone that God has so richly blessed by the preaching and teaching the Truth of gospel He has put in me, and I am even more richly blessed by pastors and ministers that are being blessed by the living doctoring of God’s Word taught through me as a yielded vessel unto God and man-kind. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear gracious Father, Lord and Savior thank You for another day of miracles’ that You have so graciously bestowed upon the people of God; as well as the people a world over. Thank You Lord for Your precious Blood; that has atoned all of my sins, blotting them out in Jesus Name a`-men!

Lesson: Part 2 “ANGRY; DISAPPOINTED AND DEPRIVED CHILDREN” Scriptures are Luke 12: 51-57; Luke 11:53-54; Psalm 139:23-24!

The LOVE of God is a necessity in our lives; it is needed to show itself mighty and strong in our live as the creator is in us, for He is Love. A`-MEN!

Children know when unity in the family is gone; unity in a family should speak and express the Love of God, the Peace of God, the Joy of God and when all is no more; there is only stealing, controlling, lying, malice, strife, and developed hate toward one another, even from one country to another.

When we look in the eyes of the Scripture: Luke 12: 51-53 This Word speaks of “Jesus Causing Division.” In v51 of Luke 12 Jesus asks a question “Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? He replies! No, I have come to bring strife and division! Then in vv52-53 He gives a declarative statement; which explains v 51.

From the NLT bible in Luke 12: 52-53 says as it is written “From now on families will be split apart, three in favor of me, and two against – or the other way around. Then in v53 as it is written “There will be a division between father and son, mother and daughter, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.”

Then Jesus goes to say in Luke 12:56 “You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky, but you can’t interpret these present times.” Then He says v57 “Why can’t you decide for yourselves what is right? In these’s two verses Jesus’ is speaking to the Pharisees and teachers of religious law who was furious with Jesus (Luke 11:53-54).

What God is saying is “DO RIGHT BY ONE ANOTHER” In your home, on your job, in the body of Christ Jesus; as well as from country to another. In the ministry there is so much GREED, strife, malice, controlling, un-necessary HURTING and back stabbing words that causes a sister or brother to spiritually fall into the devils arm all because they feel like they have to pay back hurt for hurt; lie for lie!

The people are over taxed spiritually and mentally exhausted with giving up all their time and money actually given for all the wrong reasons! Most family’s in the ministry of giving or serving is surrendering unto man-kind not unto God; so being the children we are; Gods Holy Spirit is searching your heart and soul as to why you do what you do. (Look at Psalms 139:23-24)

God finds that the reasons why you do what you do are for self gratification, self worth establishing your self in the eyes of the people; being the wrong attitude toward your service rendered. This goes on in and out of Church; it’s in your home, on your job, in your marriage and even dealing with your children; let alone country to country.

Most parents deal with their children not out of love but out of obligation! There are a lot of parents placing children on medication of for money from the Gov. and State. Actually making that child more off mentally than what he or she maybe acting out; when all a child need is to be LOVE, UNDERSTOOD and taught the living WORD OF GOD; because the WORD teaches a child how valuable they are to God and how much God loves and forgives them verses the peer - pressure and ugly lies they receive everyday from friends and family.

In Ephesians 4:25 NLT bible it is written “So put away all falsehood and “tell your neighbor the truth”* because we belong to each other. Then it is written v26 “And “don’t sin by letting anger gain control over you.”* Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, v27 for anger gives a mighty foothold to the Devil.

Anger is a spiritual door; and when it’s opened it opens up wide letting in all kinds of ugly spiritual sins that will cause you and your children to be “ANGRY; DISAPPOINTED AND DEPRIVED”!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, Please study the Scriptures and become watered by the living Water of God’s Word. Please eat, drink and be marry in Christ Jesus. A`-men and a`-men!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Father's Day Poem- " A FATHER'S CRY"


 I have been working on a Father’s Day Poem that will reflect the lives of many father’s that are
sadly broken in the spiritual view of a child of children. The worlds of children are becoming deceased (spiritually or naturally).

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God; I thank You for my life and my spiritual walk with You as my Father and Lord; You have never left me nor forsook me when it was just me with my family and mom. Thank you for my mother that prayed everyday day and night to You, needing You to protect us because dad was not there; so for that God I will always Praise Your Holy Name. A`-men!

Lesson: A POEM titled “A FATHER’S CRY” Reflecting Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:1-3

                                            “A FATHER’S CRY”

Have you ever heard a father’s cry, a cry that’ll make a thousand small children sigh, leaving the child standing and wondering why? Why, does this man cry?

