A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

"A LAMP TO MY FEET" Conclusion

GREETINGS! Welcome to another Family and Friends Bible Study! Thank you for joining me on today. I’m Minister Lorraine Munerlyn, with a prophetic teaching of the gospel from the Holy Spirit of God in Jesus Name. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Father God Almighty, thank You for Your Love and empowering Spirit of Peace that quiets my soul on this God given day You called forth for my family and I to have and to embrace, as I edify and glorify You for graciously helping my family and I go through in this hour and the hours to come by the leading of Your Holy Spirit of Light and Life; in Jesus Christ almighty name; “Help me Lord to walk in the Light of the Lord to be a blessing and not a cursing in this day You have made a`-men and a`-men!”

Lesson: Part 2 “A LAMP TO MY FEET” Ps.119:105; 133/ Proverbs20: 27/John1:1-11

Let’s look at John 1:1-5 NLT “v1. In the beginning the Word already existed. He was with God, and he was God” “v2. He was in the beginning with God” “v3 He created everything there is. Nothing exists that he didn’t make” “v4 Life itself was in him, and this life gives light to everyone” “v5. The light shines through the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” A`-men!

This life in the lamp (Jesus Christ) has been given to everyone that is contained in a born again heart soul and mind. A`-men! If the feet of your tattered soul in thoughts to reference of your mindset in those dark place about your life; the life of your children, your spouse, your health and finances;  the brokenness that your allowing your heart  to continue to walk down memory lane of abuse will keep your spiritual being in darkness.


I pray right now in the name of JESUS LORD and GOD the FATHER to begin to move by His Spirit of Life in LOVE and Holiness to break off and sever all strong holds upon your heart and soul and I command these strong holds to be loosed in Jesus almighty name. I plead the Power and authority of the Blood of the precious Lamb of the One and True Living God. In Jesus Name “we demolish all arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Now give God a hand clap of praise To God for being just and kind even in this He’s worthy of the praise! Hallelujah to God the Father who holds ALL POWER!

You can’t allow these types of paths to keep calling out to your spiritual being; you are allowing the most empowering part of your spirituality to keep traveling down the road called “abuse lane.” You have been given power and authority over ALL the powers of the devil (dark paths) look at Luke 10:19.


When you keep allowing your mind to look back; the looking back becomes a spiritual call to the soul and heart to stay tied to the darkness that offers NO LIFE to your spiritual being that is called to walk in the LIGHT OF THE WORD OF GOD THAT IS IN JESUS CHRIST. A`-men!

Let’s look at KJV John 8:12 “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” A`-men!

“We are in the world but we are not of the world” (Romans 8:2). Meaning we can’t allow our light to be extinguished by the world of so called friends, foes and especially family just so we can get along! We can’t serve both! Your going to make a mockery out of one or the other; AND IT WILL NOT BE GOD THE FATHER; in of itself it will be you standing de-throne in a world of darkness feeling extinguished by your desire of wanting to get along relationships that has caused your spiritual being to undergo a long and lonely moment of private despair and spiritual suffering.


Look at 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” A`-men! God has given us the task of reconciling people back to Him in Jesus name. Our words spoken over the people (land of undeveloped fruit) are, or should be the living Word of God to shine a light on the people (undeveloped land) that are still in their private despairs and sufferings.

Called Saints of God are to speak over the land (people) to lead them out of the place of bondage within their closed minds that has kept their spiritual feet shut off from the light of the path in the law of the new covenant which is leading us ALL to Christ Jesus. A`-men and a`-men! Please remember to pray without ceasing! 1 Thess.5:17

I’m Minister Lorraine Munerlyn, thank you for joining me in another prophetic teaching of the gospel. May our Lord God and Savior continue to bless you and your family and friends in Spirit and in continued Truth; until next time Shalom!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

"A LAMP TO MY FEET" Psalm 119:105

GREETINGS! Welcome back to F.A.F.B.S., I am Minister Lorraine Munerlyn.

We are going to take a look at God’s Word being the Lamp and Light to our spirit and soul in our body and to our daily lives. A`-men!

 Let’s Pray:

 Dear Heavenly Father, God Almighty, here I am Lord, so many times I didn’t know where I was going in my life and I got stuck in situations I didn’t want to be in.

