A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Life Through The Spirit Part 2 "FUTURE GLORY"

GREETINGS! Welcome back to F.A.F.B.S. I do pray that everyone is well on today in mind, soul and body. A`-men! We will pick up where we left off in the book of Romans 8 going into the second part of “LIFE THROUGH THE SPIRIT.” A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear heavenly Father I come to You on today with a willing mind to surrender to Your Word of direction for my life; a life that You so graciously blessed with renewed mercy.
Thank You Father God almighty in Jesus Christ Holy Name a`-men!


Let’s look at having the future glory that is given through the life of the Spirit!  Romans 8: v18- v30 but let us look at the later part of Romans 8 verses 12 – v17 in Scripture Paul expresses to you brothers and sisters that you have “NO OBLIGATION TO DO WHAT YOUR SINFUL NATURE URGES YOU TO DO.” Apostle Paul clearly states that if a person continues to follow their sinful nature that they would perish. This is not only a spiritual fact, but it is a Spiritual Truth.

Then Apostle Paul goes to say; but if you begin to allow your flesh to die to the sinful urges whatever they maybe, and allow the power of the Holy Spirit to help you turn from the evil deeds; you will live. “For ALL who are led by the Spirit of God are Children of God.” Even in John 1:12 “But to ALL who believed him and accepted him he gave the right to become children of God.” A`-men! God’s Word is His promise to you! He’s not a God that He should not lie; nor is He the Son of God that He should repent. His Word is Holy and True, and He love’s you very much. In fact He loves you with the same LOVE He has for His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ. That’s how much He loves you and your family in spite of their sins or your sins. Just turn from the sinful evil acts and surrender your hearts and souls to Christ Jesus. A`-men!

The future glory knows who you are in and through the “Life of the Spirit” even in your struggles of living right, yet what you suffer is nothing compared to the glory He Will give you later. You have to know that you have the Spirit of God living inside of you or you don’t.

You might ask; well how does the Spirit of God come to live within me? By your act of FAITH in giving your life to Christ Jesus the best you know how and He Will meet you right where you are in your meek and humble way of turning to Him.

In Romans 8:27 As it is written in NLT bible “And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own Will. A`-men!

God created you in His image, so yes! He knows struggles, He knows pain, sickness and disease, how because “He bore ALL in His own body on the tree” 1 Peter 2:24. He knows what resentment feels like, He knows what hatred feels like, every time He was spat on or flogged upon those were the spirits of offence He endured in your behalf.

So He shared, and still to this day He’s still sharing in all the abuse no matter the form of abuse Jesus Christ is sharing in it with you, you must believe that He Is.  We’re all called to pick up our cross and follow Him, if you so desire to follow Him Mark 8:34. 

Even in your cross to bear He Is carrying the heaviest part of your cross sharing the load of hurts and dismay; but you have to desire to pick it up and walk before the Lord in the land of the living as the chosen person of God through the Life of the Spirit in Christ Jesus and “Walk by Faith and not by sight”2 Cor. 5:7.

God almighty is the creator of all creation, He knows when you as an elite child fall into trial and era, He knows that complacency is a breeding ground for temptation, but He wants you to be on guard against Satan’s schemes. Satan desires your soul to be ruled by him and not by God almighty! Our Lord and God is the lover of your soul; He’s the gift giver of everything about you. Every fiber of your being should get excited for Him, but because of the act of sin that entered in through our first parents (Adam and Eve) they did not know the consequences and power behind their choice of disobedience that would interfere with the “Future Glory” for all mankind’s soul.

Adam and Eve didn’t know that mankind would come under the fiery trials of SIN that was design to tie every soul to a hell bound experience before entering into the knowledge of the “FUTURE GLORY OF GOD” that would set souls and hearts free. Most struggles are not just a good thing, but they are a God thing. Struggle is needed to perfect your faith, and shape your future glory.

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, and I am grateful for your fellowship on today. Please come back next week and learn with us as we learn from the Holy Spirit of God Almighty. Pray for me and I’ll pray for you! Peace and Blessings! A`-men.

Monday, October 10, 2011


GREETINGS!! Welcome Back Family and Friends to another great bible study with minister evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn; our base Scripture is all of Romans 8 v1- v17 is speaking of “Life Through the Spirit”v18- 27 is speaking of “Future Glory” and in closing v28- v39 speaks of being “More Than Conquerors” A`-men!

The bible study lesson is titled “LIFE THROUGH THE SPIRIT”

Let’s Pray:

Holy Father God Almighty, in Jesus Name I pray to thee, I pray that Your love will continue to shine upon my family and me, I pray that you will help me to die to myself fleshly and take on more of You in Spirit and in Truth. Jesus I want more of You in my spiritual life of living a life according to Your divine pleasure. Help me Lord to do and be all You want me to be in Jesus Name my Lord God Almighty. A`-men and A`-men!