Hearing this father, is a thousand father’s cry; their wailing is heard and people sympathize, for hearing the young men’s cry leaves every soul around them to wonder why? Why, does these young father’s cry?

This is their cry! Where the father’s are in all these children’s lives? WHERE YOU ARE a young man asks as he views is father texting; perplexing the simplicity of fathering his child(ren).

Father’s continuously watches how their child(ren) cries, with heart felt streams of tears filling the well’s of their eyes with tears that has dried to dry tear tracks that lies on the face of every child that cries for a daddy that steals and lies.

Where’re the fathers of this world? Come forth my father from your selfish grave and give life to my soul that thirst for living water that saves.

How can you live so selfishly, un-predictably and carelessly allow the enemy to come in my heart and try to kill me. I’M YOUR CHILD; and every time you look in another child’s face they have just become your child that gets rejected over and over again.


I’M YOUR CHILD; not your X- Box; your Play Station or your Laptop fb friends you’ve allowed to come in. My soul has become roamed in a no roaming zone and the enemy is on the verge of over-throwing my spiritual throne when all I ever wanted is for my daddy, my father to come home.

Father’s “train up your child in the way they are to go so when their old they will never depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Instead daddy’s has trade their child’s; childhood dreams into night mare’s of hell that scream’s your daddy isn’t there, he doesn’t care, he doesn’t love you so life isn’t fair.

So many children aren’t taught by parents any more they are taught by over worked mothers, grandparents, great grandmother’s; now their peers have a hand in raising families of sisters and brothers.

So now my daddy, I leave you sadden, because you hadn’t realized the contempt and demise, you put in my heart and mind; you’re now feeling the loss of your own child.

Everyday I woke up regretting all life is and not enough time spent with getting to know my dad and I your child, now this is your trial your only child is now departed leaving you with the same tears that filled the wells of your child’s eyes; leaving tear tracks on your face after I your child has died.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, I pray that you and your family of children will be richly blessed on Father’s Day! This poem doesn’t apply to all earth fathers; but more fathers are crying on the inside then there needs to be. Father’s your children are your seeds sown in the womb of a woman (mother); it’s up to you (father) to cultivate and finish what you started. Don’t allow the seed or seeds to die. The children are thirsty water their souls with your love because if you don’t the devil will surly try. Peace and Blessings in Jesus Name! A`-men and a`-men!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Greetings! WELCOME BACK TO ANOTHER FAMILY AND FRIENDS BIBLE STUDY! Angry; Disappointed and Deprived Children; is the lesson for the next two months.

I pray that everyone that has a mother living bought her the flowers she deserved on mother’s day; and if your mother is deceased, I still pray that you were a blessing in spirit by taking to her grave sight the flower’s she so richly deserve in Jesus Name. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father I come to You on this day in great hopes of being blessed by this Word of direction; comfort and counsel to my soul and heart in Jesus Name. Lord my heart becomes heavy sometimes but I am so grateful to You Lord Jesus for never leaving me nor forsaking me in Your precious Holy Name. A`-men and A`-MEN!

Lesson: “ANGRY; DISAPPOINTED AND DEPRIVED CHILDREN” Scripture Chapters we will study are from Ephesians 4, 5, 6

In the very last bible study lesson taught was “Life’s Personal Blessings is Learning how to live out of the Grace of God.” This lesson came before the Mother’s Day poem; In that lesson I spoke “we should sow the seed (Grace) that’s allowed to grow into a strengthening power to loose a soul from the toilsome heart wrenching seeds of despair. A`-men! This prophetic came from the lesson “Life’s Personal Blessing is learning how to live out of the Grace of God!” A`-men!

GOD has given a lesson to be taught that’s directed to Children and parents; it was given on May 10th 2013 and I am now posting it because there has been a lot going on in my life and with the love of my life, which is working with CHILDREN that are angry, and some disappointed and some are deprived children that don’t understand why father’s and or mother’s are not there in their lives. Granted some are deceased (parent or child(ren).

This also applies to parents! So many parents are selfish, self-centered ungrateful to God for the gift of a child given, parents become controlled by these spirits and so many others that condemn the child(ren)but what   the parent doesn’t realize is they themselves are condemned by their actions.  Look at Luke 6:37 NIV “Do not condemn and you will not be condemned; forgive and you shall be forgiven.” In the NLT bible it reads “Stop judging others, and you will not be judged. Stop criticizing others, or it will all come back on you. If you forgive others, you will be forgiven.” A`-men!  Most times that other person is the person closes to us our very own child of children or another family member.