Father God I need you to show me how to get out of where I have come to be (lost and un-happy). The Lord Prayed Matt. 6:9-13: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us (_________) this day our daily bread; and forgive us (__________________)   our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us (_______________); and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us (___________) from evil for thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. A`-men and a`-men!

In Jesus Name a`-men and a`-men! Some of you may not be as lost as this pray speaks to God almighty in behalf of those that really are; so I’m asking you that are not so terribly lost to please insert the family or person’s name in the blank space provided making the prayer for those you know personal; for they are spiritually lost to the things of God; for their souls are led astray do to substance abuse; spiritual poverty that hangs over them. Also many country’s; Cities and States are under attack, and they can’t seem to get their spiritual feet back into the Light of the Lord to give a way out of that emotional, fearful dark place. A`-men!

Ministry of Poetry:

During unhealthy times of stumbling in darkness; my mental man can’t see!

There’s just no light shinning on his feet; to keep him from defeat; but if engaged daily in holy activity; the living Word of God will be “A lamp to my feet and a light to my path” leading me out of a troubled Past. Written by: Minister Lorraine Munerlyn

Lesson: A LAMP TO MY FEET Psalm 119: 105/ Psalm 119: 133/ Proverbs 20: 27

“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path”v119:105 Psalm. I’ve said this before “Everything starts with a thought first!” The Word of God is put in our hearts and written on our minds so that we would obey our Father God! A`-men.

Let’s look in KJV Hebrews 10:16 “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them.” A`-men! In this new covenant, the old covenant and sacrifices has now been replaced by Christ’s coming and offering Himself once and for all in accord with God’s will.

This means that the living Word of God has been established within our spiritual being. We are forgiven by God through Jesus blood shed; we're also called by God for He is the Creator Himself established within us. A`-men! So Jesus waits in the highest honor at God’s right hand until his enemies are humbled as a footstool under His feet (Hebrews10:13).

When God looks at us He’s looking for His established WORD that He placed in us; to keep us corrected before God, and man-kind which causes us to walk in the Light of His WORD.

God’s Word says; He has ordered our steps in His WORD, and let not any iniquity have dominion over me” (Psalm 119:133). With our steps being ordered by God according to His Word that means, the Lamp is already established to our feet.

This Hebrew word for established means “Found”- “Fix”- “Firmly placed”- “Prepare.” We are peculiar people, and we have to examine exactly the whereabouts of our feet to our spiritual being.

In your moments of private despair and suffering; your mind in thought will walk you back to a place of bondage just like the children of Israel. After they were set free; their minds kept walking them back to bondage (darkness and enslavement) because they couldn’t see where they were going in the Light of God’s call for their new life. PLEASE HEAR THIS!!

The feet to your spiritual being are connected to your thoughts, which are already worn out tired from past hurts; past despairs and sufferings from the self inflicted bondage you can’t seem to separate yourself from. Your mind can run and take you into a place so embedded in bondage that it will speak to your tattered soul over and over again repeated lies told to you by others; but those lies don’t cause as much damage as the lies you tell to yourself.

Just so you lose your spiritual footing, and walk back out of the Light; leading your soul away from the path of righteousness.

I’m Minister Lorraine Munerlyn, thank you for joining me in another prophetic teaching of the gospel. May our Lord God and Savior continue to bless your spirit and soul richly as you study to show thy self approved. A`-men! Until next time! Peace and Blessings to all.

Friday, June 20, 2014


GREETINGS! I am Minister Lorraine Munerlyn! Welcome to Family and Friends Bible Study; I pray that you all has read and studied with replenished; restored hearts unto God in Jesus Name, and I also pray that your faith levels are up high soaring in the living Word of God. A`-men!

Let’s Pray:

Dear gracious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; I come looking for a deeper walk with You on this God given day seeking Your LOVE and a better understanding of Your Love and Forgiveness toward my family and me. Thank You God and Lord for helping me to come to a quiet place within You in this lesson and within my surrendered heart to You. A`-men!

