A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Greetings my Family and Friends! 
Welcome to another Bible Study here at F.A.F.B.S. We are in the close of the lesson “NO FEAR! ONLY FREEDOM” that’s pointing to the Scripture 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Let’s Pray:
“Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed will be thy name” amen (Matt 6:9).
You are the Only One and True Almighty God creator of ALL heaven and earth; and
Holy is Your Name in ALL of heaven and earth. Amen and Amen!

Lesson:    In this lesson I give you a prophetic word from the Holy Spirit whom is the author of my Knowledge and Wisdom! Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-14. Amen!

In reflection of the eyes in the scripture 2 Tim. 1:7 we hear what God “DID NOT” give us (Fear), and we hear what He “DID GIVE” “Power, Love, and a Sound Mind.”

The enemy is so busy, that he plays dirty mind games on us using sex and drugs, poverty and many other spiritual doors to our souls which would cause a craving (breach), and through these cravings (breaches) a hunger cry to the call of deceitfulness develops. When  one of these spiritual doors becomes opened there’s a breaking in the hedge of protection; by way of choice! Spiritual sickness, and darkness enters in making you think your dying, you become so badly sick that your soul has embraced the concept of death, and when your soul has becomes engaged in such thoughts it doesn’t know how to escape the luring deception of the lies the enemy has spoken.

If it’s not any one of these spiritual stricks against you, the enemy will have you confessing the “lie” that Jesus is only a man and He’s not God. Truth is Jesus is a man; but not just a man! He’s a son born of King David’s linage! A holy man that had no sin in him, a man birthed from the fruit of God’s loins as God’s Only Begotten Son! Being God born in the form of flesh; Holy flesh! Made in His own image of Holy Spirit and Holy Truth! Amen! He created Himself out of Himself through a virgin girl that was undefiled; by tainted defiled sinful natured man. He used an anointed young girl chosen by Him a pure virgin girl to give birth to an anointed Holy Him. “Be ye holy for I am Holy.” Lev. 19:2 see also 1 Peter 1: 16.

God is the source of all religious authority. How is authority revealed to men? God reveals “His Authority” to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. Look at Matthew 28:18
Jesus says! “All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth.” Amen!
Don’t you hear the Power, Love and Sound mindedness Jesus is within the Almighty God that is established within him.

The problem the people of the world has as well as those that are called saints of God is we’ve allowed him (enemy) in your way of thinking. This is why we are at war most of the days of our lived out lives! When you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior; your faith went straight way into the battlefield which engaged the enemy.

This is the Holy Spirit speaking through Lorraine Munerlyn, not J. Meyers speaking; in fact I have not read her books, and in that does not mean I don’t think she’s not great woman of God, the fact of the matter is she’s an awesome woman of God! I’m seeking the tutelage of the Holy Spirit for myself to be all that I AM called to be in Him God Almighty. Amen!

Now with this great understanding of the elite person of God Almighty I am and many others, you ask God to help you see yourself as He sees you. In asking God this question you are allowing the Holy Spirit to prepare you in all truthfulness to receive something about yourself from Him. Amen! Please read (Psalm 51:10) “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Amen!  I've said this once before! It’s time to become examined by the Holy Spirit of Life. Amen!

This something to receive is through the Blood covenant of Christ Jesus, believing that when you opened your heart to Him; He would search for not only Himself, but also look for all that is not of himself.  He wants to be Lord God Almighty in you’re choice of choosing Him; for what has been already recorded in heaven to be recorded in the earth. “Hallowed be thy name.” “Thy Kingdom come is (God’s Holy Spirit) (Him) in you.” “Thy will be done in the earth (you), as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6: 9-1).

Truth is! It is a spiritual gift from our Lord God almighty to show us ourselves. It’s like a spiritual mirror that our Lord God almighty uses to reflect His Love, Power in you showing you that because you chose him freely you’ve chosen soundly, having the mind of Christ full of forgiveness that will bring correction and deliverance not only to your life but also to the lives of others.  The weight of sin and death is subject to the spirit of fear; but it must flee from your presence as a known “Over comer through the Blood of Jesus.” Where Only Freedom is found! Amen and amen!!

