A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Spiritual Crimes Part 4 of 5

Greetings Family and Friends:

Welcome to Part 4 of 5 “Spiritual Crimes.”

Let Us Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father we come to you believing that You are a God of recompense; a divine God; A Sovereign God that is a re-warder of them that diligently seek Your face.
Lord God Thank You for the teachings in Your Word that holds the Key to my salvation; it is in Your Name Jesus I pray that You Will lead me and guide me in ALL Spiritual Real Truth so I can be set free from the “Spiritual Crimes” the enemy has charged against me, and all the spiritual crimes the Holy Spirit has witness rightly to my charge. I ask know that You forgive me of all wrongs committed against thee in Jesus Name.
Amen and Amen!

Let’s Look into Galatians 3:2, 3 In Gal. 3 verses 2 & 3 starts out with asked questions; verse 2 asks “Did you receive the Holy Spirit by keeping the law? Of course not, for the Holy Spirit came upon you only after you believed the message you heard about Christ.”
Verse 3 “Have you lost your senses? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort?”

Now drop down to verse 10 “But those who depend on the law to make them right with God are under his curse, for the Scriptures say, “Cursed is everyone who does not observe and obey all these commands that are written in God’s Book of the Law.” Verse 11 “Consequently, it is clear that no one can ever be right with God by trying to keep the law. For the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.” verse 12 “How different from this way of faith is the way of law, which says, “If you wish to find life by obeying the law, you must obey all of its commands.” Not one or two. ALL of them must be obeyed, which is also saying faith has nothing to do with the law God gave to Moses; but living right has everything to do with having Faith in the Law of Life that is in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:2. The Life in Christ Jesus is the Life of the Blood; The Law of Life is in the Word of God that is Jesus Christ.

The Spiritual Crime is, not understanding that you no longer are under the old law God gave to Moses; but this is how the enemy is yet still charging the people of God, through the spiritual crime of ignorance that cause a spiritual division that is do to the not rightly dividing the Word of God. Instead they are rightly dividing the people of God which is not Scripture. In the different sectors or umbrella’s as in titles of buildings (Churches) made by the hand of man teaches the old law that hold the people of God in bondage.

In the later part of v.12 it says if you wish to find life by obeying the law, you must obey ALL! Key word is ALL of its commands. There is no way a person saint or other wise has the power to obey the law to the letter. This is why Faith is so much more powerful. Faith in Christ Jesus Law of  His Life Blood that was shed of the tree.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn Please come back and join in on part 5 of 5 in closing on the study of “Spiritual Crimes.” I Pray Peace and Blessings unto you. Amen!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Spiritual Crimes Part 3 of 5

Greetings Family and Friends:

Welcome to Spiritual Crimes Part 3 of 5

Let’s Pray:  Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus Christ Name, I thank You for Your Spiritual Peace that not only passes all understanding; but Your Spiritual Peace that dispels all agitation and discomfort within my heart and soul. I thank You Lord God for Your Love and Forgiveness that You placed on my heart and life through Your renewed Grace and Mercy. In Jesus Name Amen!

 Let’s look at John 3:5-7. But first understand in Jesus Name you can experience a spiritual pardon form spiritual crimes committed against the body of Christ. Apostle John said in 1John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Our spiritual crimes were put on Jesus a Holy Man of God Himself; died, was buried, and resurrected to take away our spiritual crimes (sins).  Now you must carry your sin burden cross, die to self, be water buried (baptized), in your water grave and experience your resurrection into a new life in Christ Jesus that takes away the spiritual crimes (sins) that killed your unity with God. Water baptism is called a spiritual rebirth. John 3:5-7 “Except one be born of water and the Spirit, he (she) cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.” This is symbolic to Christ death and burial. Your spiritual crimes (sins); allows you to have an experience with Christ Jesus death, burial and resurrection in the fullness of His Glory. After His resurrection and ascension this placed Him back at the right hand of the Throne of God who is He Himself in the Fullness of HIS Glory, Power and Honor that is who He is in being a God of Omnipotent’s. Amen!

Now, draw up a mental picture of a spiritual court room setting in Jesus Name. Amen!

Order in the Court:  The world is God’s court room full of criminal’s that has committed spiritual crimes (All Kind Of Sins). Father God is the Supreme Judge; Jesus Christ Son of God is the Jury for He will rightly judge according to the Real Truth of the prefect law that God made Him (Jesus) to be. “For the Law of Life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:2. The Holy Spirit is leading the defense for the world of people. The defense (Holy Spirit) is a witness of the spiritual crimes that the world is being charged of and the charge is “Self Deception.”

In Galatians 3 It speaks of “The Law and Faith in Christ Jesus” and Gal. 3: 10-13 The Prosecutor (enemy) is charging the people of the court (world) for holding on to the law of Moses, so the enemy uses a truth in God’s Word that points out the old law to be a law of spiritual crimes that charges the court (world) to be guilty, keeping souls in bondage.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, until next week please stay encouraged through the scriptures. I’m praying for you all; see you next week Amen! The more you study the more your faith is being built in Christ Jesus and the more you can be delivered from yourself.  Study the scriptures above and until next time Peace and Blessings.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spiritual Crimes Part 2 0f 5

Greetings Family and Friends:

Welcome to Spiritual Crimes Part 2 of 5 Scriptural foundation is Galatians 3

Let Us Pray:
Dear Lord, God I thank You for Your “Kingdom is not meat and drink, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost” Romans 14:17. Lord thank You for blessing me with understanding the importance of the power I have been given by and through Your Love and Forgiveness of my spiritual crimes committed against the body of Christ Jesus. Thank You for Your Peace and Comfort in knowing when I sincerely confess and repent of my spiritual crimes to You and become baptized in Jesus Name I have begun my spiritual walk of living a save life pleasing to You My God Lord and Savior.  Amen and Amen!