Lesson: “GOD’S LOVE REJECTED” Final Conclusion Hosea 3:1-5

It’s amazing how God the Father heals by way of redeeming, through buying back, His bride. This highlights His extraordinary LOVE for her (Israel). She did not come back to Him so He went to her in the form of a Holy flesh man; Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Before Jesus was called forth to walk among the land of the living… God had called many prophets His ordained spokesmen to go and give His Words of prophecy to His sinful natured people calling them to repentance and confession.

God needed to make sure whomever He used; fully understood what God wanted in the depth and importance of the call to repentance and confession was established for them too understand to never return to such sins as the flesh of eyes nor return to anything out of a prideful nature.

Father God had to give Hosea his own Israel and Judah experience in order for Hosea to understand God’s love for a bride, and what it felt like to have that bride reject her king and his undying love by choosing others to love her; making the others her god and lord. Please read Hosea 10:2-4Father God gave Hosea, Gomer; a woman that loved prostitution (men with money whom she sold her body as a bribe for the things men could buy for her); they took her places filled with luxury, so Gomer sold herself for jewelry, fine linen and silks and so much more.

The name Gomer, literally means completion; meaning that Gomer was complete in her idolatry state of prostitute! When Hosea married Gomer, it gave Hosea a deeper look at God’s Love; and how much God really does love His bride; a bride God wanted to fill with His Spirit of righteousness; and when she refuse to cooperate; God had to intervene by “Driving her in front of the plow. Israel and Judah had to break up the hard ground of their hearts and souls; their days of ease had to go.” Let’s look at Hosea 10 the later part of verse 11.

This story of Hosea and Gomer, will conclude the lesson of “God’s Undying Love!” When we look into the eyes of the Scripture in Hosea, we hear of how our LORD and GOD love Israel. In Hosea God reveals His unending LOVE for his sinful people and His desire to restore the relationship between Himself; Israel and Judah.

The people of Israel and Judah were viewed as prostitutes (a body of children living perversely). Gomer was so full of this perverted spirit (prostitution) to a point of being possessive (having a appetite for sleeping with men to get in exchange the pleasures of her eye’s for the lust of her flesh caused her to be filled with pride in getting what she wanted).  This is happening to many, many people of God today; with appetites for other fowl things in this world that will steal your heart and soul from God and cause your mind to lose sight of the things and promises of God.

God used His prophet Hosea in a very profound way! God our Lord had Hosea to marry this prostitute Gomer in order for God to teach Hosea His omnipotent LOVE that would aid Hosea in assisting and directing him to become wrought in God’s LOVE.

I asked God! How can He love us the way He does? “He replied it’s because My LOVE is not depending on you.” People of God! God LOVES us so deeply that He knows many of us will reject His Love and WILL   NOT return to Him; and yet it still has nothing to do with His decision to love you.

God needed Hosea to have this sadden experience by marrying Gomer to give Hosea’s heart, mind and soul the betrayed love God had received from Israel and Judah and the world of today that’s called His bride.God through Jesus Christ of Nazareth wants a marriage to take place; but the first thing about a marriage is to involve through complete understanding the IDENTITY. “THE TWO ARE TO BE ONE!”

THE RECOGNITION OF UNITY IS ESTABLISHED. Wo-man was taken out of man giving her a place by her husband’s side; she is to walk with him as he follows God; placing all he has including his own life in the hands of God by faith; love and yielding to the things of God and heaven. A`-men and a`-men! People love by way of their flesh, what their eyes beholden; then their pride desires whatever their soul has coupled with, within the flesh and eyes. In the story of Hosea and Gomer, Hosea’s wife was every bit of 1John 2:15; 16.

 I am Minister L. Munerlyn wishing Gods continue blessing to ALL. Peace!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

"GOD'S UNDYING LOVE" Conclusion Part 1 of 2

Greetings my family and friends! It’s so great to speak to you all again. I come in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, with the closing Word on the lesson “God’s Undying Love” a`-men! In our closing Word of this lesson God’s Undying Love; we will (God and I); teach from the great expression of His Love portrayed in Hosea.

The Key verse: Hosea 10: 12 From the NLT Bible as it is written: “I said, ‘Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of my love.” Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the LORD, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.’

