A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"GETTING BACK IN GOD" Conclusion 3 of 3

Greetings Family and Friends!

Welcome back to the close of “GETTING BACK IN GOD”. If you are just now checking in for a Word of God to bless you; please scroll down to part 1 of “Getting back in God” and work your way up to this closing lesson. Amen! All lessons that are in series; you will always see the last entry first, so please scroll down to the first and come up to the present entry. Amen!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God, You are the one who is, the one who was, the one who is still to come; You are the great I AM in Christ Jesus. I thank You gracious Lord God and King for your love on today for my family and friends, even my foes and my enemies, for You love them too. Bless my heart, soul, mind, and body right now to hear with the ear of the Holy Spirit to receive what you have for me on today’s lesson in Jesus Christ Almighty Name. Amen!


We’re in the closing lesson of Getting back in God! If you have fallen out of the will of God then you might be able to say I am one of these children that need God’s forgiveness for my sins. No matter the age you are; you’re still a child of God. You may say you just don’t feel worthy of God's forgiveness or you feel too old to change and you figure God doesn’t care anymore. Well I’m here to tell you to stop listening to the lies of the enemy (devil). Read again what God says to you in Jeremiah 3:22.”Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings…” This Word of God is not just for the people of God that goes to a building for spiritual healing or prayer. No! This Word of God is for ALL. “For ALL have sinned, fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). This includes any Pastor, Prophet, or Deacon, Evangelist, Teacher, Preacher, mother’s, fathers, Sargent, Lieutenant in the army, you could be a Captain in a army. Who ever has backslidden; our Holy God and Holy King in Jesus Name will heal and forgive you.

God knows we do NOT always obey Him! This is why His gift of confession and repentance is never ending for people a world over; because He knows we are not a perfect people, but His desire is for us to put perfection into practice daily. He love’ you! Read 1John 1:8-10

Now, begin to ask Jesus to help you to surrender those spiritual attacks of sins, and the spiritual warring that has captivated your soul of thoughts; now start Knocking at the door of righteousness and began to seek His face. To seek the Face of God Almighty is seeking to take on the character of Christ Jesus in all your ways of being a child of God. In Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Things like God's peace and Joy. What mankind does is he or she seeks out their own righteousness which has nothing to do with God’s spiritual peace or His spiritual joy that comforts the heart and soul of mankind.

You may ask how do I knock at the door and seek His face. It is in your faith! Your faith is very, very powerful; your faith becomes your knock that opens up your heart and allows the Holy Spirit to come in and begin to purge you from all of your sins.

Your confession and repentance is a faithful act through prayers surrendered up to God Almighty through your believing in Jesus Christ. Your FAITH is how you “GET BACK IN GOD” with true confession, and repentance; Romans 10:10 “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Confession and repentance is a conscious decision to turn from a life of sin and death, believe in Christ Jesus life, death, resurrection and ascension where He is seated at the right hand of the thrown of God; and be water baptised in Jesus Name.

Seeking God’s face is coming to believe in Him; desiring to be like His Son our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Faith is the foundation for salvation and recovery from all the bondage's that kept you from (getting back in God) receiving the keys to the kingdom of God. In Mark 16:16 NLT bible “Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.”

The enemy doesn’t want you to have the blessings of being a blessing that honor’s our Lord God in Knowledge of who you are in and through Jesus Christ; no matter what nationality, race, creed, or color you maybe the enemy wants to steal, kill, and destroy you and your predestined, preordained life as a child of Almighty God. “Get back in God” and don’t allow the enemy to lie to you any longer. Amen!

We as a body of believers can no longer allow the enemy to divide the people of God which keeps the unclean spirits of confusion and malice, strife and all contending spirits that are not of God Almighty. What God wants us to do as a people of God is if we have to divide, He says in 2 Timothy 2:15 "be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth."  