Let’s Study Now the Gospel a truth that will shame the shame in all your spiritual crimes committed against the body of Christ Jesus!!!  We Need Revelation on Baptism as well; this touches the gospel that is a truth; for ignorance is a spiritual crime within itself.

You might be thinking can a person be saved without baptism?
God balances the scales of justice perfectly. The Spiritual Crime (sins) of violating God’s law is serious. It carries with it the penalty of death, Romans 6:23. All men have sinned and need salvation, Romans 3:23. GOD can NOT, will NOT, allow sin to go unpunished.
God Is Love and His mercy for man was so great He gave His Son to save you and me. John 3:16. If you want salvation He has already provided it for you to receive it through your faith and belief in Christ Jesus.

The blood of Christ is what releases us from spiritual crimes (sin) Revelation 3:5. Without the blood of Christ, we are lost. Q. What can we do to come in contact with His Blood? Believe and be baptized, Mark 16:16. As we obey the gospel in baptism, the blood of Christ is contacted and applied to our lives.

When we obey the gospel, God saves us, Romans 1:16. If you do not obey the gospel you will not be saved, as it reads in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9. God is not cruel He has not set conditions on the gift of salvation, which to become born again. God does not want man-kind to fall; He is not partial, allowing some the gift and other to be damned for the lack of knowledge or the POWER OF WATER BAPTISM. God revealed Himself through the things HE MADE, Romans 1:19-20.

The Bible says we must be baptized to be saved. God saves no one outside the Blood of Christ. Sins are forgiven at baptism, Romans 6:3-7.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn; I encourage you to please study the scriptures pertaining to being saved with or without water baptism. I pray in Jesus Name that those that did not know the power of baptism has a better understand in Jesus Name Amen! I pray you understand there is a DIVINE order and process to Salvation.                                 
Next week Part 3 of 5 Spiritual Crimes. I pray that you will study and not become discouraged in your journey of salvation. Peace and Blessings to you in Jesus Name. Amen! STUDY and become strong in the Lord. Knowledge Is Power!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Spiritual Crimes Part 1 0f 5

Today’s Bible Study is coming from Galatians 3 which is our foundational scripture.

Topic: Spiritual Crimes! Part 1 of 5

Let’s Pray:
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You on today humbly seeking Your face in Character. Thank You for being God Almighty; Lord I need Your Spiritual guidance to escape self-deception. In Jesus Name Amen! 

The Holy Spirit led me in Words of prophecy through Galatians 3; and as I begin to study this chapter, the Holy Spirit began to minister to my spirit man in teaching.
He said all crimes are not created out of hate! Some are created out of love; God’s Love that promises eternal life! He said, but out of fear a spiritual crime is committed; and that crime is being afraid of becoming rejected by society. Having fear of not being accepted socially, fear of losing what you do have to lack; lack of not having enough or too little.

God say’s, He gave us life abundantly, all because of the criminal death that our Lord and Savior endured on the cross. It is Christ obedience that blessed “My cup to runneth over.”
Psalm 23:5. He say’s, we are the criminals not Christ Jesus! It was Jesus’ undying LOVE for us all that gave us Spiritual C.P.R. to our dying heart and lives do to spiritual crimes committed.

He breathed on us giving us a life in Him that would honor God Almighty; He watered us with His Word by confirming His Word in and over our God given born again lives, and if your not born again, this is your time to find a Bible based Church that is preaching and teaching sound doctrine according to God’s Word, God’s Will, God’s Way for you to live a born again life of Salvation in and through Christ Jesus.

Mark 16:16 Says “Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.”  You’re Faith; confession, repentance and water baptism must touch in agreement. You can NOT do or speak one or two and think you don't have to be baptized in Jesus Name. If you think this your walk of salvation will be incomplete.  This in-completion can be viewed as a spiritual crime of violating God’s law; sin is serious.
Without the completed walk which is having a added desire to never return to your life of corrupt sins. If you have a made up mind, find a real faith person to confess your spiritual crimes and be baptized in Jesus Name Amen!
We will close for now; see you next week with part 2of 5 on Spiritual Crimes.

Let us close in Prayer: Dear Jesus thank You for Your blessings bestowed upon my heart and life on today. Thank You for Your sacrifice on the cross; I have been given another day to choose to live a holy pleasing and acceptable life that will honor You in all my ways of becoming a better person, a child of the righteous. Help me Lord God to make that decision today in Jesus Name. Amen!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, God has blessed me with a children's book that teaches Obedience, please be a blessing to a child by purchasing this God given teaching tool for ages 2-9. Please also study all scriptures given in this part of the Bible Study Spiritual Crimes and remember our foundation scripture Galatians 3. Peace and Blessings unto you.


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