Families should be filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit Eph.5:15-20! Then the Word speaks “Husbands and Wives should have spirit guided relationships according to Eph.5:21-33. If our children or a child or maybe even a parent that goes against God Almighty well you need to take a look at John 8:42-45. Now lets go back to Ephesians which says; when it comes to a family of children and parents it’s in chapter 6 verses 1-3 of Eph. That holds a promise for children that belongs to the Lord and honor’s and obeys their parents; this promise reads from the KJV “v.3 that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.” A`-men! In the NLT bible the promise reads “v.3 “And this is the promise: If you honor your father and mother, “you will live a long life, full of blessings.”*

Let’s look at KJV the first two verses of Eph. 6 “v.1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.” “v.2 Honor thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with a promise;)”

In the first two verse’s Jesus is speaking through Paul to the children and parents directing them to show love toward one another; telling them what they have to do to receive the two part promise from the LORD our God and Savior. In the NIV bible Word reads, first part “so that it may go well with you” a`-men. Second part of the promise is “that you may enjoy LONG LIFE ON THE EARTH.”

This promise is for children that honor’s and obeys their parents; also for the parents to have a joy from their obedient children. A`-men! It’s not for children that do life rebelliously, defiantly, deliberately cursing parents out publicly; may it be at home or at school or in a store trying to purchase the child something and the parent is attack verbally embarrassed on the bus, on the train, on the plane, on the subway; throwing tantrums to get their way.

God is not using Paul the apostle to just speak to the child or children, God is speaking through Paul to both child(rens) and parents. A`-men! People of God there is a widespread of “DISRESPECT” shown toward parents today that leads to a deep emotional scars both in parents and children.

Paul also warned parents to treat their children with love and respect.  

Through ridicule and neglect; parents can create resentment that may scar their children for life and then the line of communication grows SILENT and an emotion grows COLD. In today's life of parenting; it is a must that children RESPECT the parent as well. A`-men! Communication is vital.

Silence to a child can be intimidating!  Whether we are parents or children who have failed, we need to admit our failures and seek to make amends wherever possible. Lord knows Lorraine Munerlyn knows as many of you also know what it is to be intimidated by a parent or even bullied by one. People of God we have to stop! Just stop.

The LOVE of God is a necessity, that is needed to work in our lives and allow love to show itself strong and mighty as its creator is (God and Lord). A`-men and a`-men! 
I am Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, thank you for joining me here on family and friends bible study with so many others across the world. Please study the living Word of God for yourself and obey the Word of God; teach it to your children and as parents representing the God head of Almighty LOVE them respect them even if they are one month old or two days old. In Jesus Name a`-men! See you soon with a Father’s Day poem and part two of this lesson. Peace and Blessings!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


A Special Love Proverbs 22:6

What is a special love? A special love is unity in God, as it is in a family or a circle of friends.

A mother aids God in perfecting that special love, for a mother’s love is all some children ever really come to know of.

For it is in the strength of a mother’s special love that binds, nurtures, and train a child in the strength that they should develop in.

A mother’s love speaks volume to her child of children’s morals and ethics of having a godly integrity that learns to respect authority and obey God while they are still in the land of the living.

Love is one of the most powerful fruits of the spirit that’s shared by God with everyone He created and Love’s.

It’s a special love that’s poured out from the mind and heart of God, to reshape and mold us into God’s special Love that’s formulated for all mothers in the earth and above.

Gods love is patient, it’s kind, and it's good all the time. Gods love is gentle, it’s joy when we can’t find it in that man, woman, girl or boy.

It’s faithful, it’s self-control, it’s a peace that births harmony; It’s a celebrating Love that’ so special; it blesses all mother’s love living or deceased.

God is everything, and in everything he created; for he created it all out of His Special Love.

A mother's love is the most precious gift that a child could ever hold; she’s a love that’s more precious than any diamonds or gold.

A mother’s special love has a way of mending bumps and bruises that would take weeks for healing.

A mother’s special love is a love most children can always count on, no matter if her child of children are right or wrong, she knows that in God they will always have a place in Him to count on His Special Love that will lead them out from a life of all wrongs.

Happy Mother’s Day to All the mother’s in the earth and to all mothers’ that are called home; may the children celebrate her life of special love as she sits around in heaven listening to all the talk that speaks about her special love. In Jesus Name A`-men!


                                                          Written by: Artist/ Poet /Author Lorraine Munerlyn

Copyright © 2007 Lorraine Munerlyn


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