What Paul told Timothy here is to work hard to receive God's approval by diligently studying God's Word to discover God's will for him in both attitude and action.  Amen! There is no way we can know God's will if we do not study God's Word of Truth for ourselves; when you study your getting back in God.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, thank you for joining in on another F.A.F.B.S. This concludes “GETTING BACK IN GOD” until next week please study the Scriptures given for the last 3 weeks on the study of getting back in God, and know that Jesus love you very much. Next weeks lesson will be on “Where is the enemy?” If you have any prayer request please send them to my email

I pray God's Peace and Blessings unto my family and friends a world over. Amen!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Greetings Family and Friends!
WELCOME; to another wonderful bible study Part 2 of 3 “GETTING BACK IN GOD”

Let’s Pray:
Dear Lord God, I pray that you will continue to bless and move upon my life as I become a true learner of the things of God in Jesus Name. I ask Lord God that you will guide me, protect me and my family; strengthen me to stay in the race that is set before me by allowing Your Spirit of patience to do her job in my God given life in Jesus Christ Name. Amen! (Hebrews 12:1)

Lesson:    Part 2 of 3 is founded of Revelation 3: 14-22

Welcome to part 2 of 3 on “GETTING BACE IN GOD.” Over the last week I have been speaking to God Almighty about where have the people gone wrong, and I asked this question throughout the week; then Holy Spirit showed me in a vision the one thing that has been a problem for generations.

He showed me the people, especially our youth running down one of the main streets where I live, and in this vision; my family and I  where in the upper room of our home looking out over at all the people running and screaming as though in fear for their lives.

As my family and I saw the people running in fear; the Holy Spirit said to me look up; as I looked up their was all these tangible broken things falling from heaven down upon the people of God. Parts of cars, house’s, safe’s that held valuables; etc…. The piece’s of tangible things, raining down from heaven; then  the Spirit of the Lord said self-sustaining tangibles that had nothing to do with seeking God for; there was no gratifying God in the things people had gained.

God does give such tangible things to an obedient believing child of God in and through Jesus Christ. But when a child willfully engage in denial, and becomes spiritually blinded and destitute as well as spiritually indifferent well you are viewed as lukewarm by God Almighty.

When I awoke from this vision; I began to ask the Holy Spirit! What did all this mean?

He said that He showed me Heaven vomit up all the tangible things of this world that His destitute children had gain on their own, but had nothing to do with Kingdom building work nor did they hold the value of gold bought from Him. He said they are asking and seeking things of themselves (self gratification).

He said, He wants His children to ask, knock, and seek the things of Heaven; but they are so blinded by the things of this world and they’re souls are hanging on the hinges’ of tangible things that revolves around expectation of themselves. He said they continue to ask for things; they feel will make their lives better, so they fall into denial.

This is why in the vision I saw heaven throwing up the broken things of this world. This is all that they know the Holy Spirit says. They are operating with no power to move Me to release the blessings I hold to bestow upon my children, this is why the tangible things fell to the earth in broken pieces.

People of God! God’s desire is for his children to “GET BACK IN HIM”, and until we do, people a world over will never experience the true favor of God as the children of Abraham. Read Genesis 15: 1- 14 which is the Lord’s Covenant with Abram.

In Matthew 7: 7, 8 is the “Effective Prayer.” Please read; and begin to Ask Jesus to come into your heart and help you to surrender all the things you’ve tried to do out of self will; ask Him to release you from Unforgiveness, complaining, hatred, discord, malice, strife, disobedience, rebellion, addictions, greed, selfishness, lying, jealousy, perverseness, whoredom, fornication, adultery, backsliding, cursing, discouragement, self seeking under mindedness  and disappointments; and all else your soul has spiritually come under attack; in your asking you must ask in FAITH James 1:6 says “But let him (her) ask in faith, nothing wavering.” There must be such a strong belief stirring inside your spirit that without a shadow of a doubt you know that your faith has touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. Amen!

 In the book of Revelation 3:15- the first part of verse18; this is a Word from the Lord our God spoken and written through the apostle John, this message of revelation was given to the Church in Laodicea, by the ruler of God’s creation (Jesus).

 This Word from the one who is Amen! This is a Word from the Spirit of Counsel for Laodicea   God needed the children in Laodicea to “GET BACK IN HIM.”

As the believers in Laodicea engaged in full-blown denial; so are children of today’s time! In the vision God’s Holy Spirit gave to me: The children were spiritually blind and destitute. But, worst of all they were spiritually indifferent (lukewarm). Please read Revelation 3:15- 22 in Jesus Name Amen.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, and I pray in Jesus Name that you were richly blessed by all that the Holy Spirit bestowed unto me as a prophetess that has internalize the living Word of God out of obedience to Jesus Christ, in order to profoundly preach and teach the gospel of Christ Jesus. Please join me next week for part 3 which is another empowering Word of the gospel in Jesus Name. Peace and blessings! Please read the Scriptures so that you will no longer stay in spiritual captivity. The Scriptures will set your soul free, and encourage your heart. Amen!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Greetings Family and Friends!