Here again is the Key verse in Hosea 10-12 out of the NKJV“ Sow for yourselves righteousness; Reap in mercy; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the LORD, Till He comes and rains righteousness on you.” Wow!!! Listen to God’s Word.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, You are the giver of ALL Spiritual Grace, the Author of our faith; please find us Your family of children pleasing in Your eyes on this God given day. Touch and bless us ALL with Your out stretch hand that reaches over the whole world and land (people). Let Your innumerable Peace, and Love be with us ALL in Jesus Name. A`-men!

Lesson: “God’s Undying Love” Conclusion Part 1 of 2 Hosea 10: 12/ 2:5-13 Also Hosea 4:1-3

The Word of God Almighty is looking for a way to show HIS unending LOVE for his sinful people and HIS desire to restore the relationship between Himself and Israel.

God had allowed Israel which are His entire people a world over to choose the easy way of living life. When we look at verse 11 of Hosea 10 from the NLT as the Word of God is written “Israel* is like a trained heifer accustomed to treading out the grain-an easy job that she loves. Now I will put a heavy yoke on her tender neck. I will drive her in front of the plow. Israel* and Judah must now break up the hard ground; their days of ease are gone.”

Israel (a people a world over) has lived, loved, laughed and did life the way they’ve wanted to do life. It’s easy to rob; steal; kill and destroy! It’s easy to lay and play sexually; it’s easy to sow discord, malice, strife, and be jealous of all those that work hard. It hurts to see the bigger dreams and things actually happen for those your jealous of and despise them.

It’s easy to be an alcoholic, heroin addict; prostitute and all the other addition people are addicted to including the spirit of HOMOSEXUALITY; and gambling. ALL addiction can be viewed as a thief to steal, kill and destroy the minds and souls of God’s people.

These spirits are very controlling and dictatorial. What am I saying about these spirits? I am saying that all spirits that goes against God’s Holiness for one of His children (ALL PEOPLE) has come under an expecting unquestioning obedience to another god.

Children have given up the righteousness of God’s amazing truth established on the cross, and the world has blind sighted them into thinking they have the right to sign themselves out of an education at the tender age of sixteen years old. This is too much power that develops out of miss-guided; uneducated; un-prepared lives for the world of ignorance that our children have already enveloped in as well as this world’s involvement of crimes that revolves around a spiritual death sentence many children has become yoked by. Please look at 2 Corinthians 5: 20-21 and be blessed by the Word of God. A`-men!

This broken world is crippled! It has become fractured; and it walks all day and night leaning on darkness as a crutch and it’s looking for its own dark minds and harden hearts that are fallowed and full of rebellion. This world seeks out these kinds of people that will reject the seeds of righteousness (the Ways of God through Jesus Christ God’s Holy Son).

It is these kinds of people in the land of Israel and Judah that God the Father needed Hosea to prophecy to, so they would come to a place of repentance and confession within themselves so that God could do a new thing in their hearts and souls.

I am Minister LorraineMunerlyn, and before I say a`-men in closing in this first concluding part of God’s Undying Love I want to pray for you and your family.


Father God forgive my family and me for all of our sins seen and unseen sins we have committed in our hearts of wrong before You and mankind. Please create in us Father God a clean heart; break up the fallow ground of our hearts and cause our souls to become purged from all the hurt and abuse we have acted out of for all these years in Jesus Name A`-men and a`-men! If you prayed this pray with me, I want you to know you  and your family are very much so LOVED by our Savior Jesus Christ the Messiah (Deliver) and He has saved you and family from ALL hurt and abuse, and He has Forgiven ALL.

Now! All you have to do is exercise your faith and the gift of salvation. How do you do that? Start by finding yourself a great bible base teaching Church and go to bible studies; pray three times a day or as often as you can. The bible says in 1Thess. 5:17 “Pray without ceasing.” When you pray please pray the Word of God! Peace and Blessings to your soul, heart and mind in Jesus Name a`-men and a`-men!

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Greetings from Minister Lorraine Munerlyn

Welcome back to Family and Friends Bible Study! I pray all is well with each and every one of my family and friends in the body of Christianity a world over. I pray that every one has studied the scriptures given and we are all on the same spiritual page of understanding the lesson being taught on “God’s Undying Love” may our God bless you richly on today.