Please read Romans 8: 1-39 In the living Word of God almighty He will show you in His Word that you’re very powerful in spite of ones sinful nature, He gives a revelation of this power through the eyes of the Scripture in Rom. 8:1 He will never condemned us for our sins.  His Word is the reflection of God’s grace and mercy, and all through His Word from Genesis to Revelation He’s saying “I love you in spite of yourself, He’s saying “I’ll never leave you nor forsake you.” I think John 3:16, 17 speak clearly on God’s passion for us to live and have an experience with Him through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviors death.

He will show you if you’re still living under the law of sin and death, and like most people a world over “Are”! In the book of Romans 8:5 this verse speaks of “Moses writing the law’s way of making a person right with God requires obedience to all of its commands.”

Gods Love is full of mercy and grace that comforts a broken heart, an oppressed generation has lost all desire to submit to God’s divine call of obedience that’s placed on our heart’s and soul’s.

Here’s why! In Job 14:22 as it is written “They are absorbed in their own pain and grief.” My God! The people of God’s souls are so wrapped around isolation, rejection, failure, self-rejection, self-hatred, guilt and so many other self inflected spiritual pains that you have allowed your temples to come under the subjection to bondage and condemnation due to poor self-perception; and the understanding of the living Word of God almighty.

Self-perception became lost due to Adams and Eves disobedience toward the plan that God had revealed to them. Here in Romans 5:6 “Christ died for the ungodly.” In Romans 5:8 “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Then in Scripture the Word of God tells us that, “By one man’s disobedience many were made sinners” (Romans 5:19). In this key verse, the one man’s disobedience is that of Adams.  

Adam and Eve could not see themselves being victorious after such a great mistake took place in the garden of Eden,  they felt really bad for letting God almighty down so instead of them seeking His face for forgiveness, they rejected the truth of righteousness that would set them free from the bondage of death birthed through a action of disobedience that birthed the law of sin and death.

When sin entered in through their act of disobedience, they open up a spiritual door for Satan (accuser) to come in and he became partaker of the soul dominion that God almighty had passed to man.  Adam and Eve were not willing to take responsibility for their actions of era in a committed act of sin that filtrated millions of generations to come.

They made excuses rather than admit the truth to God almighty. He knew what they had done, because He is an all knowing God He’s omnipresence, God knew where they were in spirit because He created them, He felt them leave in the spirit of shame, He felt them leave out of the Holiness they were created in and out of that which in itself was of Him.

Paul the author of the book of Romans puts people in two categories, there are those that allow themselves to be controlled by their self-serving sinful nature, and those that allows the Holy Spirit to control their lives.

God wants us to set our mind to His mind because in having soul dominion is having the mind of Christ to “speak those things that are not as though they were.” We have authority over all; Jesus Christ the second Adam has re-established our power and authority back in God. God has endowed us with power to call things forth.

For God Himself SAID, CALLED and SAW. What am I saying? I’m saying that to know that you’re walking in the LIFE of the SPIRIT and not in the flesh! You have the ability to do what God almighty does as a believer in Christ Jesus. God Spoke a thing then He Called it forth and that very thing Manifested.

When you have LIFE IN THE SPIRIT as a believer you have the authority of God working for you in and through Christ Jesus Name. A`-men!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn; I look forward to studying with you all next week dear Lord’s Will in Jesus Name. Until then study the Scripture Keys that are given and Jesus and I will fellowship with you next week with part two of “LIFE THROUGH THE SPIRIT.” A`-men!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


GREETINGS! Welcome Back to F.A.F.B.S. We are in the close of MANIFESTATION OF A HARVEST! If you’re just now joining in, please scroll down to part 1 of this lesson and work your way up to this closing lesson of “MANIFESTATION OF A HARVEST. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God Almighty, I need You to help me in my life of being blinded by ungodly spiritual things that are causing my life to be un-manageable, and sometimes miserable. Help me Lord God Almighty to be sound in my thinking and whole in my being as the Temple of God almighty in which I am created for You purposeful plan to reap a harvest. In Jesus Name A`-men!


Let’s look at Mark 8: 23
Jesus heals a blind man. “Jesus spit on the man’s eyes, He laid His hands on the man and asked him if he could see anything. The man looked around, yes he said, I see people but I can’t see them clearly. They look like trees.

In my spiritual imagination! The people that looked like trees is the spiritual view of the Church that was blind to the truth of being whole, healed, sound and producing out of the “Law of Life in the Spirit of Christ Jesus that has set us free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2).  I believe that the point God was making here was this blind man was viewed as one of the trees and for the first time he saw with blurred vision; says to me many are blind to the spiritual way of seeing themselves as God sees them. Jesus healed the man’s sight in the natural but only to open his eyes in the spiritual to see through the eyes of the Lord. A`-men! In the eyes of the LORD we are All healed. We're all called to the manifestation of a harvest!