WELCOME: God and I have another exciting Word of love and encouragement derived from the preaching’s and teachings of the gospel. Amen!

 Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God Almighty I ask that You Lord God minister to my heart and life on today. Teach me to walk in the spirit of holiness and righteousness, as You will have me to, according to Your purposeful plans for my life. Thank You God for my life and my families’ life’s of deliverance. In Jesus Name Amen!

Lesson: This week we will talk about “GETTING BACK IN GOD”

So many times we act or say foolish things that are very demeaning. Things that are so deliberately thought out to hurt a person; and we end up falling out of the grace of God’s Will for our lives and we cause another person to fall as well.

There are so many that are struggling trying to find a way to come out of a abusive relationships, come out of shameful lustful relationships, there are some of you that feel stuck in addictive personality due to parental and generational curse’s that your family has unknowingly fought  these spiritual battles for 60 generations, and now here you are; and you just don’t see how you can ever get back in God because you never knew how much God through His Only Begotten Son could ever love or care about you as a viewed spiritually dark ugly tainted soul, and in your mind you don’t feel worthy of God’s time, don’t feel worth of God’s Love; you just doesn’t feel worth of anything good even in the good you still don’t feel like you deserve the goodness of things that would give you access to a finer life.

Well I’m here to tell you, this life you live was already predestined and preordained by our Almighty God that created you in his image of being created in Spirit and in Truth! For most children of the world they are not taught the ways of God Almighty nor are they taught how to be holy and pleasing to Almighty God through Jesus. They’re just NOT TAUGHT MANY THINGS  OF GOD THAT WOULD PREFECT THEM INTO BECOMING HOLY AND PLEASING CHILDREN UNTO GOD AND GOD ALONE. Amen!    

God has given mankind HIS WORD to use daily: to direct, instruct, protect, heal, deliver, cleanse, convict, create, console, and to bring about the most precious gift of all- Salvation!  "We can not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth;” Romans 1:16. The Word of God is the seed which opens the heart to receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord; amen! “…. With the mouth confession is made unto salvation” Romans 10: 9-10”Please read.  The mouth is anointed to speak authority and power using the Word of God, but the enemy cause's most folk to speak ill rotten words that kills, steals and destroys a persons heart, and the life of their soul. The enemy want us all to become spiritually broken. The enemy wants us to feel so broken in life that most conditions in living a life of struggle will cause us to lose our joy, peace, love, patience, kindness, laughter and all the other fruits of the Spirit of God.

In the Word of God "A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones."(Proverbs 17:22 NKJV) The life of your bones is where the blood of the temple of God is manufactured. Are you hearing me children of God? If the enemy can get your ordained mouth to speak ill words that takes away from the life of your temple then guess what your temple starts to die spiritually and physically; and so does the lives you used your ordained mouth to be used to kill, steal and destroy the life of another.

When the heart of the spirit-man (mind) ascends into the realm of Kingdom living as our Lord and Savior desires you to live and be in Him, then you will have entered to the heavenly places that brings you into accountability to be about our Father Gods business in the earth as it is in heaven. You have the power to speak those things that are not as though they were.”  (Job 22: 28). Amen!  

I'm speaking as a prophet of God! In order to “GET BACK IN GOD” you have to learn to trust God’s Word, for God’s Word is Him presented to you as the person; He Is in His Holy Anointed Spirit of Life Breathed out Prophetic Word Spoken that created you into your very existence in flesh and spiritual form.

The thing is you have to as it speaks in Jer. 3:22 “Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings…” Then in Hos. 14:4 He’s speaking to you again; He says “I will heal their backslidings, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him (her).” His anger is turned from you, for we are all viewed as His children.

God’s Love for you is so strong that he doesn’t want any of us to perish; He wants us all to have an opportunity at becoming adopted into the body of Christ Jesus as His children and share in the Son ship granted to us when we return to God through Jesus Christ; He wants us to be a part of Him in and through Christ Jesus as His Only Begotten Son who died just for you and me.

 Amen to an empowering bible study! I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, thank you for joining God and I on F.A.F.B.S until next week please read the Scriptures, and continue to be blessed because you are a blessed people of God in Jesus Name. See you all next wk for part two of “Getting Back In God” Amen! Peace and Blessings unto you and your family, friends and even your foes and or enemies.


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