I pray that you a have enjoyed the point in this lesson on “NO FEAR ONLY FREEDOM” I sure have! In these bible studies I am just as blessed as you are by the Holy Spirit teachings. I’m just a happy tool in the hands of God Almighty and I pray that you will embrace these lessons and move divinely in them embracing the move of the Holy Spirit that is desiring for you to abide in Him as His Word abides in you, and in doing so you will have the authority working in you to ASK WHAT YE WILL AND IT SHALL BE DONE UNTO YOU. In Jesus Almighty Name!  Read John 15:7

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, thank you for joining me in another great bible lesson here at Family and Friends Bible Study. Until next week Peace and Blessings to you and your family and friends even your foe’s and enemies; pray and wish for them as you would have Jesus Christ to be and do for you and yours. Amen!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Greetings Family and Friends!

Welcome back to another bible study! Part 2 of 3 “NO FEAR ONLY FREEDOM”
The Scripture base is 2 Timothy 1:7 “God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” Amen!

Let’s Pray:

Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ! Thank You for the POWER; LOVE, AND THAT OF A SOUND MIND IN GOD. Help my mind Lord be set to Your Will and Your Way in Jesus Name Amen!!


In Isa. 7:9 “If ye will not believe, surely ye shall not be established.” Amen! The point made here is God’s desire for a called people to be established in Him; so He’ll be the one to teach you by the Holy Spirit of life, how to rise above the struggles of compromised living in fear and not exercising freedom to believe! Your faith of having belief establishes you as an over comer through the blood of Jesus.

God will minister to your spirit-man with His Holy Spirit of life, and it is through His Ministering Holy Spirit; He will lead and guide you into a Holy Truth through the scripture of His Words in wisdom spoken,  for a world to have a better knowledge of His Love and Forgiveness by the word of their testimony; which makes a better witness: for the Word of God is the leader and governor  for a people a world over to see themselves as He sees them in Spirit and in Truth, on how to live a life of holiness in the Spirit that is Holy and pleasing to He, Himself.  Amen!

We are heavenly citizens! Our Holy King wants to fellowship with us, but the teachings will not empower us all because the self-perception of ourselves is very poor. Worldly standards have a hold on the un-educated carnal minds, pertaining to a life of holy living; worldly standards have a hold on many hearts, especially our children. It has a hold on their bodies and as long as the un-educated people of God continue to allow the fleshly hold of this world to keep them, they will never become delivered from being held in bondage due to association of the world.  In Romans 12: 2 “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is.” Amen!

When you desire to live as a living sacrifice to God, there is no way any entity that is not of God can live in your soul of thoughts or your heart and mind; but the entities (sinful desires) that are not of God desires to live in you so that you will stay in sin or become sinful; so sinful minded that you will reject the things of God and if this happens or begins to happen; I pray that you will began to cast them down in Jesus Christ Almighty Name.

If you do not use the power that you have been endowed with; you will never walk into your season of empowerment. You have to believe you were set free from yoke bondage's that the enemy placed on you do to your unbelief, your behavior and customs of this world you did not want to let go, so in turn you became yoked by these worldly customs and so did your soul. Your soul becomes bound (tied) by your worldly unbridled imagination.

In other words you keep copying the customs of this world; when God is trying to transform you into a new person of God Almighty. For it is in the transformation you will experience the “Only Freedom” part taught in this lesson, and the worlds customs will never set you free of the FEAR. Fear is a spiritual door that must become shut in order to stop the breach that’s taken place in your soul and mind.

I pray “Let every breach be stopped in the name of Jesus” (Neh. 4:7). Let every breach be stopped; so that the development of your Godly spirituality will be rebuild, development of your mental, physical, natural body (healing), will take place within you and your family. Amen!

The enemy in you (fleshly motives) is lurking and roaming seeking whom he may devour. All the enemy can do is give you a thought or even a dream that is not of God; dreams that can be so seductive and perverse. Dreams the enemy give you are ways for the enemy to fish for your soul, but you can’t allow him to catch what belongs to God “your soul.” Amen! The focus of your soul aids you in having your mind set to the mind of Christ which is having a (Sound Mind) or it will be set to foolish things of the world (enemy). Amen!!

Your soul belongs to God; your soul is intangible and it should become set on the things of heaven, because you as a believer are a citizen of heaven that holds the empowering ability to tap into the intangible things of God for you as His son or daughter. This friend and family is walking in the spirit (Son ship).  Your soul is a valuable asset to God and the enemy wants it; but the things of the enemy are tangible and are acts of sin! Tangible things the enemy uses as bait to catch your soul up in thoughts that will hypnotize you and then capture you bringing you into bondage.

When the valuable assets of God’s gift (your soul), come alive in Him it is after which he breathes on the soul he placed in you for the divine purpose to funnel His abundance of prosperity sowing heavenly things into your life as a believer of Christ Jesus. Amen!