I pray that all of my family and friends within the body of Christianity understands God’s Faith is a supernatural miracle! What better way could God show His Love mighty and strong in battle, than to allow He, Himself to be tempted by the accuser of the world that’s called by God to charge our authority as joint hires with Christ Jesus.

The accuser was calling God’s (Jesus) hand by trying to out smart; out think God (Jesus) but God through His Son stuck to His Word that is established in all of eternity.

He will (God) never go against His own Word that is the unity of Love God has within the union of Him; Him and man-kind. If His Word is good enough for He Himself its Good enough for all who Love Him in His Son’s Name Jesus Christ of Nazareth. A`-men and a`-men.

Let’s Pray:

Dear gracious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I come to You open to Your teachings; Your wisdom I plead too help me move closer in my walk with You. Please move by Your Spirit of authority in Truth and Holiness so that I can be one within You. Help me to set my mind to Your mind and help me to turn from my ways only to turn to Yours in Jesus Name a`-men!

Lesson: “GOD’S UNDYING LOVE” Part 4

In the book of Matthew 4:1-11 Satan offered Jesus a shortcut. “The Devil showed Jesus the nations of the world and all their glory. ‘I will give it all to you,’ he (Satan) said, ‘if you will only kneel down and worship me.’ ‘Get out of here, Satan,’ Jesus told him. ‘For the Scriptures say, “You must worship the Lord your God; serve only HIM” Matthew 4:8-10. If Jesus had fallen for this trick, he would have sinned and lost everything.

We need to beware of the “shortcut” that takes us even one step outside of God’s will. We are warned: “Resist the Devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). We can show this resistance by ignoring offers that are “too good to be true.” There are really no quick fixes in life.

The path of righteousness can be long and hard, but many have gone before us and have been successful. As we stay on the path, taking one step at a time, we’ll find the good things in life God has for us.

Romans 12:2 "We are in the world but we’re not of the world," we are citizens of Heaven as beings in this world; we adapt to the things of this world like a chameleon changes its color by patterning its self after its environment. This is the enemy’s way of trying to separate us from God Almighty; whom we are to pattern ourselves after. A`-men!

Let’s take a look at 1 Corinthians 10: 2- 23 in these Scriptures you will find the “warnings against idolatry.” Please read the Word of God in 1Corinthians 10: 2-23. Here let’s look at v8 of 1 Corinthians 10 from the NLT bible it reads “And we must not engage in sexual immorality as some of them did, causing 23,000 of them to die in one day.” Now! Look back at the paragraph above; starting with “We are in the world”

Paul is showing us what not to be like. The Israelites’ lack of self-discipline and vigilance against temptation led them into sin. They were overconfident, and that attitude led them to disobey Gods good instructions for them. If we allow ourselves to continue to live as the Israelites; failing to obey the warnings of God’s Undying Love for us as a called people of God; then we will suffer the same painful consequences that they did if not worst consequences.

In 1 Peter 2:9 as it is written “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

Here! Let’s look at the Words of 1 Peter 2:9 from the NLT bible “But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are a Kingdom of priests, God’s holy nation, his very own possession. This is so you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” A`-men and a`-men!

I am Minister Evangelist L. Munerlyn, thank you for joining family and friend’s bible study and I pray peace and blessings to all of you in Jesus Christ name. Shalom!

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Greetings from Minister Lorraine Munerlyn

Welcome back family and friends! Family and Friends Bible Study is happy that you joined in on another empowering Word from the Scriptures of the gospel.  I pray all is richly well with everyone of you, as well as with your family and friends and even any foes you may have. God’s desire is for us to wish well upon everyone. A`-men.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You on today with my heart full of questions and concerns, that I have no answers to. I need You my Lord and Savior, to answer me, so that I can stay encouraged to do what is right in Jesus Christ Name of Nazareth. A`-men and a`-men.

Lesson: “GOD’S UNDYING LOVE” Romans 8:28-39

We’re going to talk about God’s Undying Love, and how nothing can separate us from His Love. In v31 of Romans 8 it is written “If God be for us, who can be against us?”

In v32 it reads “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not, with him also freely give us all things?”