We are viewed as trees (Church), some just have leaves those that only have leaves are spiritually bankrupt, drained from the struggles, stress, and strains, from being oppressed and harassed forcing so many to feel helpless do to so much hardship in the end time we have entered in making so many people unable to produce the predestined preordained MANIFESTED FRUITS OF GOD’S SPIRIT THAT IS CALLED TO PRODUCE A HARVEST OF SOULS unto the LORD.

NOW, here is the second point I want to make; let us go back to Mark 11: let’s start at verse 15 that will take us through to verse 19. These Scripture verses will take us into the temple that Jesus clears in pointing out; that the temple did not produce true worship and prayer! A`-men! In verse 17 He (Jesus) taught them. “The Scriptures declare, ‘My Temple will be called a place of prayer for all nations,’ but you have turned it into a den of thieves.”

In verses 15 – 16 Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out the merchants and their customers. He knocked over the tables of the money changers and the stalls of those selling doves (mind you the dove represents the Holy Spirit), and He stopped everyone form bringing in merchandise (leading to selfish gain). Precious things of the Lord’s should not be sold for selfish gain; God through Jesus just did not tolerate this kind of work; So many souls are sold through the things they chose for selfish gain!

God wants our Temples (bodies) to be a place of worship and prayer; He wants our Temples at all times to be presented holy and pleasing unto Him and Him alone. A`-men. Romans 12:1.

So often we allow our Temples to be used for ill-gotten gain for money changers; what do I mean by this is we allow the enemy to come into our Temple (bodies) that are created to be a vehicle for the Holy Spirit giving the Holy Spirit a place to have communion, a place of prayer, a place of worship, a place for the Life of His Spirit to dwell in making our Temples (bodies) a place to make His abode. A`-men!

In that He’s creating you to become a worker of the field, but you must become purged from some things that has you uncultivated to the things of God almighty which are revealed in His Word, Will and Ways of birthing a “MANIFESTATION OF A HARVEST” through you.

This is how I, in my spiritual imagination view the money changers; spiritually you open different doors to your Temple (body) by way of choosing to use foul language, drinking to get drunk then you can’t hear the Holy Spirit speak, and in turn your soul is now weakened and it becomes seduced by the voice of the enemy that will tell you how to act, think and feel once your subdued to the toxins of alcohol, crack cocaine, huffing, pill popping, prostitution and so many other ways to be spiritually blind; ways that will cause you to lay down with other foul spirits that are piggy back riding on your free willed assailant (someone you chose, and allowed them to do things to your mind, soul and body that is now under attack).

Jesus wants to come into your Temple (your bodies’ heart, mind, soul to judge and cleanse turning over the tables of your heart where God wants to make His home). People of God; men and women, you must learn to see yourselves as the Temple of God and the Lord is not happy with all you have allowed up in the Temple that He created for prayer, praise and worship, He’s ready to forgive your sins but you have to ask Him to forgive you; so begin to make confession of your sins to Him.

If you have or know of someone a family member maybe that has allowed their Temples to be used for the money changers (unclean spirits that’s not of God Almighty) to do their business, then it is up to you to decide to stand in the gap for their souls. Please begin to pray for them! Pray for God almighty’s will to be done in their lives or if it is you that needs prayer I will pray for you that the one and only true judge will come in and clear your temple from all the spiritual havoc in Jesus Name.

I pray that you will bow down on bending knees and ask the Lord Almighty God to come in your heart and make His abode with you, and begin to clear His Temple that is created for a place of prayer and true worship.

God almighty wants you to pray for His Will to be done in your Temple (tree of life producing fruit that will edify Him and Him alone). Your temples are to yield God’s manifested Glory so others may become partakers of a manifested harvest through you.

Let’s Pray an Apostolic Prayer for the one’s you love and this will cover your heart and soul as well! “Father, keep me and my family from all evil; Sanctify me and my family through Your Word of Truth; Let me and my family be one with my brothers and sisters that the world might believe I (we) have been sent; My heart’s desire and prayer for Israel is that they might be saved; Let me and my family be counted worthy of my (our) calling and fulfill all the good pleasure of Your goodness and the work of faith with power. A`-men and A`-men! These Words of prayer covered in Scripture are John 17: 15, 17 & 21. Also Romans 10:1 and 2 Thess.1:11.   

I am Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, and I pray that you have enjoyed Family and Friends Bible Study in the preaching’s and teachings of the gospel. This is the close of Manifestation Of A Harvest! Until next week please read all the Scriptures given in this study and grow in the Lord God Almighty. Peace and Blessings.


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