I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, Until we meet again please continue to press in the pressing of being victorious in the knowledge of God’s Will, Word in all of His Ways for you as His victorious child. Amen! Please study by looking intently into the eyes of the Scripture. Amen see you all next week Peace and Blessings my family and friends.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Greetings Family and friends!

Welcome Back Family and Friends to another Bible Study!

For the next three or four weeks we will study in Scripture 2Timothy 1:7 As it is written in King James Version “For God did not give us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.”  In the New Living Translated Bible it reads “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.” Amen!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God, Almighty Father, I come to You bowed down at the altar of my humble heart; and I surrender my mind heart and soul into You’re almighty hands with great expectations of becoming set free to be all I am called to be in and through Jesus Christ. In Jesus Name, I pray for my will to become Your Will; Lord I need You to help my mind to be set to Your Mind Lord God and Savior. Amen and amen!


It is important to understand Faith is expressed through Love for God in Jesus Name; God has not called you to fear, but to Freedom, and to Faith; you are called also to Love one another and that Love call will look for the good in a person no matter what they have done or has not done to you. God wants us to look for the good in one another. Why? Because the good that is to be sought after is the goodness of GOD HIMSELF stored inside all people a world over.  That goodness in you and another is the Love of God put there by God through your acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Upon receiving Jesus as Lord of your life and turning your heart toward God’s divine Word, Will and Ways to live Holy; you will be Holy Spirit led to live and walk in the Spirit of power and life. You no longer can live according to the old man (flesh) that old sinful nature must die off daily until he becomes subdued by the Holy Spirit of Truth and life in Jesus Christ Name.

Our God is a jealous God; Yes He Is! But not so jealous that he wishes you to be terrified of Him; causing a fear to come upon you so horrific until you fall away from His Will, that would go against His Holiness, righteousness, and the justice His Only Begotten Son fought for on Calvary.  That was a spiritual fight and we WON; through the shedding of Jesus’ Holy Blood on the altar (cross). Amen!

In that knowledge alone, is enough to know and understand that 2 Tim. 1:7 is saying Timothy did not have all of what was expected to be a leader in the Church; in fact He may have been fearful and timid at times, I know that I Lorraine Munerlyn, can also be from time to time; but our brother and apostle Paul said that God gives  “power, love, and self- discipline” (a sound mind). Amen!

A sound mind is to know how to live a life that will glorify God your Lord and Savior.

Paul, told Timothy not to let his weakness stop him from ministering to others. Amen! Timothy’s success was not based on his ability, skills or courage NO it was based on the Holy Spirit’s Power working in and through him. Timothy had to allow the Holy Spirit to subdue any fear, timidity, and
any other entities that was not of God moving against his soul and heart; if he had not done so he would have become subdued to fear which is not a spirit God gives us (body of believers).

God knows there are many in the land of the living that is timid and fearful; and in man-kinds eyes they are not good leaders for the Church (Body of Believers); but through God’s Holy Spirit and Holy Power we can succeed. Amen! Believe you are an empowering person of God, called by God to do great things.   

In speaking God’s spoken WORD you will become an instrument in the hand of God for God to establish you. Isa.7:9 “If ye will not believe, surely ye shall not be established.” In Romans 14:23 “Whatsoever is not of FAITH is sin.” Then you may be someone that does believe but there are times your not sure sometimes, you need God’s help; so you would pray Mark9:24 “Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief.” In praying this Word of God as it is written you’re not allowing the enemy to gain a foot hold on your soul of will and emotions; nor can he trespass against you even in your weakness, for where you are weak the Lord is strong! Amen!

God needs you to believe; so you can begin to “Get in Him, and He in you.” So that
your spirit-man becomes the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ being God Almighty, you and He become one heart beat in Spirit and in Truth, your heart will not beat for the things of this world; “No Fear Only Freedom.” Your heart will beat only for the things of God Almighty which is for the souls of the body of believers to be set free. “For whom the Son set free is free indeed.” (John 8:36) Amen!