This v32 is speaking to our security in life as God’s chosen people. God is saying “I did not spare my own Son, but gave him up for all of you, your families, whether they are drunks, prostitutes, drug users, abusers, homosexuals and even white supremacy. We are in the world but we’re not of the world, we are citizens of Heaven; as beings in this world we adapt to the things of this world like a chameleon changing its colors, by patterning itself after its environment. This is the enemies’ way of trying to separate us from God Almighty. We are to pattern ourselves after Jesus Christ.

The reflection of a chameleon verses a person who change their opinions or behavior according to the situation, reflects the worlds impressionable acts on how to handle situations; instead of rejecting the offense or trial in tribulation they become birthed out of the abuse and beget abuse; birthed out of homosexuality and beget homosexuality and so forth.   

So you have to think on; if He DID NOT spare His own Son, but gave him up for you and my family of children that are not living right due to the life style of a chameleon world, won’t God who’s the gift giver of life through Christ, also give you everything else you and your family of children need of Him through His Son Christ Jesus, whom is my God and Savior? God’s Undying Love will never change like a worldly chameleon changes its colors, but God does expects us to change from being a human chameleon that looks like the world and change or work at changing into His Only begotten Son Christ Jesus image. Read Romans 8:28-29 you are more than a conqueror!

My soul has been tied to the POWER of God’s undying love for all walks of life, for the last several week of this New Year. The Holy Spirit caused my soul to cling to this strong case and point of “God’s Undying Love.” The Holy Spirit pointed out in Genesis 1:26-27 in v26 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” In v27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” These Scripture verse are saying God; created  He Himself in flesh form, a man Adam and a mate Eve female; but nevertheless it’s not about the flesh, but about the power of re- created Spirit of God within fleshly beings out of dust, blood and water. God Is Not fleshly male or female; but He Is a Holy Spirit and He Is the Law of Life calling us all to a Holy way of living.

God created man in His own image (Adam). When God created Adam he was a prototype of Jesus Christ. After all else that was good in God’s eyes of creating man, it was God’s design that gave this man the outer flesh image of what God wanted man to look like, then God breathed in man causing him to hold the Spirit of God, and gifting Eve with the power to give birth yielding after their own kind as human beings containing the Holy Spirit of God, God’s “Breath is His Spirit of Life” These two fleshly beings were given power to subdue and rule over the air and earth and everything in them. Read Genesis 1:26-31.

“Our sinfulness ALWAYS leads us AWAY from God and distorts the way God created us to be.” As we progress in the redeeming Blood of Christ Jesus, and exercise power through the Blood of Salvation; Jesus is offering us our part in God’s re-creation of our fallen World in and through God’s undying love, that is manifested through His Only Begotten Son Jesus.

It is in God’s undying love given through our Lord and Savior’ Life Blood; that took our sins away! Even though God the Father created His Son, our Savior to die for your sins and my sins, but it was His way of also pointing out Himself to us all, and how well He stood in oneness within Himself, that resembled none other than He Himself as Christ Jesus.

I’m Minister Lorraine Munerlyn, Please study the scriptures given and we will continue this study of “God’s Undying Love” in the next two weeks thank you all for bearing with me. Peace and Blessings in Christ Jesus!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Greetings from Minister L. Munerlyn

Praise our almighty God in the highest my family and friends; God put His Word in you to aid and assist you in a God given life of Freedom through His Only Begotten Son Christ Jesus of Nazareth. A`-men! Happy New Year to you all and welcome back to family and friends Bible Study in 2014.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Father God in all of heaven and earth, I thank You for Your out stretched hand full of Your tender love and care. I thank You Father God for blessing us all with this new day of this new year to fellowship in the gospel. I pray that this brand new year will find all the body of believers covered and strengthen in Your Word and Your Holy Shalom that I pray is presiding in their hearts and souls in Jesus Name a`-men.

Acts 15: 7-9; John 21:17; John 18: 15-27. We are going to take a good look at Peter and how Peter’s love became tested through the spirits of fear and shame that caused him to reject Christ Jesus for a moment in time.

The Freedom of choice is given to us ALL by Father God. Father God takes whatever we choose to do and uses it to bring us into an accountable and responsible life through OUR CHOICES.