 I’m Minister Evangelist Lorraine Munerlyn, and until next time Peace and Blessings upon your family and you in Jesus Name. Please be a blessing to a child by purchasing the children’s book “John’s Obedient Ants” I would greatly appreciate your support toward the children’s Christian Education. If you have a prayer request please post it in the comment box or email me directly at God Bless!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"WHERE IS THE ENEMY" Part 4 of 4

GREETINGS! Welcome, Family and friends to the conclusion of “WHERE IS THE ENEMY.” If you’re just now joining in please scroll down to part 1 of “Where is the enemy.” Please study all 4parts of this lesson to make the lesson complete in you.
Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God and Savior thank You for Your love and favor toward my life. I am grateful for all the lessons I am learning in and through the preaching and teaching of the gospel. Help me Lord God to be a better Stewart over all You have given me to care for. Help my mind to understand and obey Your Will and commands to love, repent, confess and forgive others as I desire to be forgiven in Jesus Name. Amen!


In the closing lesson of part 3 the Holy Spirit made mention through me the spiritual symbolic view of threshing! God desires for His called people to be separated from the world; purged from all filthy soulish contaminating thoughts that led to actions that struck or strikes against the body of Christ Jesus. The Almighty Power of God through Jesus Christ Love for you will convict your soulish thoughts and show you “WHERE THE ENEMY IS,” because God Almighty already sees and knows where he is lurking, but God needs you His chosen one to understand when your called your heart, mind and soul belongs to HIM.  

Through God’s grace the threshing is designed to purge you from the entities that are not of God Himself. The enemy in you doesn’t want you to have or experience the Grace given by God through Jesus Christ that has called you to be “Free in Christ.” Please read Galatians 5:1-14. You have been called to live in Freedom; not-freedom to satisfy your sinful nature, but freedom to serve one another in love. No one can love another if they are bound by the weight of husk (sin), nor can you freely move in the gift of God’s Spirit of Faith that will work in you; causing you to wax strong in God through Christ Jesus.

The enemy in you is the old sinful nature that has come accustom to doing and having his way, birthing an opposing spirit (rebellion) that goes against God’s divine purposeful plan for your predestined, preordained life. 

When your called by God and has accepted the calling there is still a great possibility you will sin even after you’ve answered the call to serve God; and God allows HIS anointing to still rest upon you as it was upon King David, even in David’s disobedience (sin)! God had David to build an altar, but David needed the threshing floor to build the altar on it so he could offer burnt offerings and peace offerings; in doing this the Lord answered his prayer, and the plague were stopped.” 

Please read 2 Samuel 24: 10- 25. David’s sin brought tremendous suffering upon innocent people. Yet David responded properly and brought restitution. Please be aware pastor’s, teacher’s, evangelist’s, parents, all whom has been given stewardship over another soul or soul’s; you have to be mindful every awaking moment of your God given life that you do not belong to yourself but to the Most High God Almighty and we as a chosen people will be charged in the Spirit by God to do what is right holy and pleasing to HIM and to those He has assigned us to, and most times we do not know to whom we are assigned.   

Your actions of sinning carry consequences as well as your disobedience will touch the people around us. In God’s judgment; you just may undergo a spiritual threshing that will bring you into total conviction of your sins and offer up your true sacrifice of praise and worship that becomes your burnt offering and peace offering that will spiritually burn away the fleshly acts of sin that keep getting in the way of your holy walk before the Lord in the land of the living. Your soulish thoughts dictate your actions, and your actions speak a truth to God. If your not looking like God Almighty (Jesus Christ) in all of your ways of being a call servant of God; well you will get dealt with by the Most High God whom will love you and show you through the scriptures “Where the enemy is in you.”

If you are a leader or parent, teacher in the body of Christ Jesus or even a pastor please find one hour to allow the threshing floor of your heart to offer up your sacrifice of praise and worship to God, for He alone is worthy of ALL the Glory, and Honor! Amen!

Exalt His Holy Name, cry out to Him asking to become purged from all that is not of HIM and ask for forgiveness due to your disobedience and even for those whom has harmed you, and never asked you to forgive them! God sees and knows who’s done what, but most importantly the one He’s really watching is you.

Allow God’s Holy Spirit to move upon your heart and let the threshing begin for this spiritual threshing will separate your ungodliness and bring you into God’s Holiness of peace and rest within Him; bringing you into His presence so you will begin to “WALK IN THE SPIRIT OF GOD AND NOT IN THE WAYS OF THE FLESH WHERE THE ENEMY IS FOUND.”