So in all that you choose today are you choosing to be free or to be a SLAVE? If you choose wrong you’re subjecting your self to become yoked by condemnation and judgment from people of the world! Judgment is handed down by your choice of becoming a slave to sin or judgment can be lifted in your choice of FREEDOM in Christ Jesus. It’s your choice to live in Christ by dying a fleshly death that has already been paid for. There’s NO other death that can pay for your sins, it has already been done through our Lord God and Savior Jesus the Christ of Nazareth on the cross. A`-men!

You can’t lie about how you feel to a HOLY GOD of all God’s! He’s King of kings and Lord of lords there’s nothing He does not know about; when it comes to you and your wicked thinking do to old set backs and hurts that has distorted the TRUTH of Jesus Christ of Nazareth’s Love for you and your family.

Let’s look at Acts 15:7-9 NLT bible v7 “Peter stood and addressed them as follows: “Brothers, you all know that God chose me from among you some time ago to preach to the Gentiles so that they could hear the Good News and believe.” A`-men! Here is conformation in God’s Word pertaining to Peter look at John 21:17 Here Simon son of John, was asked three times by Jesus a question that grieved Peter because it was asked three times! The question was Simon son of John; “Do you love me?” 

Why was this question “Do you love me” asked three times by Jesus to Peter? Was it for Jesus sake of certainty or for the certainty of Peter? Jesus knew of Peters love for Him was true but Jesus also knew Peter was a fleshly man that could very easily run away if the job Jesus was calling him to became to hard or to offensive. Jesus needed Peter to feed His sheep the Living Word of the gospel to the Gentiles and that time was nearing.

Jesus needed Peter to become searched of all malice and fears that would cause Peter to deny Him as Lord of his life and as a follower; a servant of the Lord our God. In Romans 13:10-14 the Word speaks of “Love worketh no ill (evil) to his neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.”

No love! Is an inner malice that lies within a person! Rottenness within is directed outwardly to your neighbor. Let’s look at the word malice from 1Peter 2:1-3. “Malice” means badness, depravity, malignity, or trouble. The Greek word for evil is used 11 times in the New Testament to indicate that wickedness which comes from within a person (verse 16; Rom. 1:29; Eph. 4:31; Titus 3:3).

The word “Guile” in 1Peter 2:1 means trick, craft, or deceit. Here is how the antichrist spirit works in our fleshly un-purged hearts and mind. We all know a few hypocrites, and pray that we will not be among their number. They pretend to be believers, but have not really given up their worldly ways.

The question of LOVE for Christ Jesus will be put to you; will you pass the fiery test of your love for Christ Jesus as a called servant of the Lords? No one likes to get burned but fire is what it takes to eliminate things permanently! A spiritual thing that does not belong in your godly character must be dealt with. God’s love is a Spiritual Fire to birth change in you so when you say yes to Him; He needs you to know and understand you can’t go back to doing YOU; because when you say yes you’ll never be the same ever again once you say yes three times there’s a resurrection in Christ Jesus of Nazareth! Loyalty must be established in your own heart of hearts. “You see, you can be willing fleshly, but not ready spiritually!”

You see Peter had once told Jesus that he would never deny Him; but Jesus told Peter that before the cock crows; three times you would deny me; but Peter could not phantom that thought in his natural mind at the time Jesus spoke of this Truth! Look at John 18:15-27 please read and see how fear and shame cause an inward persecution too take hold of your heart and give witness of the antichrist which had entered in for a moment in Peter’s soul of thoughts to only be used by Jesus as a mirror reflection to show Peter how he looked under the hand of persecution as an onlooker and follower of Christ our Lord.

The antichrist spirit is very subtle and sneaky. It wants to over power, to conquer your emotions and feelings to cause you to feel spiritually murdered within your own self perception of being a slave to Christ Jesus of Nazareth. Please allow the Holy Spirit to examine your mind and heart each day of you life so that you will stay in the will of God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

I’m Minister Lorraine Munerlyn, thank you for studying with me here at Family and Friends Bible Study see you all very soon in studying the Word of God.
Peace and blessings to all of you and please unwrap your heart for Gods love to flow in.


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