I’m Minister Evangelist L. Munerlyn, thank you for joining in on F.A.F.B.S. Please study all the Scriptures given in all 4 parts of “WHERE IS THE ENEMY” and continue to be blessed in Jesus Christ Holy Name. Peace and Blessings unto ALL. Amen! Also if you have not purchase “John’s Obedient Ants” please do so Thx You!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

"WHERE IS THE ENEMY" Part 3 of 4

Greetings Family and Friends!
Welcome to another great bible study! We are in part 3 of a question in thought that most un-churched and Church children (men and women) have. “WHERE IS THE ENEMY?” If you’re just now joining in on this bible study please scroll down to part 1 and scroll upward to this part which is 3 of 4. Please do so; I don’t want you to miss out on an empowering Word from the Spirit of the living God Almighty Jesus Christ.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord God and Savior Thank You! I Thank You for Your Kindness, Grace, and Mercy that allows me to get it right with you. You have blessed my life over and over again with Your renewed Grace, mercy and LOVE everyday of my God given life to choose to love you with all my heart, soul and mind. I Thank You Jesus for Your never ending love for me in spite of my spiritual disobedience and brokenness. Amen and amen!


We must allow the Holy Spirit to go way down deep in our heart and soul of thoughts through His Word of Life that will stir fresh and anew His Word that speaks to the brokenness that you maybe experiencing right now. In Proverbs 17:22 as it is written "A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones." You are a very powerful person in and through Christ Jesus; but the enemy nor the fleshly old man (sinful soulish spirit) that is very rebellious toward God’s Will, God’s Way that is in God’s Word on how to live holy lives;  that old man will not let the spirit man in you be the divine blessing you are to you're Lord God and King Jesus; for He is over your predestined preordained life.

You as an individual child or adult has been called by God to be holy, to be obedient, to be faithful, to be pure at heart, to be responsible, to be loyal to Him in all your ways of being a child of God Almighty; and in your individuality as a child or adult that’s called to all the above, and you're so much more than you realize you are in His attributes of being a child of God. Amen! He so desires that we have about ourselves that which would acknowledge Him as our Father and you being His child of many children.

This is the reward of obedience; “I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be My people.” Amen! Lev. 26:12. See also 2 Cor. 6:16.

The Word of God says in Lev.26:3-4 “If ye walk in My statutes, and keep My commandment, and do them; Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.” This Word is speaking of OBEDIENCE!

Let’s break it down from a spiritual view point on how the Holy Spirit is ministering His Word to me for you to understand Lev. 26:3-4 Amen! The Most High God is saying if you walk in the same way He does as your Most High God and Father; by being very consistent with His Sovereign, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons (chosen people of God) will be greatly honored by God Almighty! Sharing the wealth!

This is God’s statutes; “His written Law to the letter of the Word of God.” Is who He Is!“To keep the commandment is to keep the law of the Word of God before you, for the Word will correct, direct, encourage and strengthen you; this is why it is important to do them.” (Live the Word of God and allow God to live in you).“It is God’s way of never leaving you “Nor” forsaking you.” When your obedient to the law of the living Word of God, He said I will give you rain in due season, the rain is the out pour of His Holy Spirit that will water you (land) causing you to become fruitful and multiply in all of your holy godly ways of being a manifested fruit bearer of God’s peace, joy, love, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control, patience, gentleness, and even long suffering that is a shared experience through and with Christ Jesus.  

God is ready to bless (empower) graciously the land (people)! There is a double blessing spoken here in this Word of obedience! In spiritual symbolism the land being the people becoming watered by the spirit of obedience that releases the reward of seasonal rains to literally water the trees (obedient people) that will produce their (His) fruit. Then the Word of God says in verse 5 of Leviticus 26 “Your threshing season will extend until the grape harvest, and your grape harvest will extend until it is time to plant grain again.” (Becoming increased), but only after the threshing!

Threshing season! Let’s look at threshing in the natural sense pertaining to wheat or other grains. Farmers! Use a threshing-machine a power-driven machine for separating the grain from the straw or husk.

In the Spiritual sense of threshing, a person or person’s that has sinned and they are elected by God or they’re choosing God and desire to live a holy, pleasing acceptable life unto God then there’s an unction that’s Holy Spirit led to lay before the Most High God and allow this threshing to take place within their heart, mind and soul.

I’m Minister Evangelist L. Munerlyn, thank you for joining in on another great bible study with family and friends. Please read ALL the Scriptures given in all 3 parts and we will conclude next week with “WHERE IS THE ENEMY.” If you have not as of yet purchased “John’s Obedient Ants” please do so for a child or children. I thank you! Peace and Blessings in Jesus Name. Amen!


A BOOK EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!! This book teaches what happens when obedience is chosen! :::CLICK::: TO ORDER TODAY!